MM SIG Release Notes & Other Highlights
MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit
Week of April 24
Library of Congress Features Dashboard:
Library of Congress Acquisitions Dashboard:
Cursor placement and hovering while obscuring data in QuickMarc: - UIIN-2382Getting issue details... STATUS . Please add your comments on how you'd like the cursor to display and how data is being obscured while editing marc srs records in QM.
Handling $9 in Data Import: - UIQM-427Getting issue details... STATUS . Please comment on how you would the $9 is handled in Data Import.
Inconsistent Update of 005 in MARC SRS: - MODDATAIMP-806Getting issue details... STATUS . Data Import and quickMarc update the 005 differently. Please add your comments as to how you would like the 005 field to be updated when a marc srs is updated in DI and QM.
Week of March 20
Data Import Production Import Statistics: Are you using data import? We need your help to gather data on import running times for different Data Import jobs. Please update this wiki page with your information.
New Slack Channel for Data Import Documentation: #data-import-documentation-wg. This new slack channel is dedicated to discussion how documentation can be re-organized for data import. Working on documentation takes place primarily in DI Lab session which is held on Thursday 3-4pm ET, zoom link.
Orchid Release Notes highlights
- MARC to Instance Mapping Updated: Instructions on how to update default MARC-Instance mapping rules are described on the page. Must be done after the mod-source-record-manager upgrade. Remember to take into consideration how this mapping will affect harvesting into your discovery layer.
- New Contributor Browse: mod-search indices will need to recreate for both instance and authority as described here. This should be done as part of the upgrade.
- API: BREAKING CHANGE: Breaking change was introduced in API interfaces. If there are any scripts, requests, or any that rely on these API interfaces, then they may be broken. Updated API documentation could be found here.
- `inventory-view`
- `inventory-view-instance-set`
- `item-storage-dereferenced`
- `instance-storage`
- `instance-storage-batch-sync`
- `instance-storage-batch-sync-unsafe`
- `inventory`
- `inventory-batch`
- `search`
- `browse`
Week of March 6
Nolana R3 2022 Release Digest. Hope you will find it useful:
- PDF -
- Video -
Agenda of release digest is following:
- Who has made it
- Key Nolana Features & Numbers
- Thunderjet
- Firebird
- Vega
- Spitfire
- Thor
- Sif (GBV)
- Bienenvolk
- Modules & Versions
- Key Orchid Proposed Features
- Useful Links
Also development team prepared presentation of functional features by template:
- Problem
- Solution
- Work break down
- Video - how it works
Week of Feb. 12
- Orchid Bugfest: The claiming tests period is from 2/27 to 3/5. Bugfest begins on Monday 3/6. See the Orchid Bugfest wiki page for more details including the kick-off recording.
- Orchid Release Notes: This wiki page will begin to be filled out as we approach bugfest.
- To Highlight for MM
- MARC Bib mappings were updated, Default MARC-Instance mapping rule added for MARC 720 field.
- To Highlight for MM
Week of Jan. 23
- Data Import: Seeking examples of MARC records for any MARC Modifications actions for modifying the 001, LDR, and/or fixed fields in incoming MARC bibliographic records. - MODDATAIMP-767Getting issue details... STATUS
Week of Dec. 5
Library Data Platform Updates:
- Ldpmarc 1.6 has been released: Please read the release notes: If you have the ability to test this, please do this. If you don’t have a LDP of your own, you can use FOLIO snapshot.
- There is a small group working on adding data normalization functionality to the LDP. This concerns primarily normalizing the ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, and OCLC. See document: for examples.
Week of Nov. 28
Nolana HotFix: - BF-398Getting issue details... STATUS , related to MG HF - CIRC-1588Getting issue details... STATUS , related to - CIRC-1492Getting issue details... STATUS . In transit report fails on export.
- - MODDICONV-270Getting issue details... STATUS : Data Import job profiles created before MG are hidden. Closed
- - UIQM-321Getting issue details... STATUS : quickMARC: deleted fields not processed when deriving a new MARC bib record. Closed
- - MODDICONV-276Getting issue details... STATUS : Data Import: inability to edit field mappings for holdings and items. Closed
- - UIMARCAUTH-199Getting issue details... STATUS : MARC authorities: When jumping between results, the pane resizes. Awaiting release
- - UIDEXP-298Getting issue details... STATUS : Data Export: gracefully handle error when incorrect/missing data is uploaded. Awaiting deployment
- - UIBULKED-195Getting issue details... STATUS : Bulk Edit: 404 error encountered when uploaded a file with identifiers. Awaiting deployment
- - UIBULKED-194Getting issue details... STATUS : Bulk Edit: confirmation screen requires manual refresh. Awaiting deployment
- - MSEARCH-466Getting issue details... STATUS , - MSEARCH-465Getting issue details... STATUS : Inventory for MG and Nolana: Keyword search not working as expected. In progress
Week of Nov. 14
- - UIDEXP-297Getting issue details... STATUS : Nolana R3 2022 Bugfix: Gracefully handle missing data in the exported jobs log.
