2018-07-20 Meeting notes

2018-07-20 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Minute takerBethany Greene (Deactivated)

Discuss posts of interest:

Auto-Generating Location Codes and Location Display Format

 Acquisitions hardcoded list values 

See https://discuss.folio.org/t/acquisitions-hardcoded-list-values/1937


  • po_order_type: right now, it isn't changeable - sometimes the order type may change - would be helpful to have duplicate order function
    • Need to follow up with Susan about Leased order type - perhaps not appropriate for an order type
    • Discussion of the need for On-Going Re-encumber order type - could this be useful for standing orders? - doesn't have to be reflected in order type, could be reflected elsewhere in the record - separate re-encumber field with yes/no checkbox - does there need to be distinction between subs and standing orders? - need to be a field that is reportable
  • workflow_status: need because you don't want the system to delete it, you need the history - in addition, need a field that clearly indicates if the order is open or closed - pending, open, closed (with "error" option in reason for closing)
  • product_id_type: this is a repeatable field, locally defined identifier option as well
  • material_type: need to be set by each library, possible to add local terms for material types; FOLIO will have set material types out of the box; difference in material type needs for acquisitions and for access/discovery - this may not be required for Inventory to create an item record - if a brief bib needs to be created for Inventory, it's ok because it will most likely be overlaid
  • po_line_order_format: physical, electronic, mixture of both
  • acquisition method: is it important to distinguish between orders that started in FOLIO and orders that started in the vendor system - local vs external could be yes/no field rather than purchase or purchase at vendor system - make them both firm order - add subscription and standing order types - Membership would be useful as an option

Picking up this discussion next week.

Action items
