Topic | Status | Description | Date added | Provided by Name, Institution | Interested parties Name, Institution | Jira | Has been discussed in meeting (add link) | Comments |
MARC mapping | | During 2023-07-13 Metadata Management Meeting notes we talked about new MARC fields/subfields and if and how to include them into the Inventory entities. This concerns mapping questions and the overall instance/holdings schema. We agreed to move the following question into the parking lot for further analysis:
How do we handle MARC updates in the future? Changes to RDA? Bibframe? Other schema and standards?
| | MM SIG |
Getting issue details...
| 2023-07-13 Metadata Management Meeting notes and needs a follow-up discussion |
Getting issue details...
is a placeholder for 857 data
β 2025-01-30: Move over toΒ
MARC search | | MARC search directly supported in FOLIO UI |
| n.a. |
| β 2025-01-30: Move over to . This feature request needs a (new) Jira feature. |
MARC general | | Validation of MARC records. See:Β Β STCOM-745Β -Β Cannot view details of a particular instanceΒ CLOSEDΒ Β Example on invalid language code in the MARC record, result in that the Instance record does not display, and throw an error message. The problem is related to the language translations that were introduced after Goldenrod, in UIIN-829. If the value received from the MARC record is not one that Inventory recognizes, it throws the error screen when trying to view details. Should Data Import/Inventory impose more validation and reject data that cannot be understood properly, forcing someone to clean up the underlying source data? That would mean much more pre-validation at its source, whether that is SRS, an external system, a migration file of JSON records, etc. We know that all catalogs have some level of dirty data; how much do we want to force cleanup?
| STCOM-745Β Closed β Done
| 2023-01-18: Still need for discussion?
2023-01-19 during meeting:
Should there be more validation when editing records in quickMARC or importing data through Data Import?Needs better documentation in order to understand what is being validated.Discuss in one of the next meetings.Loop in (at least) Khalilah and Ann-Marie.
β 2025-01-30: Do not move over to . If specific issues arise, we capture them on the new Implementers page.
Record management | | duplicative metadata for eBooks: some in the remote KB, which allows for accessing the eBooks in the libraryβs discovery layer, and some in locally-stored MARC records. Moving forward, do we see that scenario working differently in FOLIO (only use KB metadata perhaps?) and if so, 1) what does that mean in terms of the richness of the metadata and 2) what about current workflows that involve transporting non-bibliographic metadata in those local MARC records, e.g. acquisitions data? (Ann-Marie: 21 Sept 2017): discuss topic:ΒΒ
How are ebooks / ebook packages going to be represented in the inventory?Β libraries have a variety of approaches to managing ebooks - some have individual records for ebooks; some have a 1 record approach (ebook links on print records) AND we can have the same ebook title represented in multiple packages; it sounds as if Packages will be represented in the Codex, but not the inventory. Nov. 15, 2018 update: Packages may now be represented by Container records in InventoryΒ (Lynn W., 9/28/17) discuss topic:ΒΒ
RevisitΒ Container Records (depending on roadmap) β UXPROD-491
| UXPROD-139Β DraftUXPROD-151 Draft
| 2023-01-18: Comment on Jira ticket from Charlotte:Β Hi Khalilah Gambrell - this story is from the very old Functional matrix - when we didn't really knew about eHoldings app, ERM (familly of apps), MARCcat.
We need to revisit this topic.
Orders supports now linking of "packages" to POL's.
2023-01-19 during meeting:
Start conversation around usage of Inventory with regards to e-resources and reserves, e.g.Β do libraries create instances for e-resources managed in an external KB as well?Revisit container recordhow to keep the apps less dependent on each other, but able to link and know about each other - the eContent / orders / Inventory / Reserves is a great exampleTouchbase with Owen when we revisit this topic
β 2025-01-30: Move over as an umbrella topic to , but only list the two features UXPROD-139 and UXPROD-151 without copy/paste of the description. The features need more refinement and have to be updated including all of the recent discussions!