- Inconsistent or inaccurate UUIDs
Week of Nov. 7
Data Import:
- - MODDICONV-274Getting issue details... STATUS : P2 Bug, MG HF #1: Holding and item field mapping profile fields mis-numbered upon editing or duplicating.
Week of Oct 31st/Nov 1st
Nolana Bugfest!
Week of Oct. 25, 2022
- UIIN-2208Getting issue details... STATUS - planned for Orchid R1 2023
- UIIN-2223Getting issue details... STATUS - planned for Morning Glory Bugfix R3 2022
- MODSOURCE-559Getting issue details... STATUS - TBD in the Support-SIG
Week of Oct. 17, 2022
- UXPROD-3852Getting issue details... STATUS : Inventory UI - Display only those holdings that match the search criteria. Current behavior is that all holdings attached to the instance will display. When you save the holdings UUIDs, all holdings will be exported whether or not they matched your criteria. For example, if you searched for holdings in the one location and the instance/srs has an additional holdings in another location, your export will include the marc holdings for both.
- MODDICONV-270Getting issue details... STATUS : Data Import Jobs are hidden if created before Morning Glory
- UIIN-2212Getting issue details... STATUS : Holdings record now contains an accordion for bound-with and analytics.
Week of Sept. 19, 2022
- UIIN-2197Getting issue details... STATUS : Import & Back Button. When importing a single record in Inventory using single record import, after the green toast of success, if you press the browser's back button, the Import function runs again. The result is there are now 2 identical records that were imported in Inventory.
- Title level requests are available
- Browse by contributors
- New Data Export job profile for authority records
- New App Bulk edit: review limitations and current features in release notes
- Export eholdings (package and title+package details) will not be included in Morning Glory release until performance issues are resolved. (UXPROD-177)
- Data Import of Marc Orders from Nolana to Orchid
Week of Sept. 12, 2022
LDP 1 and LDLite users:
- ldpmarc 1.5 contains a bug where the srs uuid is the same as the instance uuid. A temporary fix has been applied for ldpmarc 1.5.1. The next release will contain a more permanent fix.
Volunteers Needed to test:
- - MSEARCH-430Getting issue details... STATUS
- MSEARCH-432 Inventory search on Title (all) return too many results, and does not honor the double quotes - changed to:
- - UIIN-2209Getting issue details... STATUS
Week of August 22 2022 Highlights
MODINVSTOR-389Getting issue details...
- Morning Glory R2 2022 Bug Fix. P2. Add Former and Variant Title types. See related pull request to rename alternative title to variant title.
- Blocked by testing mapping of 247 field - UIDATIMP-1227Getting issue details... STATUS
- Blocked by testing of mapping of 246 field - UIDATIMP-1226Getting issue details... STATUS
- Related to open issue of Settings for misc. Inventory reference values. P3. - MODINVSTOR-696Getting issue details... STATUS
MODINV-731Getting issue details...
- Nolana R3 2022. In code review. API: mod-inventory-storage has changed the DELETE all records API for instances, holdings and items. It requires a query parameter with the CQL query that selects the records to delete. mod-inventory should also require this query parameter and pass it to mod-inventory-storage APIs. See related pull request.
MODSOURMAN-838Getting issue details...
- MARC Authorities. Searching 010$a (LCCN) with a '\' at the end. In code Review for Nolana R3 2022
Week of August 8 2022 Highlights
Bulk Edit Dashboard - This also includes all the filters found in our MM Dashboard
Week of August 1 2022 Highlights
- Morning Glory HF #1
- Please check this search to see what is of interest.
Week of July 28 2022 Highlights
- Didn't see any changes to Lotus notes. Info on upcoming Lotus HF#3 is available: Lotus (R1 2022)#HotFix#3
- New Morning Glory release notes related to what hosts need to do to prepare for authorities:
- Mapping rules for authorities were changed. It's required to call endpoint PUT /mapping-rules/marc-authority/restore
- New default data export job-profile for exporting authorities was added. It requires to load reference for module.
- MG Data import:
- MG Bulk edit:
- When triggering the bulk edit of item records by submitting a list of holdings HRIDs, the reported number of the updated records might be incorrect.
