2022-05-25 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell  Charlotte Whitt Dennis Bridges twliu Peter Murray Oleksii Petrenko Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Magda Zacharska patty.wanninger Brooks Travis Owen Stephens 

Announcements 15  minutes


  1. Kiwi HF#3 - May 24
  2. Lotus HF#1 release - June 6 
    • module release deadline is May 30th 
    • Please please get your requests to release-bug-triage 
    • List of Lotus Hotfix #1 issues have been posted to Lotus Release notes
  3. WOLFcon 2022 - Session suggested by the PC; session planner Charlotte Whitt ; Topic: PO work presentation.
    1. Duration: 50 minutes 
    2. Format: Short presentation - Day in the Life of a PO – Experience
    3.  # of POs need to present: 5 POs (maximum) – already have 3. Ideally all 5 are in-person. If you are interested in presenting please add your name to the first tab of this document - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rgeNlrjYJpSTkINICs1VAX8UKfjUcs0egxvuvta7wF4/edit#gid=0
    4. Encourage all POs who will attend WOLFcon to attend to assist with questions, etc. 
    5. Contact Charlotte Whitt if you have questions or want to present. 
    6. Goal: recruiting new POs
    7. Following POs have volunteered to do talks/presentations/panel debat: julie.bickle , patty.wanninger  and Charlotte Whitt 
    8. Attendees list of PO's planning to attend WOLFcon 2022 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rgeNlrjYJpSTkINICs1VAX8UKfjUcs0egxvuvta7wF4/edit#gid=756558739 Please update the list if you know you will attend, or not: Yes, No, Unsure

All Wolfcon planned sessions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pj4OH49m0sxTeGsCNcAz5wzevjdYXMK6-gHPwOo6IMw/edit#gid=0

Sprint Testing Overview

25 minutesOleksii Petrenko 
  • Each sprint manual QA will conduct sprint testing of new development and regression testing
    • Manual QA will write test cases for development in sprint and enter in Testrails 
    • Manual QA review test cases with PO 
    • Automated QA will write and execute applicable tests
    • Karate tests will be run too. 
  • Purpose: Get ahead of testing before Bugfest
  • Has already begun - using environment to test Sprint 139 
  • Dedicated environment for sprint testing - managed by Kitfox team (https://sprint-testing.ci.folio.org/)  
    • Manual QA will verify previous sprint development in this environment (only affected areas for that sprint not everything) 
    • Also regression testing will be run 
    • Test runs will be handled in Testrails
  • Sync with stripes-force to align testing of all areas
  • Who updates the environment? (Kitfox or anyone has access to update) 
    • Shared environment 
  • Difference between snapshot and sprint environment (https://sprint-testing.ci.folio.org/)
    • Can be updated on-demand
    • Data persists 
    • This environment is primarily used by QA. Should not be used by POs for PO verification. 
    • e2e tests will move to https://sprint-testing.ci.folio.org/ environment

Sprint 139 Test run stats

How can POs help in this effort?

  • Please allocate time to review functionality with QA 
  • Please allocate time to address functionality questions with QA 

What if I do not have a Manual QA? Please contact Oleksii Petrenko to add test cases for sprint testing.

Morning Glory – Progress check 15 minutesAll


  • Non-features issues
    • Please update Release field 
  • Features
    • Update features status and fixed version 
    • Apply at-risk label 
    • Split features as needed 
  • Testing
    • UAT - do not wait for Bugfest
    • Add test cases to test rails 
    • Add large data set test cases to test rails AND allocate time to test prior to bugfest 
    • Begin to prepare for bugfest  – next Bugfest preparation meeting is May 31. If you want to be included in this meeting please contact Oleksii Petrenko  
      • What data do you need? 
      • Do you need to run test prior to bugfest? 
      • Do you need to coordinate with Anton?
  • Development work during bugfest period 
    • Please try not to carry over new development 
    • If the bug is not P1 or P2 AND is significant meaning at least 5 days of development THEN work should move to Nolana.   

Oleksii P: And yes start thinking about Nolana 

Nolana GA date 

  • Option A: November 28 (Bugfest October 21st - November 4) 
  • Option B: December 12 (Bugfest November  7 - November 18) 

KG: Product owners - please reply via #product_owners with your thoughts on these dates.