2022-05-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-05-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Schwill, Carsten 


Thomas Trutt 

David Bottorff 

Mark Canney 

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

Christine Tobias 

lisa perchermeier 

Cornelia Awenius 

Erin Weller 

Rebecca Pernell 


Dwayne Swigert 

Kimie Kester 

Martina Tumulla 

Andrea Loigman 

Jana Freytag 

Schwill, Carsten 


Thomas Trutt 

David Bottorff 

Mark Canney 

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

Christine Tobias 

lisa perchermeier 

Cornelia Awenius 

Erin Weller 

Rebecca Pernell 


Dwayne Swigert 

Kimie Kester 

Martina Tumulla 

Andrea Loigman 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:

  • short videos for documentation/training/training
  • prioritisation process update (after May 19th) (after May 19th)
40MinOpen discussion



  • Short videos for documentation
    • Multiple SIGs have expressed interest in short videos for documentation and training purposes
    • Wanting short videos to document workflows like how to do a loan
    • Would potentially be an RA SIG small group that could work on it
    • David - at UChicago, we had 10-15 front-line staff who did this - used Zoom for quick and dirty videos - it worked very well. Already out of date with the Kiwi upgrade that they just did. 
    • Thomas - we recorded our training sessions at Cornell.
    • David - maintaining and updating videos is challenging.
    • David - ours were 2-5 minutes each, so short and sweet. Screen sharing on Zoom and talking while you do it. Saved files and uploaded them to a Canvas site to get to them from a central place.
    • Christine - docs WG has an instructional design intern developing a basic UI tutorial. Not sure about timeline for that being done.
    • Jana - smaller videos can be easier to maintain with changes.
    • Jana - one of our implementers is also thinking about videos for training. 
    • Jana - FOLIO project needs to think about internationalization of videos as well.
    • Andrea - is there a platform for translation? Jana - OLF Youtube could make subtitles. 
    • Thomas - example of how an in-app guide could be implemented - https://github.com/pulsardev/vue-tour
  • Prioritization process update - move to after May 19th - present a final draft to the PC so that they can decide if it works, give them a presentation on the tools as well 
  • Wolfcon session gathering
    • three topics listed are on the Excel sheet - also have topics on FOLIO at WOLFcon 2022 page
    • Andrea - suggestion - topic of requesting - TLR, integration with circ rules
    • Assuming MG is out by WolfCon, maybe a specific session on TLR?
    • Session on documentation specifically for RA? 
    • Erin - would be good to focus on WolfCon as a place to talk more about topics beyond things we could address in a SIG meeting - like cross-functional things
    • Is ILL integration and Discovery integration two separate topics?
    • Cornell offered to do a session on writing circ rules.
    • So how can we plan these meetings further?
    • Erin – difficult to commit to a role if you know that you would have to participate virtually. Jana - yes, I will bring that up with the convening group.
    • Suggestions for Working group topics - permissions, documentation, etc.
    • Julie  - glad to help with logistics. Jana - yes, looking for people who can help with content discussion.
    • Discussion might continue on Thursday.
    • Erin - nothing on Excel sheet about permissions? Jana - you could convene one - didn't make sheet because it didn't fit an obvious group. Erin will continue to think about it.
    • Erin - Cornell's circ rules proposal needs to be added to the sheet. Thomas will think about a title for the sheet. Jana will add a placeholder topic

Introduction - Christiane - new SIG member - welcome!

  • Short videos for documentation
    • Multiple SIGs have expressed interest in short videos for documentation and training purposes
    • Wanting short videos to document workflows like how to do a loan
    • Would potentially be an RA SIG small group that could work on it
    • David - at UChicago, we had 10-15 front-line staff who did this - used Zoom for quick and dirty videos - it worked very well. Already out of date with the Kiwi upgrade that they just did. 
    • Thomas - we recorded our training sessions at Cornell.
    • David - maintaining and updating videos is challenging.
    • David - ours were 2-5 minutes each, so short and sweet. Screen sharing on Zoom and talking while you do it. Saved files and uploaded them to a Canvas site to get to them from a central place.
    • Christine - docs WG has an instructional design intern developing a basic UI tutorial. Not sure about timeline for that being done.
    • Jana - smaller videos can be easier to maintain with changes.
    • Jana - one of our implementers is also thinking about videos for training. 
    • Jana - FOLIO project needs to think about internationalization of videos as well.
    • Andrea - is there a platform for translation? Jana - OLF Youtube could make subtitles. 
    • Thomas - example of how an in-app guide could be implemented - https://github.com/pulsardev/vue-tour
  • Prioritization process update - move to after May 19th - present a final draft to the PC so that they can decide if it works, give them a presentation on the tools as well 
  • Wolfcon session gathering
    • three topics listed are on the Excel sheet - also have topics on FOLIO at WOLFcon 2022 page
    • Andrea - suggestion - topic of requesting - TLR, integration with circ rules
    • Assuming MG is out by WolfCon, maybe a specific session on TLR?
    • Session on documentation specifically for RA? 
    • Erin - would be good to focus on WolfCon as a place to talk more about topics beyond things we could address in a SIG meeting - like cross-functional things
    • Is ILL integration and Discovery integration two separate topics?
    • Cornell offered to do a session on writing circ rules.
    • So how can we plan these meetings further?
    • Erin – difficult to commit to a role if you know that you would have to participate virtually. Jana - yes, I will bring that up with the convening group.
    • Suggestions for Working group topics - permissions, documentation, etc.
    • Julie  - glad to help with logistics. Jana - yes, looking for people who can help with content discussion.
    • Discussion might continue on Thursday.
    • Erin - nothing on Excel sheet about permissions? Jana - you could convene one - didn't make sheet because it didn't fit an obvious group. Erin will continue to think about it.
    • Erin - Cornell's circ rules proposal needs to be added to the sheet. Thomas will think about a title for the sheet. Jana will add a placeholder topic

Please fill in new Topics for our meetings at WOLFCon22 or claim a session

Session NameDescription (short)PresenterPlannerTimeSession formatAudience
Set Sessions so far:
Integration with Discovery, ILL and other external systems (coordinate with FOLIO and Discovery meeting)

Circulation in FOLIO

RA Working Meeting

Implementers view on circ rules
Thomas TruttJana Freytag

New Sessions we would like to see:
Integration with ILL