Data Import (formerly Batch Loader) Subgroup

Data Import (formerly Batch Loader) Subgroup

The Data Import (Batch Loader) subgroup will work with developers to outline functional requirements for the FOLIO Data Import Loader application. Overall scope is still to be finalized, but will include importing of MARC records to create or update instance, holdings, and item records in Inventory, as well as corresponding records in MARCcat. The Data Import app is especially important to MM SIG and RM SIG, and will likely interact with the Inventory app, MARC Cataloging app, and Acquisitions-Orders app. Because this is especially important to cataloging, the subgroup will act under the auspices of the MM SIG; however members of the subgroup will include RM SIG, and perhaps other SIGs as well. 

Data Import Subgroup meetings are held Wednesdays, from 1-2 pm US ET. 

Meeting details: 

Data Import subgroup members



Time Zone



Ryan Taylor EBSCOETProduct OwnerData Import subgroup co-convener & co-PO
Autumn Faulkner Michigan StateETAsst Head, Cataloging & Metadata
Holy CrossET

Index DataCETLibrarian. Analyst.

Lead PO 

Will participate when possible

University of ChicagoCTHead, Data Management Services
Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed) IndexDataCT

EBSCOMTChief Product Officer

PO for the Acquisitions App

Will participate when possible

Heather MacFarlane EBSCOETImplementation Coordinator
CornellETMetadata Operations Librarian
UMass AmherstETMetadata Librarian
Khalilah GambrellEBSCOETProduct ManagementPO for quickMARC, MARC Authorities, MARC Holdings
Lloyd ChittendenMarmot ConsortiumMTUnion Catalog Coordinator
Lynne Fors WellesleyETCataloging & Metadata Librarian
Meghan Bergin Univ of MassachusettsET

Missouri State UniversityCTCatalogerMM SIG co-convenor
Robert Pleshar University of ChicagoCTElectronic Resources Metadata Analyst
University of AlabamaCTMetadata Librarian
Yael HodStanford UniversityCAMetadata Librarian

Background information: 

Slack Channel: # data-import-batchload (https://folio-project.slack.com/messages/CA39M62BZ)

Data Loader Subgroup: Scope

Data Import Subgroup: Use Cases

Archived Data Import Implementers and Feature Discussion Topics

marc4j overview

Relevant Google Docs Areas

  • For videos illustrating various data import scenarios, please see Data Import videos. There is a spreadsheet at the top of the folder that describes the scenario depicted in each video. If you have suggestions for other scenarios, please contact Ryan Taylor
  • Data Import-Batch Loader Documents has subfolders for meeting recordings, sample files, technical-developer data, and other miscellaneous files
  • Inventory, Cataloging Records, and IDs
  • Recordings for meetings before 1 February 2022 are posted here

    Recordings for meetings after 1 February 2022 can be found here

    • After clicking on the meeting date link, there are links for
      • Closed caption (not very user-friendly)
      • Audio only
      • Shared screen video
      • Chat

MARC Data Import/Batch Loader Discuss posts: 

               MARC Batch Loads into FOLIO: New Subgroup

MM SIG 31 Aug 2017 meeting — batch import discussion

                Importing .marc approaches (English) 

Bulk actions confirmation modal

Locally stored metadata records for eResources

FOLIO Integrated Vendors

Relevant MM SIG/RM SIG documents

December 2017 Workshop on batch loading: Inventory App - Workshops

December 2017 Batch loading use cases: List use cases: Batch importing, and all variations of importing

Madrid developer meeting notes on MARC Batch Loader: 

                   RM 2: Inventory/cataloging. Discussion of cataloging apps and alignment/integration

                   RM 5: Determine where & which data loading occurs for FOLIO, Acquisitions, RM, Cataloging 


(click paper-clip at top of page - you must be logged in to see the paper-clip):

  • Subgroup Meeting Notes
  • Background PPTs
  • Sketches

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