2022-10-27 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2022-10-27 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items

Lisa McColl

Sharon Wiles-Young is our new PC liaison

Charlotte Whitt  reported that yesterday there was a meeting of the Entity Management Working Group. The group discussed how to plan and organize. The result was the creation of two subgroups: a group that will do an environmental scan and another that will work on updating the list of use cases.

The group will report bi-weekly to the MM SIG

PC update
  • Duke and GBV are funding new work on Serials Management.

Owen Stephens did a great demo of the planned work. Slides are at

Scope: They will start with print serials in the area of predictive check in and receiving. Action item: They will meet with the Acquisitions SIG. 

  • Community Council report: Paula S. reported that the FOLIO finances are in good shape and added a wiki page reporting finances; met with the LOC about engagement with FOLIO project and slides are here 
  • Documentation: Marcia's contract is over. The Community Council will fund her for another six months. Martina will be the liaison to that documentation team. The team will work on a succession plan.
  • The CC is looking at onboarding people involved in the project - get more testers, more POs. 
  • Kirstin mentioned the resourcing group is meeting. They have three scenarios to propose to keep FOLIO sustainable
  • Volunteers to host WolfCon?
  • TC - needs to redo the review process due to growth of FOLIO scale
  • Harry talked to group about dashboards and Jiras and releases/bug fixes. Check Support SIG for more info.

Thank you Sharon for updates from multiple councils! 

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

Misc. bugs and issues related to the implementation of Holdings Source ID property. This element was implemented to support the new work on maintaining Holdings record in MFHD format in quickMARC. The implementation of Holdings Source ID (not required, not repeatable) is different from the original work on Instance Source ID (required, not repeatable).
It will be helpful to get a small MM-SIG working group to review, and decide on if any change of the spec should be pursued.

Just a fyi too: a holdings source identification and cleanup script was created by the Folijet development team for Kiwi or later. This script can be found on on the FOLIO wiki - see: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Scripts+for+Inventory%2C+Source+Record+Storage%2C+and+Data+Import+Cleanup

with additional details here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1390748 

UIIN-2208 - Holdings source ID bug discovered by the bulk edit working group. Hope is to get this fixed in the next couple of weeks. If created in the UI then the source is set.  "But only in the UI. It will still be null in the data." (Christie via chat) Charlotte suggests the that SIG members propose a solution to present to the developers. Volunteers: Jenn Colt, Jacquie Samples, Christie Thomas.

Christie added the migration script will not correct all of the problems. Holdings created by the following do not get the correct source

    • Lehigh Order Import app
    • NCIP holdings creation
    • Fast adds

Causes problems in Inventory UI. Causes reporting issues.

Christie In chat, "that is a good question. right now we can edit all of our holdings in the ui regardless of what the holdings source is."

Jenn in chat, "It translates null to what the instance had. But you can still edit them in ours."

MODSOURCE-559 - If you use OAI-PMH this will affect you.

Inventory UX

Topic 1: Review UX mock up, and gather possible new requirements on Inventory hierarchical display (UXPROD-491) > slide deck with proposed UX mockups:

Kimie Kester  was not able to attend the meeting, but will listen to the recording.

  • The mockup above was created a year ago.
  • Felix added that there are currently no resources to go towards this, so this is preliminary work. Christie, via chat, "That is a really good point. I don't think there is a development team for inventory any longer? How is the project going to address that?"

  • Jacquie (in chat) - "So, we can change all of those older choices and update our vision altogether since nothing has moved forward in development, right?"
  • Rita ask about the sorting of holdings and items. 

Chat comments:

From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:08 PM
Could the Holdings Statement info be displayed even when collapsed?

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 12:09 PM
I may be getting ahead of this, but I cannot remember if we will be able to sort by the different instance / holdings / items properties?

From Natascha Owens (she/her) to Everyone 12:11 PM
I've always been very apprehensive about the "card" display--I find it very difficult to hone in on the info that I might need depending on my search.  With a multicolumn list I think it would be easier to sort and see what I am looking for.

From Marmot User Services to Everyone 12:12 PM
+1 Natascha

From Felix Hemme (ZBW) to Everyone 12:13 PM
Sara, we'll make sure your question will be included in the notes!

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 12:13 PM

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 12:13 PM
+1 to HRIDs.

Sara suggested adding an option of "Open all the item" as well as included volume an enumeration details. 

Christie's comments in chat (received many +1)
"I still do not understand how we will be able to sort the results list.
Which information is displayed should be customizable by the institution since we do not all use the same properties in the records."

Rita noted that we have not talked about sorting holdings.

Christie - How will we make sure the results are relevant - when wanting a list of items, the current results list instances, for example.

