2022-03-16 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Magda Zacharska twliu Stephanie Buck Owen Stephens Dennis Bridges julie.bickle Charlotte Whitt Oleksii Petrenko 

  • Testing activities during Hot Fix Verification
  • Bugfest environment - using reference data
10 minutes
  • Testing activities during Hot Fix Verification
    • Goal to make sure quality of Hot Fix and minimize need for additional hotfixes
    • QA Engineers/POs should write test cases 
      • Backend change - how can PO test? 
        • Choose test cases based on affected areas could be a smoke test for regression testing 
        • Work with your Dev team
    • How to support non-UI module issues (e.g. OAI-PMH)? 
      • Including multi-tenant specific issues? 
      • OP: Consider including back-end test cases? 
        • MMZ: OAI-PMH has these tests in Test rails 
      • OP: Consider Karate tests in Hotfix regression testing 
    • OS: Do we have a testrails test run defined for the Hotfix?

Action items: OP - to provide revised guidelines for regression testing of backend issues and add documentation. 

  • Bugfest environment - using reference data
  • Link to loading reference data Upgrades with Reference data
    • Charlotte request - add reference data to Lotus bugfest 
      • Missing created by information – was not present in Lotus/Kiwi. 
      • Problem - Bugfest environment does not look right and has been reported by testers 
      • BF-224 and also ticket raised by Zak (FOLIO-3447)
      • OS reports the same issue (BF-236) (BF-235)
      • AMB: lack of reference data impacting test cases written. Using reference data that is present in snapshot (e.g. Location) 
      • Blocking Bugfest testing 

Action items: OP & Anton: - will discuss with Kitfox and FSE hosting to get the reference data. 

Getting Bugfest Logs: OP: will post in bugfest channel 


  • Why it is important? 
  • Types of testing
    • Functional Testing with large dataset 
    • Performance Testing by Dev team 
    • Performance Testing by PTF 
  • What to do with testing results? 
  • Morning Glory goals? 

See #product owners slack message for documentation and additional details 

35 minutes

Not discussed in meeting 

1- Functional testing with large dataload (your development team): Create user stories for any existing features that require functional testing of a large dataload

2- Functional testing with large dataload (your development team): For new features/functionality, rather than create a separate story for functional testing of a large dataload, consider adding acceptance criteria to test a large dataload

3- Functional testing with large dataload (your development team): Discuss with Kimie, if you find that current design does not accomodate a large dataload well especially if it turns out to be a common use case. See details on how to submit requests to Kimie - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/Getting+Started+for+Product+Owners#GettingStartedforProductOwners-4)Preparesomemock-ups:UXDesignRequests. Owen - I know you have Gill as a resource to address these requests.

4- Performance API testing (your development team): Add user stories to your backlog for your development team to conduct at least 2 Performance API tests of a simple workflow(s) in Morning Glory.

5- Performance testing assigned to PTF: For any application that has a high priority assigned to this list - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIJET/Performance+Acceptance+Test+Status+Page, please create a user story for PTF to conduct performance testing for Morning Glory. For those POs not assigned a high priority, please create a story if you want PTF to run testing in Morning Glory. Otherwise begin to build a backlog of these stories for Nolana.

Action items:

All - clean up this pagePerformance requirements (SLAs) for daily operation of the FOLIO system (NEEDS to be revised): https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2658550

Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) : Provide a link to a confluence page that outlines all types of tests 

POs - Tips & Tricks 7 minutes 

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 1) Folijet release dashboard, 2) Jira cleanup filters - Postponed