2022-06-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2022-06-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Mark Canney 

Martina Tumulla 

Dwayne Swigert 

Brooks Travis 

David Bottorff 

Kimie Kester 


Cornelia Awenius 

Christine Tobias 

Laurence Mini 

Elizabeth Chenette 

Erin Weller 

Molly Driscoll 

@Ajay Menon

Thomas Trutt 

Andrea Loigman 

Kara Hart 


Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:


Note taker:

Jana Freytag 




Requests around printing staff slips


In Slack:

I asked the dev team to explore options to address the number of clicks when printing staff slips from check in:  UICIRC-818 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There are 3 features tied to this task; I have updated them accordingly with the outcomes of the research.

In short though: We cannot skip the browser print model (where you select the printer, etc.), because this is a browser setting. More info in the associated feature!

10MinWOLFCon Session Planning

Our WOLFCon Sessions will all be in the afternoon and will be open for hybrid participation and presentation

  1. FOLIO and Discovery (joint session with MM SIG)
  2. Implementers View on Circ rules
  3. CDL update (joint Meeting ReShare/FOLIO RA SIG) will be colliding with
  4. RA Working Meeting (we could decide to loose the working meeting, please let me know)


I would be taking notes for every session, monitor the chat and record the zoom meeting to ensure a good hybrid experience.

Meeting Notes

Investigate customer requests around printing staff slips

  • When in FOLIO returning an item > print a slip for requests, in transit process > printing modal > Printer setup of your browser will pop up
    • can we skip these modal and print screen?
      • → printer menu can't be skiped since is a browser menu
      • → No automated printing out of Chrome
      • → more buttons for 'print and close' or just 'print'
    • 1 print slip per item > generate a collective print slip for all items checked-in 
      • →  could it be linked with the 'end session' button? - report form of the notes makes this complicated - moemory/storage wise - we maybe running into performance issues
      • Julie suggests updating this as Blocked by UXPROD-867.
      • in addition
      • Questions/Feedback:
      • configurable:
        • David Bottorff: For those of us who don't print transit slips, we would still need the modal to appear anyway

        • Thomas Trutt: service point level... (smile)

      • Andrea: we still need a modal to pop-up as a reminder, that there is something to be done with the item
      • Molly Driscoll: I remember this coming up when I was using SirsiDynix's BlueCloud platform as well. And when I left, they had not resolved it either for specifically these reasons