Jenn wondered if approaching the "direct" search first would be the best way. Example of "direct" search result


From Jenn Colt to Everyone 12:19 PM
When we refresh the 
From Ryan Tamares (he/him) to Everyone 12:20 PM
to what Sara commented on— we have some titles in our collection that have as many as 8000 items, so the consideration of information displayed is super crucial
From Jessica Janecki to Everyone 12:20 PM
Is there any easy way to dump an item list (with item data) into excel?
From Ryan Tamares (he/him) to Everyone 12:21 PM
*I stand corrected, some titles have over 10k items
From Colin V. (he/him) to Everyone 12:24 PM
I feel like the card result approach works best for Instance searching.  When I'm searching for holdings or items, I might only be interested in a subset of holdings or items attached to an Instance. This subset bit makes display and sorting in those segments tricky.
From Jessica Janecki to Everyone 12:25 PM
Charlotte, are you saying a known item search takes you directly to the item?
From Jenn Colt to Everyone 12:26 PM
If searching an HRID or barcode took me directly that record it would solve 90% of my problems because I get sent hrids constantly for troubleshooting
From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 12:26 PM
+1 Jenn Colt
From Jessica Janecki to Everyone 12:27 PM
Jenn, my team does this sort of troubleshooting in our current system constantly.
From Natalie Sommerville to Everyone 12:27 PM
+1 Jessica
From Jamie Jesanis to Everyone 12:27 PM
It would be useful to maybe have buttons for "Select All Items", "Select All Holdings" on the search results screen. Or maybe the ability to display only items or only holdings.

"Those of us at Chicago rely heavily on search results to assess our data and bring our attention inconsistencies in that data.  We are not necessarily looking to zone in on a given title.   As someone who works with serials held in various formats,  it's very helpful to have a clear list of results that includes identifier, title, corporate body, date, format, that I can sort."

"Customizable multi-column list" result was expressed as a desired result. Christie asked can we implement this in a way that institutions could decide what display

"Would a multicolumn list be better for holdings/items and card results for Instances?"

Should there be a different UI for different types of searches

Charlotte will talk to Kimie about listening to this recording. Incorporating UI standards from other apps. 

Action: Please go over the slides one more time and give feedback. Felix suggested in addition to looking at the slides, perhaps propose high level requirements, such as cross entity searching (search in Instance, Holdings, Items together)

