2022-12-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-12-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Shirley Moentnish 

Cornelia Awenius 

Lara Moch (Unlicensed) 

Luisa Cywinski 

Brian Warren 

Holly Mistlebauer 

Andy Horbal 

Kristina Dorrough 

Paul Kloppenborg 

Elizabeth Chenette 


lisa perchermeier 

Christine Tobias 

Laurence Mini 

David Bottorff 

Erin Weller 

Molly Driscoll 

Kimie Kester 


Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Martina Tumulla 

Regina Frindt 

Nara Newcomer

Thomas Trutt 

@Mary Anderson

Andrea Loigman 

Amelia Sutton 

@Paivi Rentz

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:








Holiday Season abscences

19th/22nd Dec. open

26th and 29th Dec. and 2nd Jan. are cancelled

First Date is the 5th Jan.

Recordings are not available since th 14th Peter Murray is working on that.

Until than manual saving if possible

Hello new Members of the RA SIG 👋
So Happy to have you all, please feel free to contact Cornelia and me with any question you might have.
This document is our RA SIG Member Cheat Sheet which should provide you with some helpful info on getting started here: doc




Discuss feature to allow patrons to replace lost items (UXPROD-728)

Paul is the Product Owner for this feature.  Holly is walking him and his colleague Lara through the process. 

Approval of requirements and mock-ups so feature can move forward.  Holly will work with Paul and Lara to send the mock-ups to Kimie and create user stories.

Discuss the state of fee/fine work given Holly is retiring on January 31

See JIRA Dashboard at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12627RA SIG members review features and add notes as needed.  We will discuss this again at a SIG meeting in January.
15MinDiscuss issue whereby a fully transferred fees/fine can not be claimed returnedSee example at https://bugfest-nolana.int.aws.folio.org/users/d73a183a-6136-4f62-9070-601d1fe07ab8/loans/view/6c6b89b3-12cb-4ceb-8dbb-5542435db169If an item is aged to lost and billed a lost item fee (or fees)s, which is then transferred, the loan is closed.  After the loan is closed you are unable to mark the item as Claim Returned.  What is the patron doesn't notice they were billed for the item until the lost item fee (or fees) has been transferred? After the meeting Holly created UXPROD-3929 for this feature.

Meeting Notes

Discussion of feature to allow patrons to replace lost items (UXPROD-728)

Some libraries are already doing this, even though we don't really have a feature in place.

Paul Kloppenborg is the new PO for this feature, but a dev team has not yet been assigned.

Holly is walking the RA SIG through the proposal for this feature.

There will be 2 options to access the replace item option – Loan details screen and Open loans, ellipses options menu.

When you click on the Replace item option, a modal gives you a box to enter information about the replacement Item (for example: this is a seventh edition, but we decided to accept it); next you would click on “Replace”. Then you would confirm that you are allowing the item to replace be replaced by clicking the confirm button.

David Bottorff notes that this “replace item” option needs to work both with Aged to Lost and with Declared lost items, because it isn’t efficient to have to change aged to lost items to declared lost before you can use this option. David also notes the replace item option should not be there for Claimed returned items or currently loaned items.

When the confirm button is clicked, the resulting action in FOLIO is

  • any lost item fees that have been billed will be cancelled
  • if there is a value greater than 0 in the replacement processing fee setting, then that would be billed
  • payment status would change to lost and replaced.

Then the replacement copy would be routed to be physically processed and cataloged.

Additionally, a permission will need to be created so that replacing items on FOLIO in the billing process is only granted to the staff who need it.

Discussion of the state of fee/fine work given Holly is retiring on January 31

Holly Mistlebauer is retiring at the end of January 2023 but there is no PO to take her place. Instead, a few individuals and teams are stepping in to be PO for a specific feature.

See JIRA Dashboard at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12627

On the dashboard, work Holly is doing currently is called Current Fees/Fine Features (left rows), and work yet to be started is called Future Fees/Fines Features (right rows).

There are three features with someone other than Holly as the PO. Besides Paul taking on UXPROD-728, there is also help from Bama Development team with UXPROD-3903 (Update automated transfer process to allow sites to format extract as needed) with Steven Turner as the PO, and Stephanie Buck is stepping up for UXPROD-2245 (Add option to get Actual Cost for lost item from order).

Holly is asking everyone in the RA SIG to look at the dashboard and at the features listed on the right to comment on the ones that may no longer be needed. And to comment on the ones that we think are most important. (Must be logged in to JIRA to comment. You would use the same password you use for the Wiki.)

Add notes about what is difficult in FOLIO without having a certain feature of why it would be so helpful to have that one complete.

The RA SIG will receive a reminder about commenting on this dashboard in early January.

Discussion about how a fully transferred fees/fine cannot be claimed returned (UXPROD-3929 has now been created on this)

When a fee/fine has been transferred, the loan is closed and the fees/fines are considered paid, and then the transaction cannot be changed to a claimed returned.

You can’t claim return on a closed loan.

We need to figure out a workflow to handle this problem.

Luisa Cywinski (Villanova U; moving to FOLIO in January) shared the process they use:

  • Claimed return on xferred charge, when the item is found, check it in and issue a bursar refund.
  • Claimed return on xferred charge, when the item is not found, leave it in a lost and paid state.

The claimed returned process in FOLIO is designed to work with an open loan.

Possible workaround – add a standard message, then use LDP to put these items on a report for you

Holly will create a feature. It will not define how the claimed return on an already transferred fee/fine will work. RA SIG and new PO will probably need to figure out how the feature would work for these cases.

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