2022-12-01 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Alissa Hafele (first hour)


No meeting December 22 and 29 2022

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

PC update

I will be out of town and cannot attend this week. The PC agenda items are mostly updates from:

Item Action menuCharlotte Whitt 

UIIN-2263 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Discuss if needed to see 'Actions' twice: So listed both as Button label, and as sub-heading. The decision should be implemented consistent across all record types: 



Current display

UX proposal


  • Add "mark as" subheading to the item actions button
  • Don't add "actions" subheading, as this is a duplicate to the button label
  • Remove "actions" subheading in the Inventory result list action button as well
  • see UIIN-2263 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Serials management workOwen Stephens 

Slide deck

Owen PO for Serials Management development, funded by GBV and Duke (presentation done in PC and Acq SIG previously)

Scope (not an exhaustive list)

  • LC definition of serials. FOLIO context - anything with Order Type = Ongoing
  • Orders and Invoices
  • Predictions
  • Receiving/Check-in
  • Claims
  • Tracking/Reminders
  • Transfers/Binding etc.

See diagram of current FOLIO functionality and where the new Serials functionality may fit in

First release aim

  • Subscription based serials with predictable pieces and invoicing/payment separate to piece receipt
    • To support this - serial record that describes and links to existing order and existing inventory
      • Add new period to serial
      • Add new prediction pattern
      • Generate predicted pieces
      • Ensure predicted pieces can be received (either in Receiving App or separate)

Out of scope

  • Non-subscription/non-predictable based serials publications, e.g. standing orders/mono series/loose leafs
  • Automated claiming
  • Collection management

Current work

  • Talking with sponsors, Orders PO, and dev team
  • JIRA projects - MODSER and UISER
  • Lots of decisions still, discussions with SIGs, not trying to reinvent and want to make best use of existing functionality


  • Will there be an Item Status for claimed?
    • Unknown currently, not sure we would always have an item at point of claiming
    • Different libraries operating differently, e.g. Duke vs. GBV
    • Questions around Item States - no PO currently
  • Receiving and public display - are you considering the relationship between this and the Receiving History in Inventory? Currently functionality is a bit off because of the way display to public functions.
    • Options per Owen
      • Make use of current Receiving App functionality and make use of predictions in existing context, then we can ALL focus on how this interacts with Inventory
      • This might not be possible, so other option is something outside of Receiving App
    • From Chat: What if receiving history for serials was passed through OAI-PMH for discovery display?  Item records could be for issues fully bound into bound items? for fully received issues
    • Ultimately if you receive an item it may or may not create Inventory and if it does, it all works as it currently does
      • Subtleties around bindery and predicting etc.
  • Predictions - nothing currently in system around this and noone else working on it
    • Need to support all varieties of patterns, e.g. built-in or MARC holdings stored
  • Hoping for feedback on use of volume, enum, chron etc.
    • Receiving app options vs. Inventory options and trying to understand how these would be used a part of predictions
    • Chat: Would Inventory Item records have to have Year, Caption separated into 2 separate fields for ease of data mapping?
    • Some modeling done in snapshot on ABA Journal, includes enum and chron, no year,caption (combined in inventory) info
    • Owen: seems like captions are included in enumeration, e.g. v. and no.
      • Fills patron needs?
      • Could it be formulated differently?
    • Chat: Ann-Marie: Keep in mind the more libraries that adopt FOLIO and that create FOLIO holdings, the more challenging to change the data elements of the FOLIO holdings record and revise libraries' existing data, especially if one field is broken into multiple fields.'
    • Chat: Rita: In Germany we have an orientation on RDA rather than MARC 21 when it comes to caption and numeration
    • See chat for suggestions on resources to reference
    • Owen: if we create items on basis of predictions, where would the readable statements go?
    • Need to carefully consider the interactions between receiving and inventory in regards to these fields
    • How is year, caption being used?
      • Many not using. Not being passed through OAI/PMH
      • What do these exist for?
        • Critical for Chalmers, Charlotte can grab examples
    • SIG will gather real life examples of these for wiki in Tips and Tricks
  • Owen will follow up in Slack with further questions
    • Insert here

Nolana PO update for Data ImportSlide deck with Morning Glory hotfix, Nolana updates, and Orchid preview