Record management | | metadata for non-textual formats, to ensure FOLIO is taking their needs into account enough. (Ann-Marie: 21 Sept 2017). Inventory Beta Metadata ElementsΒ
Need music catalogingΒ review of Inventory, MarCat, etc. (Laura W, Oct. 15, 2018)
Music / Maps / MediaΒ cataloging review of data elements in Inventory β show & tell?
| 2023-01-18: Status of this work? How is the experience of libraries using Inventory with special collections?
2023-01-19 during meeting:
There is a need to discuss and interest in this topicThink about templates for MARC import
β 2025-01-30: Do not move over to . If specific issues arise, we capture them on the new Implementers page.
Record management | | Combined format bib records: while you are considering this resources/formats, don't forget folks who haveΒ multiple formats on one bib, so there could be 007s etc. on print records where the e-version is also noted on the print version. (Lisa, TAMU, Jan 18 2018)
| 2023-01-18: Is this supported by the MARC2Instance mapping?
2023-01-19 during meeting:
Jacquie: "mulvered" records (multiple versions/manifestations) happened in all carrier types back in the day. They can be found in monographs as well as serials. Mostly legacy bib records are concerned.Revisit, but with medium/low priority.Issue with higher priority is the fact that the 336 in the MARC is repeatable but the instance resource type is not.
β 2025-01-30: Do not move over to , but add the 336 topic to the new page.
Record management | | protecting local editsΒ (inventory records): this is definitely not something I think we should be asking for in v1, but I'd love to be able to protect fields not in a systematic way, but specific fields in specific recordsΒ β for example, we have added a local genre/form term to some records that help students find materials for a class assignment; most of the records are for print materials but a few are for e-books that we have acquired as part of a package; our current batch-loading processes don't preclude the possibility of this field being stripped out if an updated version of the record is supplied to us; Adding to this on 18 Octo 2017: I'd also like to be able to do something like protect an item record from deletion based on a location codeΒ (Laura W, 27 Sept 2017)
| 2023-01-18: This is still a highly relevant topic and a very demanded function.
2023-01-26 from meeting:
Still needs to be discussed
β 2025-01-30: Do not move over to , but bring to the attention of the Data Import Sub Group. Christie Thomas will add it to the data import topic tracker.
Record management | | Links and linking fields between Inventory records, e.g. monographic series instance relationships, 773 fields, bound-withs, etc.
| UXPROD-1892
| 2023-01-18: We need to revisit this topic.
2023-01-26 from meeting: need to collect all linking/relationships possible and then see if we have implemented them in Folio; how does this relate to requesting items?
Split bound-withs and Instance/Instance into two separate topics
Discuss display with RA SIG
β 2025-01-30: Move over to The bound-with relationship has been implemented, but there are requirements that go beyond that.
Inventory search | OPEN
discuss after Orchid release
| Symbols / words indexing in Inventory, e.g. & and, y, und, et: |
| MSEARCH-447 Open
Getting issue details...
| 2023-01-18: With the change to ElasticSearch the technology has changed. Is this still a topic we'd like to discuss?
2023-01-26 from meeting: still needs to be discussed (after Orchid release check if discussion is still needed; also check for non-English)
β 2025-01-30: Move over to Check if search has been improved, if yes, mark it as Done.
Inventory search | | Synching holdings and item data with bibliographic data: Some note elements that have been defined for holdings and items (e.g., action note, ownership and custodial history) have historically been maintained in 5xx fields in the bibliographic record. How will the data be managed when it is required at both the bibliographic (5xx entries) and holdings / item level (Inventory data elements)? (Christie, Chicago, July 12, 2018) |
| UIIN-235 Closed β DoneUIIN-253 Closed β Done
| 2023-01-18: Is this still an open topic or do we have a proper solution?
2023-01-26 from meeting:
still needs to be discussed as some institutions are still using mostly 5XX; maybe something for Entity Management?
β 2025-01-30: Do not move over to ,: Do not move over to , but bring it to the attention of the Linked Data SIG. Laura has it on the radar.