Week of July 14 2022 Highlights
- Lotus HF#2 was released
- Morning Glory Notes of Note: Morning Glory (R2 2022) Release Notes
- Necessary set up for MARC holdings includes reference data with the correct source IDs
- OAI-PMH supports only one FULL concurrent harvest
- Bulk edit is coming
- Data import, QuickMARC, and authority permission improvements
Week of June 30 2022 Highlights
- A dashboard for Lotus Hot Fix #2 is available:
- Release note related to data import profiles exceeding browser memory has been added to Lotus (known issue that has started affecting more libraries): - UIDATIMP-1205Getting issue details... STATUS
Week of June 23 2022 Highlights
- Known issue for DI permissions added to Lotus release notes: Permission "Data import: All permissions" is missing permission "data-import.fileExtensions.get" Add manually if needed, fixed in MG
- A lot of discussion about two other Lotus DI issues:
- Field protections interaction with incoming fields: - MODDATAIMP-698Getting issue details... STATUS
- Changes in matching on incoming 035$a - not yet filed? See slack discussion in DI channel:
Week of June 9 2022 Highlights
Lotus HF1 now June 11
Resolved and on bugfest: - MODSOURCE-508Getting issue details... STATUS (003 import issue)
Not new but recent activity- buggy interaction between p&s titles and tags: - MODINV-674Getting issue details... STATUS
Week of May 16 2022 Highlights
MODQM-225Getting issue details...
- This is to fix errors with MARC Bib leader positions that cannot be edited in quickMARC
MODQM-237Getting issue details...
- Fix error with LDR position 22 when left blank in migrated record, bib record cannot be edited in quickMARC
MSEARCH-360Getting issue details...
- P3: TBD. Searching in ES should be normalized and be case insensitive. Fix for regression.
ZF-60Getting issue details...
- P1, Morning Glory R2 2022 . Include suppress in z39.50.
MODDICORE-248Getting issue details...
- Blocked, P2, Morning Glory R2 2022 : MARC Modifications on data import act on incoming record when they shouldn't
MODDATAIMP-680Getting issue details...
- Morning Glory R2 2022: Data Import on overlay, records contain 003 when they shouldn't.
MODINVSTOR-829Getting issue details...
- Morning Glory R2 2022: Handle deletion of statistical code in instance, holding and item consistently
MODDATAIMP-604Getting issue details...
- Morning Glory R2 2022: Duplicate records in the incoming file in Data Import causes problems after overlay process with no error reported
- Morning Glory R2 2022: Duplicate records in the incoming file in Data Import causes problems after overlay process with no error reported
New Draft Feature Request for Data Import
Week of May 9 Highlights
- NEW,
MSEARCH-360Getting issue details...
- Search by Normalized identifiers, including case insensitive. Responds to loss of functionality related to MSEARCH-15
- - MODDICORE-248MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications when they should not - DRAFT Blocked
- Data Import Bug: Just created to get to resolve the issue of modifying marc files in DI that are also in the field protection list.
- Loss of case insensitive searching with Kiwi ( - MSEARCH-15Getting issue details... STATUS ). This should be restored in Morning Glory, - UXPROD-3513Getting issue details... STATUS .
STRIPES-797Getting issue details...
- Panesets not sizing correctly. Lotus Hot Fix #1
UIDATIMP-1142Getting issue details...
- Data Import panesets not sizing correctly. Lotus Hot Fix #1
MODINV-693Getting issue details...
- Missing property "version" from older instance records causes issues with Data Import. Lotus Hot Fix #1
Week of May 2 Highlights
Week of April 4 Highlights
- UIDEXP-270 - The search box is reset after updating filter in the Select transformations Open
- Data Export: The search box do not contain searching value when User filtering result list by Record type in the Select Transformations
- - MODINV-550Bound-with-parts gets an empty collection Open
- Bound-with parts get empty collection
- - UIIN-1927Bugfest. Inventory. Item selector box in the top of the instance record cause great confusion Closed
- For Lotus R1 2022. Fix the box to select which holdings to move to another instance to make sure it is more visible.
- - MODDATAIMP-649Data Import job creates duplicate marc records for a few records in the import file In progress
- For Lotus R1 2022. Sometimes in the first import of the day for a small number of the records in the import duplicates are created.
- - MODINVSTOR-829Handle delete of statistical code associated with instance, holdings, or item properly.. In Review
- - MODINVSTOR-830Automated migration to cleanup non-existing statistical code ids or document SysOps process to manual cleanup Open
- - UXPROD-3463NFR: Data Import R1 2022 Lotus Support Bug Work In progress
- Data Import Lotus R1 support bug features. Follow this issue and associated issues to follow work on bugs and support for Data Import. One issue is that when using MARC modification action in a job profile, the 035 created from the 001 and 003 isn't working.
