Meeting Minutes for Metadata Management

Meeting Minutes for Metadata Management

Meetings are held Thursdays at 11:30 AM Eastern U.S. time (following daylight saving time rules for the Eastern U.S. timezone; see this time in your timezone). Download the ICS file here to add this meeting to your calendar.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/527543204

The meeting password can be found here

Or mobile phone one-tap:

US Toll: +14086380968,527543204# or +16465588656,527543204#

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 527 543 204
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=wlKTP6sl9WN0ILU5cnt3e_xXY2p_bVgU

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Incomplete tasks from meetings


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Laura E Daniels2024-02-23 Meeting notes (Kick-off meetings)
  • quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
2023-12-13 quickMARC subgroup
  • quickMARC Error Handling overview
2023-12-13 quickMARC subgroup
  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
2023-12-13 quickMARC subgroup
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)
2023-12-13 quickMARC subgroup
  • quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
2023-11-29 quickMARC subgroup
  • quickMARC Error Handling overview
2023-11-29 quickMARC subgroup
  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
2023-11-29 quickMARC subgroup
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)
2023-11-29 quickMARC subgroup
  • quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
2023-11-15 quickMARC subgroup