2023-11-15 quickMARC subgroup

2023-11-15 quickMARC subgroup



Attendees : Julia Corrice Christine Schultz-Richert Terence Ingram Mary C Brad Berkotte Christie Thomas Gerard Clifton (Deactivated) Gloria Gonzalez Jackie Magagnosc Jeanette Kalchik  Jenn Colt  Lisa Robinson Mary C Masami Yamaguchi Raegan Wiechert

Lucas Mak Catherine Woeber 

Announcements (5 minutes) All

Development updates (5 minutes)Christine
Authority linking upon import - NLA (15 minutes) 

Terence Ingram Francis Crimmins

  • Main concern: Linking legacy authority records to FOLIO records
  • Future concerns
    • Potential link overwrite on Data import/record overlay
    • If changes to endpoints are made in Poppy, the code may not work the same
    • Support from FOLIO developers to create a process to do this batch update

Knowledge sharing 

  • Have a question you want to ask a library that is managing MARC bib records in FOLIO?
  • Have a question how a library is managing MARC authorities in FOLIO?
  • Have a question regarding authority control and FOLIO? 
  • Have a workflow you want to share with others? 

Then please consider sharing your questions/suggestions/workflows with other attendees. 


Attendees lead this discussion. 

  • Lisa R - experiments with bib-auth linking: linking RBMSCV terms; using MarcEdit to create linking
    • Edited existing bib record by adding $0 and upon import, appeared to perform bib-auth linking, but did not seem to control the $a - this process is missing some of the elements in the Okapi calls like controlled subfields and linking rules
  • Question: New Zealand / Australia libraries > How are they using non-LC authority records. Maori Thesaurus?
    • Investigating ability to add thesauri to FOLIO
Local MARC authority workflowChristine

UXPROD-3910 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Future meetings agenda items / Action items

  • quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
  • quickMARC Error Handling overview
  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)


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