- - UXPROD-1647Theme: Ability to maintain relationships between other apps when holdings/items are moved Open
- Umbrella issues detailed data corruption when holdings/items are moved in Inventory and associated records in other apps aren't updated.
- - UICR-125Data corruption. When holding/item data are moved in Inventory, then the item in Courses is not updated accordingly Open
- Data Corruption when holding/item is moved in Inventory, item in Courses isn't updated. No release information.
- - UIREQ-589[BE] Data corruption. When holding/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Request is not updated accordingly Open
- Story: Data Corruption when holding/item is moved in Inventory, request on item isn't updated.
- - UIU-2082[BE] Data corruption. When holdings/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Fee/Fine is not updated accordingly Open
- Data Corruption when holding/item is moved in Inventory, fee/fine on item isn't updated.
- - MODORDERS-642Data corruption. When holding/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Order lines are not updated accordingly In Refinement
- For Morning Glory R2 2022: Data corruption when holdings/items are moved and associated POL aren't updated.
- - MODINVSTOR-671FOLIO inserting/allowing instanceFormatIds null elements Open
- Data Corruption/Integrity: Instance Format Ids as Null. The problem extends to other identifiers. One commenter suggested that there is an issue between the UI and back end and currently the back end isn't validating what is coming from the UI. Please see comments for details.
- - UICR-125Data corruption. When holding/item data are moved in Inventory, then the item in Courses is not updated accordingly Open
- Umbrella issues detailed data corruption when holdings/items are moved in Inventory and associated records in other apps aren't updated.
- - MODORDERS-642Data corruption. When holding/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Order lines are not updated accordingly In Refinement
- Release: Morning Glory R2 2022: When moving holdings and/or items, then the order lines are not updated accordingly. There are 2 potential workarounds - see issue for details.
- - MODINVSTOR-829Handle delete of statistical code associated with instance, holdings, or item properly.. In Review
- Story relating to the deletion of statistical codes for FOLIO Inventory records. Currently, deleting the statistical code does not delete everything (the code Id still appears in the json) and can cause issues when working with the Inventory record.
- - MODDATAIMP-604Duplicate records in incoming file causes problems after overlay process with no error reported In progress
- Bug, Priority TBD, Affects Version/s: None, Resolution: Unresolved
- Release: Lotus R1 2022
- Duplicate records in incoming records causes problems after overlay process with no error reported. See details as this affects quickMARC where the record is corrupted.
- MODDATAIMP-613 - OCLC single record import takes extended time to complete when large data import jobs are running Open
- - MODDICORE-248MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications when they should not - DRAFT Blocked
- Data Import Bug: Just created to get to resolve the issue of modifying marc files in DI that are also in the field protection list.
- - MODCPCT-38Better strategy for retrieving the result status of record import Blocked
- Inventory: Invalid statistical code issue - see MODINVSTOR-829 in Open
- Call Number Browse now available. Action required
After deploying latest version of mod-inventory-storage run migration scripts that will update shelving order on the item record. To start migration use POST /inventory-storage/migrations/jobs with request body:
{"migrations": ["itemShelvingOrderMigration"]
- Once the migration script competes full re-index with the property "recreateIndex" set to true
- Data Export and Acquisitions regarding EDIFACT. Acquisitons has implemented a feature for exporting orders in EDIFACT format. In order to do this you must add an "Integration" to the organization you would like to send EDI files to. For the EDIFACT orders export to work reliably your environment must have ONLY 1 instance of mod-data-export-spring deployed.
- Search available for MARC authorities.
During the upgrade process. The search option need to be enabled in the given FOLIO environment
Week of March 21 Highlights
- Lotus Bugfest
BF-245Getting issue details...
- ISBN and invalid ISBN identifier types not showing properly
UIMARCAUTH-100Getting issue details...
- MARC Authority - When user clicks on "Heading/Reference" value at result pane, exact matches for the value aren't highlighted
UIMARCAUTH-102Getting issue details...
- MARC Authority - Search doesn't start after editing the advanced search query from search box.
MODINV-661Getting issue details...
- MARC Holdings - error appears when you save "MARC Holding" record after editing it in quickMARC
UIDATIMP-1112Getting issue details...
- MARC Authority - Data Import fails for import of authority record
- - UIIN-1962Getting issue details... STATUS
MODEXPS-80Getting issue details...
- order export jobs showing are showing a "Currency" not found error message rather than successfully exporting orders to EDI
MODDATAIMP-659Getting issue details...
- Data import fails to create FOLIO Holdings
BF-245Getting issue details...