Inventory Single Record Import: Overlays for Source=MARC Instances retain 003 when they shouldn't (Lotus HF1)
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Ann-Marie Breaux June 8, 2022 at 8:29 AM
Hi Tested on Lotus Bugfest, and all looks good, in terms of the 003 situation. Thank you!

Ann-Marie Breaux June 2, 2022 at 9:13 AM
Hi All is good! It got approved yesterday by in the Slack release-bug-triage channel.
and : I've added the approval info and changed this issue into the Lotus HF1 Jira. I also reviewed this with the Data Import subgroup yesterday, and they understand that the 003 fix will be in Lotus, but the 001/003/035 refactoring will be in MG.
Please clone for Morning Glory mainline, and prep the MODSOURCE Lotus HF1 release. If possible, it would be great to have it released by the end of the week. I will add TestRails in the next couple of days. Thank you!

Debra Howell June 1, 2022 at 2:10 PM
If I have any influence, this should be in Lotus HF1, it is blocking our upgrade. Thanks!

Ann-Marie Breaux June 1, 2022 at 8:23 AM
Requested Lotus HF on Slack release-bug-triage channel. Currently 2 approvals. Waiting for 1 more, plus confirmation on whether this should be labeled as Lotus HF1 or Lotus HF2.

Aivar Iusupov June 1, 2022 at 8:13 AM
Hi , tested this ticket on folio-snapshot hosted env and now 003 field is being deleted.
Thank you!


Overview: When Inventory Single Record Import is used to overlay an existing Instance, the resulting SRS MARC Bib should not have an 003 field. As of Kiwi, this was working properly. Starting in Lotus, for Instances with Source = MARC, the 003 is accidentally being retained. Also, the standard 001/003/035 behavior to move the non-FOLIO 001 into an 035, preceded by the value from the 003 is not being followed This affects Lotus BF and current data import (Morning Glory dev)
Per this may also be happening in non-Inventory Single Record Import scenarios also
Current workaround: Manually delete the 003 via quickMARC (which is not realistic and would also require enhanced permissions for staff who import records (perhaps for ordering) but do not edit MARC records).
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into Kiwi BF, Lotus BF, and Snapshot or Snapshot-2
Go to Settings/Inventory/Z39.50 target profiles
Find the profile called OCLC WorldCat
Check the Authentication field to see if it contains the value 100473910/PAOLF
If yes, then do not make any changes
If no, then edit the profile to add that value in the Authentication field, and save the updated profile
There are 3 ways of importing OCLC records via Inventory Single Record Import. Try each way in each environment
No existing Instance; Import to create a new Instance and SRS MARC
Existing Instance with source = FOLIO; Overlay to create an SRS MARC and update the Instance
Existing Instance with source = MARC; Overlay to update the SRS MARC and Instance
For No existing Instance; Import to create a new Instance and SRS MARC
Go to Inventory home page (click Reset all if necessary)
Click Actions/Import
Make sure the modal says Enter OCLC WorldCat identifier If not, click the dropdown list and select OCLC WorldCat
Copy and paste one of the OCLC numbers below
Wait until you see a green success toast and a new instance is created
In the Instance details, select Actions/View source
Look for an 003 field in the SRS MARC Bib record
For Existing Instance with source = FOLIO; Overlay to create an SRS MARC and update the Instance
Go to Inventory home page (click Reset all if necessary)
Click Actions/New
In the Instance create screen, add the following data
Title: Test import overlay
Resource type: Select a value from the dropdown list
Save the newly-created instance, and confirm that the Instance's Source = FOLIO
In the Instance details pane, go to Actions/Overlay source bibliographic record
Make sure the modal says Enter OCLC WorldCat identifier If not, click the dropdown list and select OCLC WorldCat
Copy and paste one of the OCLC numbers below
Wait until you see a green success toast and the instance is updated with a new title
In the Instance details, select Actions/View source
Look for an 003 field in the SRS MARC Bib record
For Existing Instance with source = MARC; Overlay to update the SRS MARC and Instance
Go to Inventory home page (click Reset all if necessary)
Use the Source filter to find an existing Instance with Source = MARC (or you could use the instance that was created in the first import)
Confirm that the Instance's Source = MARC
In the Instance details pane, go to Actions/Overlay source bibliographic record
Make sure the modal says Enter OCLC WorldCat identifier If not, click the dropdown list and select OCLC WorldCat
Copy and paste one of the OCLC numbers below
Wait until you see a green success toast and the instance is updated with a new title
In the Instance details, select Actions/View source
Look for an 003 field in the SRS MARC Bib record
Expected Results: In all 3 environments, for all 3 scenarios, the SRS MARC record should not contain an 003 field
Actual Results:
Kiwi BF: all worked properly
Lotus BF: No instance and Source = FOLIO instance worked properly; Source = MARC Instance retained the 003 in the SRS MARC, and did not create a new 035 from the non-FOLIO 001/003 fields
Snapshot (Morning Glory): No instance and Source = FOLIO instance worked properly; Source = MARC Instance retained the 003 in the SRS MARC, and did not create a new 035 from the non-FOLIO 001/003 fields
Additional Information: See attached video
OCLC numbers that can be used for testing:
20181508 Cajun music: a reflection of a people
25051428 Cajun music and zydeco
593748040 Old time Cajun music
968730635 The makers of Cajun music
51161140 Cajun music: the essential collection
1125515427 Disenchanting les bon temps
And we should also test with regular (non-Inventory Single Record Import) Data Imports that update some source = MARC and some source = FOLIO Instances, to be sure that the 001/003/035 is being handled properly.