2018-04-27 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Eric Hartnett
Minute taker

FOLIO Day in Germany - Good turnout/interest; had a impromptu RM workshop; Chalmers interest in license agreement app; will use HLM and EBSCO knowledgebase but need license app; session for functional requirements (metadata/circulation/ERM); use cases for invoicing without purchase orders; Martina is still putting together the notes.

MARC Batchloader subgroup (under Metadata management) has first meeting today - will be an orientation/organization meeting; hope to have a couple of meetings before WolfCon. Subgroup page: Data Import (formerly Batch Loader) Subgroup

Planning for WolfCon Resource Management Workshop

  • Schedule review
  • Workflow selection

Some useful documentation

Discuss posts of interest:

Licenses: https://discuss.folio.org/t/licenses-ux-iteration-4-english/1771

Platforms: https://discuss.folio.org/t/platforms-ux-iteration-3-english/1773/8

Need to make sure license/platform work falls in line with ERM group's work;

WolfCon planning:

RM meetings 10:30-5, Tuesday-Wednesday and 10-12:30 on Thursday

Need to review use cases to see what's missing. What is in development? This needs to be discussed. What are the integration points? We've seen prototypes, mockups, how does it tie together in going through the processes? Need to clarify the data flow between apps. Plan is to spend most of the first day (Tuesday) going through the workflows. Perhaps having 10-15 GOKb update beforehand. Where does the workflow engine fit in? The hope is that a schema/data model for how everything integrates can be drafted, MM SIG should be included too. Start with data model on Tuesday and then circle back to to workflows to make sure they're supported by the data model. Kristin's going to create a spreadsheet where people can indicate their attendance at WolfCon.

Main GOKb presentation will be Wednesday - is this needed since there's a FOLIO Forum in mid-May? No, it doesn't seem as important. Getting work done is more important than presentations. GOKb will be included as part of the RM workflows discussion but not separate. Harry will come with a preliminary data model. Dennis has also done a lot of work in this area.

Action items:

Kristin Martin will create an attendance spreadsheet.

  • Hkaplanian will update schedule and add to agenda. Data model will be discussed first - he'll put together a draft we can use to start the discussion. He'll also let Cate know about our updates. He'll have Vincent reach out to Owen once the data model has been drafted.
  • Please add your name and times you will be at WOLFcon to the schedule
  • Please look at the Workflows tab. We will use this to prioritize workflows for discussion

Kirstin Kemner-Heek will reach out to Owen about leading the data model meeting.

Next meeting we'll try to prioritize workflows to be discussed at WolfCon.

Action items