08:48:50 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:
    Will there be an Item Status for Claimed?
08:50:34 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    We at Duke create items when they are predicted
08:51:37 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) to Everyone:
    When integrating Inventory with CBS we do not expect to have items for individual issues/parts.
08:52:00 From Rita Albrecht to Everyone:
    Same with HeBIS libraries
08:52:24 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:
    Like Jacquie we were in ALEPH, and so also had that experience of being able to show that something is Claimed or Never Received for Periodicals
08:52:32 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:
08:53:11 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    We need a PO for item states …
08:53:27 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    We would have to be able to collapse items on binding, so very temporary items.
08:53:47 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Isn't Erin N. the PO now for Item States?
08:54:03 From Laura (she/they) to Everyone:
    Not really -- Erin N. is gathering requirements
08:54:12 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    OK!  Sorry to Erin
08:54:32 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    There is an Acq "not really an item" item like record isn't there?
08:54:49 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
    Yes - you can have that Jacquie
08:57:52 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    What if receiving history for serials was passed through OAI-PMH for discovery display?  Item records could be for issues fully bound into bound items?
08:58:05 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    for fully received issues
08:58:11 From Rita Albrecht to Everyone:
    In our Discovery System the Patrons only get the Information that a Journal has been subscribed but we do not present single issues to them
08:59:53 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Probably just the next expected.  :)
09:00:47 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    +1 Owen, Jacquie
09:01:25 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    We have those data in our MARC holdings records, just FYI. Could leverage those somehow, I would hope.
09:03:18 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) to Everyone:
    Koha as OSS has those patterns as well.
09:03:56 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Complicating prediction is the need to be able to edit the enum/chron data on receipt.  Given publisher variability.
09:04:05 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    Yes, we do have enumeration and chronology data properties
09:04:17 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    And caption, year
09:04:48 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    Would Inventory Item records have to have Year, Caption separated into 2 separate fields for ease of data mapping?
09:05:15 From Ryan Tamares (he/him) to Everyone:
    +1 Jacquie, especially for the “special issues” that come up that need manual intervention
09:05:25 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:
    Does Caption go over to Inventory upon Receipt? It would be nice if it transferred to Volume in the Item.
09:05:45 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
09:05:59 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    Recent receipt info shows in the FOLIO holdings record
09:07:03 From Lisa F. (Cataloging) to Everyone:
    Marc 853-866 would give you the model of how the patterns work https://loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd84188x.html
09:07:15 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    For what it is worth, I do not like the way that enumeration and chronology is listed currently.
09:07:27 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    + 1 Lisa F.
09:07:29 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    +1 Jacquie
09:08:15 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    it seems that there is a conflation of monographic enumeration with continuing works
09:09:44 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    Keep in mind the more libraries that adopt FOLIO and that create FOLIO holdings, the more challenging to change the data elements of the FOLIO holdings record and revise libraries' existing data, especially if one field is broken into multiple fields.'
09:10:46 From Rita Albrecht to Everyone:
    In Germany we have an orientation on RDA rather than MARC 21 when it comes to caption and numeration
09:11:11 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    The FOLIO should lean towards RDA, right?
09:11:12 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    And right now there are only a very small number of FOLIO libraries using MARC Holdings
09:11:21 From Lisa F. (Cataloging) to Everyone:
    Also see CONSER training for holdings SEssion 3 and 4 https://loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/scctp/HoldingsSlides.html
09:11:51 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    You should really look at ANSI/NISO Z 39.70.
09:12:05 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Sorry Sara!  I didn't mean to budge before you.
09:12:17 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    Good discussion - we definitely need to capture these suggestion comments on the meeting wiki page
09:12:22 From Lisa F. (Cataloging) to Everyone:
    https://www.niso.org/publications/z3971-2006-r2011 HOldings statements for bib items
09:12:49 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    Year and caption should be separated into two fields, imo
09:12:56 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Thanks Lisa F.! I said the wrong standard, oops.
09:13:10 From Rita Albrecht to Everyone:
    +1 Lynne
09:13:44 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    Yes, Sara - need to be clear about receiving actions and data, then ultimate holdings data (including post-binding) for library staff ad users
09:14:16 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    I feel that the most granular data allows the various discovery systems to display for patrons (and other librarians)
09:14:27 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    and a customizable generate button we can hit that will create a caption description in the format that you want.
09:14:48 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    that you set up in settings
09:15:21 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    Is there a general consensus about splitting Year and Caption?
09:15:31 From Raegan Wiechert to Everyone:
    It seems to me that rather than having one mapping, institutions need to be able to set their own mapping.
09:16:17 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:
    Good Q! It has been a mystery to me!
09:16:58 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke to Everyone:
    Me as well!
09:17:06 From Rita Albrecht to Everyone:
    I see a great difference in Information we Need for presentation to our Patrons and data we need for prediction purposes. Those for prediction purposes must be normalized in a way to allow a system to create what we expect from it.
09:17:28 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    It might be really helpful to gather some examples for those Enumeration data fields and put on the wiki with real-life info from libraries, especially if they are being used in different ways
09:20:08 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    Charlotte, +1 for separating year, caption into two fields for me
09:20:20 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
    Thank you all
09:20:36 From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:
    Good discussion!
09:22:31 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
    I expect we have training materials if not access
09:22:56 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
    Alma did this really well -> binding items and merging them into one item record
09:23:23 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
    There is Voyager documentation available online at https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Voyager/Product_Documentation
09:23:32 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
    That may have some information and illustration?