2022-04-13 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell 

Announcements 10  minutes


  • Lucy: Open Shanghai Public Library is delayed due to covid outbreak
  • Lucy: Asia - Pacific Wolfcon is also delayed 
  • Erin: https://juniper.docs.folio.org/docs/ - Juniper docs just officially released!!!
    • Includes platform essentials section
  • Erin: Kiwi official help documentation - May 11th is the goal then on to Lotus documentation goal summer
  • Charlotte: Will previous release help documentation remain available. Erin: Yes
  • Ann-Marie: DI documentation has seemed light. Why? KG: Contact person responsible for DI documentation 
  • Dennis: ACQ SIG discussed video content
    • Small group (ACQ) to outline list of video content. Define base line requirements. 
    • Allow community members to contribute How To content
    • Need to engage with Documentation and Support SIG 
    • Erin - maybe add community content here Community Contributed Resources
  • Charlotte: MM SIG has discussed video content

Lotus release status 20 minutesAll

Will discuss

  • Update 
    • Smoke tests have begun 
    • Several outstanding issues In Progress 
    • TBD if April 18th will remain release date. 
    • Ann-Marie: Great job by the DI peeps 
    • Fiscal rollover: unable to reproduce. May require Lotus HF. 
    • StephB: No functional release of Title Level Requests.
    • StephB: Thanks to all folks that helped with Circ testing
  • Release notes
    • Please update!!!
    • Note any known issues, migration scripts, etc. 
    • Note any information that libraries should know prior to upgrade 
    • Note any features/apps that are applicable to a select number of libraries (i.e. MARC authority app) 
  • MM SIG - JIRA issues review - MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights
  • Bugfest retro - scheduled for Wednesday April 20th at 8:00 am ET 
    • What worked? 
    • What can be improved? 
    • How can it be improved? 

Morning Glory release status 

 15 minutesAll

Will discuss  

  1. Key timeline reminders
    • April 15: Notify community regarding sharing information of new modules
    • April 29: Deadline for requests to add new modules to the reference environments
    • June 3:   Platform-core new development freeze
    • June 10:  Platform complete new development freeze
    • July 4 - July 15: Bugfest period
    • August 8:  Morning Glory released to the public


  1. How's the progress? 
    1. Have Oleksii - review global holiday calendar when defining timelines 
    2. Frontend running ahead as Backend works on bugs 
    3. Scope is shifting 
    4. Frontend work capacity
      1. Tjet 
      2. Folijet 
    5. Folks are testing Kiwi in production while we are wrapping up Lotus release 
    6. Reminders - Bugfest regarding test cases/failed/etc.  
    7. Converging of multiple releases milestones plus libraries' timing for upgrade to a release 
    8. A lot of process and responsibilities tough to juggle. 
  2. Spacing release milestones 
  3. Any questions about Oleksii's check-ins? 
  4. Any blockers? 
  5. UATs planned? 
  6. Functional load testing?
  7. Performance API tests? 
  8. PTF testing