2022-08-25 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-08-25 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


julie.bickle Cheryl Malmborg Laurence Mini Joanne Leary Andy Horbal Kimie Kester Thomas Trutt Sarah Seestone Dwayne Swigert Brooks Travis Laszlo Jakusovszky Peter Murray Sebastian Hammer Andrea Loigman Cornelia Awenius Shirley Moentnish lisa perchermeier mey 

Discussion Items:



Note Taker: Laurence M.


Circulation log update: deleted item records


Mockups for review and a follow-up question on requirements

Meeting Notes

Stephanie Buck asked that SIG members look at the question she asked in the RA SIG Slack channel (today) regarding usage of the Circ Log, and please reply by the end of next week.

Regarding the question of how to have the Circ Log handle cases where an item is deleted, there was agreement that the mockups made by Kimie look good. This is to have, for part one of the fix, the barcode of deleted items no longer be a link. This solves the problem of users getting an error message (and sometimes a hung screen) when clicking on the barcodes of deleted items. There will also be a "i-in-a-circle" information icon preceding the unlinked barcode. On clicking (or tabbing to) the information icon, there will be a popup "Item has been deleted". It was agreed that gray is a good color for the icon.

Steph will check with Raman and see if items that are deleted via batch or import processes will be captured.

Since a common use of the Circ Log is for diagnostic purposes (e.g. an item has been deleted in error), it was agreed that being able to see information (title / author / etc. TBD) on the deleted items is desirable. Steph will work on this for Step 2  and come back to the SIG for discussion on what information needs to be included in this "snapshot", etc.

Thomas T. asked if anyone has any experience with, or suggested solutions for, FOLIO permissions getting completely wiped out. Cheryl M. said that they had an issue with users needing to logout and then login, but had never heard of permissions being permanently wiped out, nor had any of the other SIG members present. Thomas  said this has happened to him and one other staff member, both of whom do a lot of editing of user records. Checking with the log seems to show that the permissions were wiped by the user. No one could think of a reason why this might be happening. Thomas will try some testing, also ask in the Users SIG, and let us know what he learns.