Inventory App - Workshops

Inventory App - Workshops

Workshop #1:

Topic: Talk about batch importing, and all variations of importing


8-9 AM EST

  • 15min end user workflow example 1
  • 15min end user workflow example 2
  • 15min end user workflow example 3
  • 10min discussing overall workflows — bullet point list of topic

5min break

  • 9-10 AM EST
  • 30min mapping out flows for each point — small groups (Slack calls - everyone should sign up and install the Slack app)
  • 25min consensus building and synthesizing

5min break

10-11 AM EST

  • 55 min consensus building and synthesizing

To do - before the workshop:

All participants prepare before the workshop and upload a document in the new subfolder on the MM-SIG google drive, 'Workshop no 1 - Batch import' (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TDp7V2HrX-9jvRr0OLEXisfaacYE_Cwf). Please add documents to the subfolder by Tuesday December 11, 2017.

  • Outline what you do, which sources you use, what problems you have
  • Do workflow examples and then outline the different needs
  • Document how your workflows tie in / overlap / interact with other workflows, e.g. acquisition

Filip suggest that in the week before the workshop then 3 participants will go over the material in the google drive subfolder and select 3 key workflows to focus on in the workshop - see: Selection of three workflows - input to Filip 

List of participants: 

Christie ThomasUniv. of ChicagoHead, Data Management Servicesclthomas@uchicago.edu
Univ. of ChicagoCataloger, Serials/Continuing Resourcesnatascha@uchicago.edu
Univ. of Colorado BoulderSerials Cataloging Managerlaura.wright@colorado.edu

Workflow Services Product Management, EBSCO

Lisa McCollLehighCataloging/Metadata Librarianlim213@lehigh.edu
Texas A&M UniversityAssociate Professor, Catalogingcuaco@library.tamu.edu
Felix HemmeZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Metadata Librarianf.hemme@zbw.eu
Dennis ChristmanDuke University LibrariesMetadata Transformation Librariandennis.christman@duke.edu
Jacquie SamplesDuke University LibrariesHead, Metadata & Discovery Strategyjacqueline.samples@duke.edu
StacksPO of the Acquisition Appdennis@stacksdiscovery.com
Khalilah GambrellEBSCOSenior Technical Product Manager. PO of the eHolding Appkgambrell@ebsco.com
EBSCODirector of Product Management, Discovery Serviceshkaplanian@EBSCO.COM
SamhaengUX lead of FOLIOfilip@samhaeng.com
Index DataLibrarian. Analyst. PO of the Inventory App


Workshop #2:

As topic for the 2nd workshop in January we'll focus on electronic resources (date and time to be decided). Doodle poll to be send out in the beginning of January, 2018.

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