Inventory search
Inventory UI
| | Search Results Display issues:Β Default inventory data for display in search results list. Related toΒ UXPROD-1634. New story required to request ability to configure which inventory are displayed in the results list. (Christie Thomas, UChicago, 7/8/2019) |
| UXPROD-491 Analysis complete
| 2023-01-18: Reviewed in 2022. Link to UX mocks up for hierarchical display of the result list.
We need to revisit this topic and discuss requirements for configurations; need to talk to Roadmap group about making this a top priority; also talk to Implementers Group, what does LC think of this?
moved to Implementers page
Inventory UI | | Order/sequencing of holdings on an instance, and order/sequence of items within a holdings record: should there be a way to control the order (alphabetical, sequential numeric, always show Main first) (Lisa, TAMU, July 19 2018)
Default order of holdings records, per Slack: A group from multiple German libraries is wondering if we could find consensus with a new default sort order: Sorting proposal: Ascending [A-Z0-9] by name of location and, if necessary, further ascending by call number, as those values are visible in the collapsed Holdings record view from the Instance record.Β (Felix, GBV, 2022-11-20)
| UXPROD-1635 DraftUXPROD-1625 Draft
| 2023-01-18: We need to create a ticket for the newΒ holdings default sort order. Tickets for reordering still in draft state.
2023-01-26 from meeting:
still needs to be discussed; the default should be a tenant level setting
Also need to be able to sort/re-order holdings statements (need to discuss Spring 2023) Β
Getting issue details...
moved to Implementers page
Inventory UI | | Acquisitions data display in Holdings/Items (UXPROD-1607) β revisit
Receiving data in Holdings? In Receiving app?
| UXPROD-1607 Analysis complete
| 2023-01-18: We need to revisit this topic.
2023-02-02: Some acq data is now populating, but not all. Need to review to see if we need changes.
2025-02-06: Hold for more information. Add later
Inventory UI
| | UI review of Inventory for different types of users/different institutionsβ data; including treatment of fields that are not mapped (as opposed to data not recorded, i.e. blank fields)Β Show & Tell?
| 2023-01-18: We need to revisit this topic.
2023-02-02: still needs to be discussed
2025-02-06: move to Implementers page ; could be good for ECS environments
Inventory dependencies | | Ability to maintain relationships between other apps when holdings/items are moved |
| UXPROD-1647 (umbrella issue) Open
| 2023-01-18: Status: Several dependencies still unsolved.
2023-02-02: App Interaction and Technical Council have been doing work; need to have an update/presentation on? Yes- App Interaction
2025-02-06: move to Implementers page ; need to communicate with RA and have a joint meeting to discuss
Reporting | | Right now there are a few UXPROD issues related to in app reports for inventory. It's not clear though that the data for these comes from inventory alone, at least some seem to include MARC data that would be in SRS. More clarity on the reports that will be generated from inventory, SRS, and MARCCat in-app reports vs data warehouse reports would be helpful. (jenn colt, Cornell, 4/25/19)
| 2023-01-18: Is this still an open topic or do we have a proper solution?
2023-02-02: Yes, not everyone has access to out-of-app reporting; Include Reporting SIG
2025-02-06: move to Implementers as general topic ; need to start over with what we really want and need for reporting with Inventory and associated apps ; have joint meeting with Reporting SIG
Printing | | Update and possible demo ofΒ Format and print of spine labels.ΒΒ In particular, what is the expected user interface and is there a plan to have a dedicated Settings > Inventory > Label printing permission or is it due to be part of existing permissions? It appears to still be planned to be completed for Juniper. Also, and update to ABLE Bindery (Β
| UXPROD-1316 In refinement
| 2023-01-18: Is this still an open topic or do we have a proper solution?
2023-02-02: Yes, all printing, not just labels; App Interaction has discussed this (need to contact Martina); Folio Implementers will discuss label printing on 2/14
2023-03-10-ability to print MARC records (Instance record, ActionβView source) coming in Orchid
2025-02-06: move to ImplementersΒ