2022-01-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-01-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes



https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Thomas Trutt 

Marie Widigson 

Brooks Travis 

Joanne Leary 

David Bottorff 

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

Andy Horbal 

Martina Tumulla 

Nicole Daly 

Laurence Mini 

Monica Arnold 

Andrea Loigman 

Erin Weller 

Dwayne Swigert 

Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Karen White 

Holly Mistlebauer 

Elizabeth Chenette 



Heather MacFarlane (Deactivated) 

Karen White 

Kimie Kester 

Robert Scheier 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items


Note taker: Andy Horbal 




Data corruption. When holdings/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Fee/Fine is not updated accordingly

Holly Mistlebauer 

Discuss UIU-2082

Historically we have saved the the data (including Inventory) as it stands when the fee/fine record is created.  This ticket is asking us to update this data when a change is made.

Meeting Notes


Congratulations to Chicago, Texas A&M, and WDR for going live! WDR is a public broadcasting institution located in Cologne. They have radio stations and TV channels and produce content for the internet. The library is for their staff. They are using the circulation apps, along with Inventory and Users.

Jana asked what the best way to let people know about future agenda items for planning purposes is. The consensus of the group was that it is helpful when she gives us a heads up on Slack and via email using the RA SIG listserv.

Data corruption. When holdings/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Fee/Fine is not updated accordingly - Holly Mistlebauer

Relevant JIRA: UIU-2082. Per Holly, historically we have saved the data (including Inventory) as it stands when the fee/fine record is created.  This ticket is asking us to update this data when a change is made. Loans has decided to do this. Holly’s question for the SIG is: do we want this to be the case for fees/fines as well?

What about the case of an items which was on reserve when a fee/fine was levied? If this update would remove info indicating that the item was formerly on reserve, it would be UNhelpful.

What’s in the underlying data, per Erin Nettifee in chat: title, callNumber, barcode, materialType, itemStatus, location, itemId, materialTypeId, holdingsRecordId, InstanceId, contributors.

Consensus that location, material type, loan type shouldn’t ever change in fees/fines. The SIG is agnostic about everything else. There isn’t anything that the SIG thinks definitely *should* change.

Consensus that loan type should be included in the underlying data as well. Holly said she would add it.

Question: does FOLIO prevent editing a barcode while an item is on loan like OLE does? Answer: no.

Note that we do not have a permanent PO for Loans.

Would it be possible to create new “original value” and “updated value” fields? This would be a best of both worlds solution.

When considering this ticket, it’s important to understand WHY data is being stored.

Consensus that it would be helpful to add patron group to fees/fines.

What happens to fee/fine record if item is later deleted? No one knew for sure.

Action item: Holly will write everything up. She invited everyone to please bring up anything they think of later in Slack.

Documentation Group update - Erin Nettifee

Docs.folio.org still contains Honeysuckle info, but Iris info should be available soon. This should be in sync with the development cycle hopefully by the time we get to Lotus. Version documentation will continue to be retained. Erin is working on getting a section added to the documentation website called something like “platform essentials” which will contain info on things like item state, permissions, etc. The goal is to surface this content from the Wiki to make it easier to find.


Erin also asked everyone to please respond to the question she posed in Slack about having more than one service point affiliated with a single physical location. This = coming to an RA SIG meeting soon!

David let the SIG know that an issue has been discovered whereby automatic patron blocks aren't disappearing like they're supposed to. Holly noted that support is working on this.

Reps from Chicago and A&M reported on how go-live is going so far. A&M crashed for a bit, but overall everything is going pretty well for both of them!