Topic 2: Identify records in result list > issues and pain points 


17:32:58 Von  Lisa McColl  an  Alle:
    Yay Sharon!
17:33:07 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    thank you Sharon!
17:33:30 Von  Charlotte Whitt  an  Alle:
    Thank you Sharon \o/
17:39:04 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    Yes, we have to manage a lot of subscriptions besides of ERM.
17:39:24 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    Yes, so many serials to manage!
17:40:27 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    great news that Marcia will be around a little longer
17:43:21 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    +1 Laura
17:47:17 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    But only in the UI. It will still be null in the data.
17:49:21 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Please include me
17:49:38 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    Me too, please.
17:50:31 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    Sorry, I was raising my hand to volunteer.  Thanks Felix.
17:50:38 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    Okay , np
17:51:05 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Charlotte the NCIP module also creates holdings without a source so it probably needs an issue like fast add
17:51:17 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    At least in lotus
17:52:17 Von  Lisa McColl  an  Alle:
    We have over a million  :(
17:55:44 Von  Lisa McColl  an  Alle:
    I agree Christie - it's bad data. Thank you for pointing out the current problem areas
17:57:17 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    that is a good question. right now we can edit all of our holdings in the ui regardless of what the holdings source is.
17:57:29 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    It translates null to what the instance had. But you can still edit them in ours.
17:58:09 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    Thanks all.  investigating sounds like a good idea. :)
18:04:03 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    That is a really good point. I don't think there is a development team for inventory any longer? How is the project going to address that?
18:04:54 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    So, we can change all of those older choices and update our vision altogether since nothing has moved forward in development, right?
18:08:26 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    Could the Holdings Statement info be displayed even when collapsed?
18:09:49 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I may be getting ahead of this, but I cannot remember if we will be able to sort by the different instance / holdings / items properties?
18:11:23 Von  Natascha Owens (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I've always been very apprehensive about the "card" display--I find it very difficult to hone in on the info that I might need depending on my search.  With a multicolumn list I think it would be easier to sort and see what I am looking for.
18:12:48 Von  Marmot User Services  an  Alle:
    +1 Natascha
18:13:17 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    Sara, we'll make sure your question will be included in the notes!
18:13:23 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
18:13:35 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    +1 to HRIDs.
18:13:46 Von  Renée Martonik  an  Alle:
    ++1 Natascha
18:14:36 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    If I have many items for a Serial/Periodical, then how will I know which one I want, like, v. 19 issue 5?
18:15:33 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I still do not understand how we will be able to sort the results list.
18:17:29 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    Which information is displayed should be customizable by the institution since we do not all use the same properties in the records.
18:18:03 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    +1 Christie
18:18:10 Von  Rita Albrecht  an  Alle:
    +1 Chrstie
18:18:20 Von  Natascha Owens (she/her)  an  Alle:
    +1 Christie
18:18:26 Von  Marmot User Services  an  Alle:
    +1 Christie
18:19:13 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    I like the indentions idea! too
18:19:40 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    When we refresh the mockups we should make sure we have some with many holdings and many items and the current pagination, etc
18:20:13 Von  Ryan Tamares (he/him)  an  Alle:
    to what Sara commented on— we have some titles in our collection that have as many as 8000 items, so the consideration of information displayed is super crucial
18:20:57 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Is there any easy way to dump an item list (with item data) into excel?
18:21:44 Von  Ryan Tamares (he/him)  an  Alle:
    *I stand corrected, some titles have over 10k items
18:24:22 Von  Colin V. (he/him)  an  Alle:
    I feel like the card result approach works best for Instance searching.  When I'm searching for holdings or items, I might only be interested in a subset of holdings or items attached to an Instance. This subset bit makes display and sorting in those segments tricky.
18:25:39 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Charlotte, are you saying a known item search takes you directly to the item?
18:26:27 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    If searching an HRID or barcode took me directly that record it would solve 90% of my problems because I get sent hrids constantly for troubleshooting
18:26:57 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    +1 Jenn Colt
18:27:11 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Jenn, my team does this sort of troubleshooting in our current system constantly.
18:27:24 Von  Natalie Sommerville  an  Alle:
    +1 Jessica
18:27:43 Von  Jamie Jesanis  an  Alle:
    It would be useful to maybe have buttons for "Select All Items", "Select All Holdings" on the search results screen. Or maybe the ability to display only items or only holdings.
18:28:38 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Nothing is!
18:31:06 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    Known item searching is so important for many of our workflows, it would be great if that is addressed soonest. IMO
18:31:54 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    Being able to choose/customize which elements display in the results for each record type would be great.
18:33:25 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    +1 Laura.
18:33:45 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Looking at low hanging fruit, even adding HRIDs to the current display of holdings items would help me
18:34:00 Von  Renée Martonik  an  Alle:
    Those of us at Chicago rely heavily on search results to assess our data and bring our attention inconsistencies in that data.  We are not necessarily looking to zone in on a given title.   As someone who works with serials held in various formats,  it's very helpful to have a clear list of results that includes identifier, title, corporate body, date, format, that I can sort.
18:34:04 Von  Colin V. (he/him)  an  Alle:
    +100 to Christie on this
18:35:17 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    Being able to hide the instance card would help.
18:40:25 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    Customizable multi column list!!!
18:40:27 Von  Natascha Owens (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I also really want the multicolumn list!!
18:40:53 Von  Colin V. (he/him)  an  Alle:
    Would a multicolumn list be better for holdings/items and card results for Instances?
18:41:01 Von  Renée Martonik  an  Alle:
    +1 Laura, Christie, Natascha
18:42:06 Von  Natascha Owens (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I would prefer MLC for Instances
18:42:08 Von  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  an  Alle:
    +1 Christie and Colin!
18:42:50 Von  Colin V. (he/him)  an  Alle:
    I also like Charlotte's idea about being able to hide the Instance or Item data if searching in Holdings (for example), because it essentially lets me toggle between card and multicolumn.  Displaying all three forms a card, reducing down to one record type makes it multicolumn.
18:42:52 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    I remember some mock-ups from that exercise
18:46:12 Von  Kara Hart (she/hers)  an  Alle:
    What I find frustrating is not being able to use the facets for In, Ho or It in all In, Ho, It searches.  For example, Find holdings with a statistical code in the Holdings and Suppressed at the Instance level without having to use a query.
18:46:17 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
18:47:03 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
18:47:06 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    +1 Kara
18:47:35 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    this was for the items list only, I'm seeing
18:49:37 Von  Laura (Cornell)  an  Alle:
    this one also might be worth looking at: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kDumWwhNfP7Mq9hZ5q4O1cnbg_BY4ILgKbjBWOO4Xso/edit#slide=id.p
18:49:40 Von  Colin V. (he/him)  an  Alle:
    homework is good - not frustrated - excited!
18:49:48 Von  Charlotte Whitt  an  Alle: