2022-04-21 Metadata Management Meeting notes


~ 30 attendees


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


General Annoucements

docs.folio.org documentation now represents Juniper; working on Kiwi now. Goal is to get documentation on same cycle as releases.

Felix is out on paternity leave until mid-July – try not to tag him/copy him in messages (editorial note: European parental leave practices are vastly superior to those in the U.S.!)

Anyone willing to discuss print serials/binding practices in FOLIO at a future meeting?

  • reach out to Raegan if you'd be up for this
PC update

No meeting last week or this week

Release Notes/Changes

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

  • these
  • notes are still getting updated, check back
  • UIIN-1962 is actually now fixed
  • Administrative note bug fixed also

FYI: Lotus Release Notes

PO update on new app functionality for Lotus and overview of planned work for Morning Glory


A look at Inventory Lotus and Morning Glory - slide deck

Lotus highlights

(primarily related to functional work - about 1/2 of the work for this release by the Prokopovych team has been done on non-functional requirements, such as automatic testing, bug fixes)

  • facets for all filter elements
  • administrative notes
  • additional search/filter options (these are being added/implemented bit by bit across releases)
  • acquisitions data display in both holdings and item records
  • optimistic locking for editing (deletion still to come in future release); includes meaningful error messages
  • various bugs also addressed (see slide deck for some details, links to additional dashboards)

Morning Glory feature highlights

  • add related instances element
  • more search & filter improvements
  • bound-with editing (2 tickets, work being split between 2 development teams)

Nolana anticipated/planned development:

  • more search & filter (dependent on dev team's capacity)
  • marking instances for deletion (first step toward instance record deletion)
  • inventory settings deletion warnings

Demo/Questions (Lotus):

The acquisitions data displaying in the holdings record – is it editable? It can not be edited in Inventory in Kiwi. In Lotus, it is editable again (not all of this is data from the POs). Some of these data appear lost in migration from Juniper to Kiwi; they still exist, but are not displaying in the UI. Some of these data are updated via orders/receiving apps.

Lotus Inventory search includes facets – by default top 5 display; can still use type-ahead search also to get to specific facet(s)/filter(s)

Inventory search pages on the wiki have been updated for ElasticSearch (thanks to Charlotte) -

please add/share additional examples here

Search "All" option will search all elements, across all record types, but needs to be enabled at tenant level if desired (requires full re-indexing); enabling this does impact performance

Filtering on statistical codes for all record types, and for source on holdings (FOLIO/MARC)

Display/loading significantly improved for instance records with large numbers of holdings and/or item records

Magda: slide deck available here

Lotus highlights

  • Holdings record export in MARC (MARC generated on the fly if no underlying source MARC) & additional fields added to default export for Instances
  • Call number & subject browse (long awaited!)
  • Bulk edit pilot (proof of concept) - in Users (csv approach)
  • Search improvements: shelving order for all call number types (items); filtering by date created/updated; boundwith property in search results
  • Automated functional & performance tests, including OAI-PMH performance & stability tests

Morning Glory highlights

  • Call number & subject browse improvements
  • Bulk edit: item locations & statuses (in-app approach)
  • More NFRs (testing, releasing, updating technology)

See slide deck for more info, e.g. default export mapping profile for holdings, fields added to default export mapping for instances

Demo/Questions (Lotus)

Settings changes for data export - job profiles

Holdings export (remember results numbers represent number of instances, not necessarily number of holdings records)

Instance export - public notes now included (MARC 500)

Call number browse - result or placeholder if no result found - based on item shelving order (so only materials with item records appear in browse results) - this will be changed after shelving order added to holdings (probably Nolana release)

Subject browse - based on subjects in Instance records; some aspects will improve with development of links between instance & authority records (Khalilah will give an overview of authorities development in next week's meeting)

Bulk edit - csv & in-app options will have separate permissions
