RA - PO assistance group Archive

RA - PO assistance group Archive

In September 2022 the RA SIG agreed to talk about how to assist POs in their work. julie.bickle initiated this group and led it for several meetings, teaching on how o create features and enriching existing issues with stories.

Idea for the PO assistance group from the notes:
As there is a lack of POs for RA, Andrea asks is there something we could do to try to move things forward
Julie: there is also a huge backlog because there is also a lack of developers and features turned out to be more complicated
Julie hosted a Wolfcon session on recruiting new POs and there is the idea of PO assistance, like helping with documentation and testing or consider everything necessary for stories
(recording: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/olf/wcon-2022-medium-4-wednesday/2022-08-31T09:05/)
there is a list of needs here: Product Owners
writing stories is the hardest and also means of communicatin with the dev teams
unlike in the other SIGs, there isn't a lead PO for RA - that has to be a full time job, we feel like we are losing advocacy for RA issues
Thomas: could the SIG take over ownership for a feature?
suggestion: we form a subgroup acting as a partial PO collective, choose a feature as an example and Julie is going to lead us through the PO work process
possible features: 3-part item state (too complex for a start), notices for actual cost (Julie needs this to get ready and can adapt it to other notice features), or something that doesn't have a PO right now?, new notice schedule for recalled items
next Monday Julie can talk us through a feature's life cycle and we call for volunteers

Meeting notes including recordings:

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