2022-07-06 Product Owner Meetings

2022-07-06 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell  twliu Charlotte Whitt Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Stephanie Buck Denis julie.bickle (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Magda Zacharska Dennis Bridges 

Announcements 15  minutes


  1. Lotus HF #2 / #3 are planned 
    1. Ann-Marie > Status change: Waiting for deployment to In Bugfest review is not being updated. Who should update the status? Action item: Talk with Oleksii Petrenko as to who should update status to In Bugfest review.  And confirm the process for deployments to Lotus hotfix environment. 
  2. Morning Glory
    1. Clean up features status
    2. From Anton: Test run for Morning Glory R2 2022 Bug Fest has been created.  Please check if all required test cases are there.
      IMPORTANT: Please don't try to edit the test run to add or remove test cases.

      • To add a test case make sure that its Test Group is set to Smoke, Critical Path or Extended.
      • To remove a test case make sure that its Test Group is set to Draft or Obsolete
    3. Bugfest Kickoff Meeting - Monday July 11 at 9am ET 
      1. https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/G9FUXCJDD/p1656358761918399
    4. Update Release Notes - Morning Glory (R2 2022) Release Notes
  3. Reminder - please review Aging Defects Dashboard:  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11101
Definition of Done

Denis - SM for PTF and Firebird. Focused on building high quality products. 

Reviewing proposal for Baseline DoD for story/bug list.

  • It will serve as a template for each team's DoD.
  • Will review each release. SM will lead review and changes. (SMs are already aware.)
  • Rollout date: Start with Orchid at the latest. 


EN: What about non-EPAM teams? DK: Wants to rollout across all teams. Just needs contacts. Can also create a slack channel related to scrum-related questions. 

KG: Is this DoD specific to user story/bug? DK: Yes. 

Action items:

  • Denis will provide a link to the ppt. Will also work with KG on where to post DoD so that teams can clone it. 
  • KG/Denis will also discuss how to rollout to teams w/o SM.
  • KG to include Baseline DoD user story/bug in PC update.   


  • Add DoD to wiki 
  • Add an Owner column
Handling automated tests questions 

  • Ann-Marie proposed a new slack channel for questions related to automated  tests 
  • POs agreed 
  • Action item: Ann-Marie to propose this new slack channel to KG, Anton, and Oleksii.