2022-10-13 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-10-13 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 


Thomas Trutt 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Cornelia Awenius 

Elizabeth Chenette 

David Bottorff 

Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Andrea Loigman 

Laurence Mini 

Robert Scheier 

Andy Horbal 

Rebecca Pernell 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:



PO Assistance group

We will dedicate the alternating Thursday to this group.

PO Assistance group

Collecting Ideas / brainstorming

Meeting Notes

  • First step: Work through a feature and point out which parts could be taken over by RA SMEs
  • The group had a discussion on different ideas how the assistance could look like
  • Model idea 1: can a person/SME own one feature and do the PO work from top to bottom?
  • Model idea 2: can a small group take on a feature and add to the PO work e.g. put more info on the jiras, splitt them up etc.
  • Next steps: find a smaller example to talk through

  • Break the request into the smallest unit (reasonably) possible. Creating stories can help, using the following techniques:
    • User story: I (user) want to (action) so that (goal).
    • Given (context), when (action) then (output)
  • Reminder: From my perspective (Julie, with only 10 hrs/week): What can the SIG pick up so that I can focus my little time on things that are really hard to delegate? (See list from 19 Sept '22) Does it have to be me doing everything on this list?

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