2022-01-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes



https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

lisa perchermeier 

Thomas Trutt 

Heather MacFarlane (Deactivated) 

Holly Mistlebauer 

Andy Horbal 

Martina Tumulla 

Mark Canney 

Dwayne Swigert 

Sharon Wiles-Young 

Brooks Travis 

Laurence Mini 

Karen White 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Cornelia Awenius 

Pamela Pfeiffer 

Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Christine Tobias 


Erin Weller 

Kimie Kester 

Elizabeth Chenette 

David Bottorff 

Amelia Sutton 

Joanne Leary 

Andrea Loigman 


Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items


Note taker: Laurence Mini 




Resolve issues encountered by having one place process material requests for two Service Points

Discuss UXPROD-3494

Slack request for input: https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/C3G05TF3R/p1642532001015300

Other Cornell features/feedback: Getting issues...

Meeting Notes

Cornell is experiencing problems related to having one processing point handle books for both hold shelf and contact-less pickup. In order to have patron notices be sent properly, they are needing to pre-sort the books into hold shelf / contact-less based on the pick slips. However, some items don't have slips, and slips are easily lost in transit. This results in items needing to be checked-in multiple times so a patron notice gets sent.

Two proposed solutions are 1) To allow nested SP's – can have a primary SP with a secondary SP; or 2) To leverage the fulfillment field in some way, adding a 3rd value such as a contact-less checkbox. Both these solutions would be challenging to develop. Erin wondered if address type could be utilized in some way.

Another possibility is that if Delivery in FOLIO were fully developed, maybe this could solve the problem. The contactless location could be a delivery location (currently delivery does not route to a specific location). See UXPROD-2429, and related UXPROD-2648.

Ideally a solution would also work for those who use lockers, faculty delivery, etc.

It was decided that Thomas and Andy would check with Chalmers' Marie Widigson to see how they are handling their open hold shelf items. Cornell will look at the Delivery tickets to see if these could solve the problem, possibly with some extra features included. Erin will look deeper at whether extra features for SPs and tokens would work. Erin and the Cornell folk will consult on what approach might work for them. Erin will add notes to UXPROD-3494 from today's discussion.