2022-06-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-06-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 


Charlotte Whitt 

Andy Horbal 

Holly Mistlebauer 

Laurence Mini 

Stephanie Buck 

Dwayne Swigert 

Mark Canney 

Thomas Trutt 

Christie Thomas 

Pamela Pfeiffer 

Molly Driscoll 

Martina Tumulla 

Christine Tobias

 Karen White 


Andrea Loigman 

Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Kimie Kester 

Elizabeth Chenette 

Cornelia Awenius 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:

25 MinutesDependencies for deleting instances relating to Circ log and Fee/Fines
  • spec out expected behavior

Link to slide deck

30 MinutesRetry sending email on temporary failure (4xx) MODEMAIL-73 - Retry sending email on temporary failure (4xx)

→ Explain and discuss the consequences. 

Some questions to think about in advance: 
A__ Do we even want FOLIO to retry to resend notices? Is late better than never? And if so, how late can it be?
– N.B.: Please note that: This is a single configuration for the tenant, and not per circ rule/ loan/ etc.
B__ Do librarians want to see the retries in the circ log? Currently, they would not be populated (coz the circ log gets populated before mod-email steps into try to send the email).

Meeting Notes

Dependencies for deleting instances relating to Circ log and Fee/Fines

Currently for items with dependencies (On Order / Checked Out / Requested-in transit), you will get a warning, with no ability to over-ride, when you try to delete an Item. Need to go to relevant module (Orders / Check-out / Requests) and clear dependency there before you can delete the item.

  • Circ log:
    • Deleting Awaiting pick up items (UIIN-2086) should not be possible – should get same behavior (non-over-rideable warning) as have for Checked Out items, etc.
    • Erin in Chat: Right - back in April we talked about item statuses and deletion and the RA SIG listed desired behavior: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ws3P76LimI6MsYBp_f-Un4Ghzz_k_B0lXYCKi8Em8AI/edit#gid=0

    • Bug UIIN-2077
    • Questions:
    • The Item Barcode link in the Circulation Log would break when an item was deleted. Right. So you need to decide about expected behavior because you don't want to not be able to delete anything that has ever circulated. So, because that would essentially mean that anything that has ever circulated was no longer eligible to be deleted, which can't possibly be what we want.
    • Expected behavior - there would be no link from the circ log to inventory, only the (unlinked) barcode number, with the text removed/item deleted
    • Would we even want a warning to pop up if an item had an entry in the Circ Log?
    • Andy Horbal (in Chat): Might you be able to search and sort by a barcode that is no longer in use? As opposed to only being able to see all items which have been deleted? Might you *want*

    • Maybe an UI-Thing to not display an item
    • Maybe have the Circ Log show item deletions with Date and source
      • Surpress source column for some locations / make this configurable
  • Fee/fines:
    • Items with open fees/fines should not be deletable
    •  Some institutions have financial record-keeping requirements, so might not want to delete items with closed fees/fines that are less than five years old (for example).
    • Note that an item can have overdue fees/fines but still be circulating, so fees/fines on an item is independent from Item State.
    • Charlotte and Holly will spec something and come back to the group. 
  • item states:

Notes in Slack:

David Bottorff (UChicago) today 16:29
And with regard to dependencies for deleting instances, I'll just add that I'm most concerned about unintentional list of historical data/statistics. We should also consider these dependencies in the context of transferring items from one holding to another or from one instance to another

Erin Nettifee 

Deleting an instance wouldn't impact the availability of historical data in a reporting tool like the LDP, but it would impact the ability of institutions who don't have reporting tools. However, FOLIO should not be asked to serve as a reporting tool.

Retry sending email on temporary failure (4xx)

  • A__ Do we even want FOLIO to retry to resend notices? Is late better than never? And if so, how late can it be?
    • For which notes do we want to have a resend notices option?
      • Max time of retry to send a Mail is 10 Minutes
      • would be good to be configurable
      • time and retry might be configurable already julie.bickle will check
    • In favor of the process, but it would be good to have a readable log on this process, so that circ personnel can check without getting sysadmins involved - for possible discussions with patrons

  • B__ Do librarians want to see the retries in the circ log? Currently, they would not be populated (coz the circ log gets populated before mod-email steps into try to send the email).
    • keeping the circlog as circlog centric as possible - other mail processes should not be displayed here (password re-sets, etc.)
    • Have a separate log to track this?