2022-02-03 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items

Notetaker?Martina Schildt 

Ann-Marie: Lotus release has been pushed back

  • deadlines for Lotus have been pushed back for a sprint; Wiki has been updated
  • Release Morning Glory has been shortened by one sprint
  • if people are interested in specific features, please contact the relevant PO

Cornell has 2 cataloging positions open (staff). Both are in Laura's unit. Feel free to refer questions to her.

PC update

2022-02-03 Product Council Meeting notes

  • Most of the meeting was devoted to a discussion on MARC Authorities and the impact of the implementation of the new 'authorities' entity in mod-inventory-storage
  • Khalilah gave an overview that was presented to MM as well and gave a good demo
  • Khalilah explained how to search works; what data is displayed
  • Presentation

  • FAQs

  • Recordings for PC are to be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20c0xjUXZSTGp3UTQ?resourcekey=0-KPI_grz6y_EdssNfJw172A
  • Christie: no communication with entity management group, no involvement; there are still concerns
  • Jacquie: has raised concerns as well; work that happened should be taken into account; development related to Authority management should have been communicated earlier
  • Jessica: Khalilah was aware of the entity management work; the development was just about ebing able to be able to pull authorities in 
  • Ann-Marie in chat: +1 to everything that Jessica said. This is not some plan to mess with Entity Management. And the abstraction layer is just to make them searchable in the UI. Not a big deal, and not closing off much more future work by the EM folks.
  • Christie: still communication was missing; in chat: But if the abstraction layer was created for marc authorities without consultation, then what is the plan for making sure that the data model for the abstraction layer works for something other than marc authorities?
  • Martina S.: the PC discussed the topic to clarify the process around adding functionality, involving the SIG and the PC at an early stage;
  • Felix: adding to that, there is the question whether subgroups can decide on their own, without communicating back to the SIG, or not
  • Ann-Marie: there is not a way to search in SRS, Invetory does not surface authority data;  that was the reason to add the develop 
  • Jacquie in chat: But instead of developing a new abstraction layer, it would have been more impactful to develop a search on SRS data, which was my point in using the dev. time to create something we (SMEs) did not ask for.
    It is a matter of the prioritization of dev work that was not approved by this group is what concerns me.
  • Khalilah will be invited for a related discussion to a future meeting
Release Notes/ChangesJennifer Eustis 

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

  • there is working going on on the open issues; e.g. invalid statistical code IDs
  • UXPROD-3463 - NFR: Data Import R1 2022 Lotus Support Bug Work IN PROGRESS
  • there are data corruption issues: moving holdings and items (concerned are orders, requests, course reserves) 
    • those are all open 
    • Felix: will they be worked on for Morning Glory?
    • Charlotte: we should bring those up at a PO meeting and make an effort to get this fixed
    • these features are umbrella issues because of a PO decision
    • they are waiting to be done for over a year now
    • there is a workaround for orders, but not for the other use cases
Migration Experiences

Raegan Wiechert (Missouri State)

Christie Thomas (University of Chicago)

Laura E Daniels (Cornell University) 

Raegan (Missouri State):

  • one of the longest people who have been live
  • highlights to think about:
    • do not leave your serials migration until the very end
    • be prepared that it is going to take a while for all processes to be in place
    • some functionality may not be available; if it is, it may not work straight away as expected (e.g. overlay records; linking orders to bib records)
    • Missouri State went live with Fameflower
    • had issues with single record import
    • it took over a year to get some of their processes going; needed external spreadsheet for a while in parallel
    • Feedback: be prepared that the system will not work perfectly for you at day one

Laura (Cornell University)

  • continue to have challenged around scalability
  • have a lot of data; things get slowed down
  • single record import much slower than people expect it to be; that is slowing people down; has impacts on productivity
  • unhappy with amount of scrolling and clicking
  • someone developed Macros to solve that with Macro Express 3
    • a demo of the Macro creation with Macro Express is asked for → will be scheduled
    • can Macros be shared? → Laura will check that; Jacquie: The community using ME can likely export and share the macros, but they have to be version-specific.
    • Sara: certain key combinations match up with other things and certain characters cannot be typed any more
    • Laura: which version this happened with? → Sara: Macro Express Version 3.9a build 1
  • sometimes people put information in two places instead of one (holdings, items) → more customization needed; hide elements that a library does not use
  • Non-MARC data not surfaced in Blacklight → deduplication needed; using template to generate brief MARC records; unintentionly this gets edited from time to time and needs to be re-created
  • Functionality around Caiasoft is working well
  • Jacquie: are you doing pre-accessioning? which data flow is used?
    • Jacquie will check with an ACQ person at Cornell
  • Felix: order records will be created as non-MARC records and then a template is used; would it be possible to overlay a source Folio with a MARC record → Laura: yes; the temlates are used when no MARC record is available
  • Ann-Marie: libraries that get data from their vendors; they want to update their data with cataloguing data; key piece that is not there yet: there is no reliable match point; working on adding to data import to match to instances, holdings, items that are related to a POL
  • POL knows which instances, holdings and items it is related to
  • Charlotte: will the functionality include having multiple items; Ann-Marie: that is not planned for Morning Glory; feature is not yet prioritized
  • Christie in chat: We are adding the vendor reference number in the other system identifier of the instance at the point of creation and using it as a match point: (GOBI)999xxxxxxx
  • Jenn: how is the GOBI integration working for libraries? Not working for them
    • Joshua (Michigan State): having issues and will connect Jenn to the relevant people in his institution
    • Charlotte: GoBi integration. Would that be a topic for a tips and trick page?
    • Ann-Marie: need to get any bugs in Dennis Bridges' scope as he is the PO

Christie (University of Chicago)

  • up for 2 weeks
  • has been relatively painless
  • people are in general really happy with things
  • some pain points
  • some things they did before the migration: practiced migration regularly
  • migrated over a long weekend
  • still ran into things on that weekend; 
  • unintentionally data was left behind; have still access to previous system so can go and get data
  • did load testing (2 or 3 times)
  • unintentionally did batch loading at the same time as colleague
  • good performance due to load testing; 
  • simple record import is working fantastic for Chicago
  • not able to delete tags when they have an instance where source is MARC;
  • are creating brief Folio instance records at point of order
  • hopefully going  to move to Kiwi shortly
  • Laura: so VuFind is getting a MARC record generated on the fly from the instance record? → yes
  • Magda: what are you using for export → Christie will check;
  • definitely doing instance to MARC on the fly
  • Magda: we added a few fields for the Lotus release, requested by Chicago; coverage with default mapping was improved for generating records on the fly
  • Natascha: most worried about migration how staff would respond to it
  • worked really well: teams Folio questions chat; was good because people work apart from each other, remotely
  • answers are immediate and reach everyone
  • chat died down in the last week so things seem to run quite smoothely
  • Charlotte: Chicago has been a great customer; were very well prepraed; several dry runs, erevytime learned something
  • Christie: has all been going very well
  • Felix: when you were setting up and planning for locations and the 4 level hierarchy: was there many people involved?
  • Christie: it was a small group; 3 level structure in previous systems
  • got rid of locations they did not want to persist; a lot of clean-up work has been done
  • Colleagues from MM, RA and LTS 
  • Ann-Marie: great tip to use the opportunity to reset; locations, material types, fund strcuctures that are no longer needed can be looked at, consolidate or restructure
  • Laura in chat: Cornell did a lot of clean-up on records for equipment (making them more consistent across locations and, we hope, easier to maintain) (these records do not display to the public)
  • Christie in chat: That was on our list, but we did not get to it.
  • lessons learned from migarting over and over again: cleaned up MARC records
  • went live on first ILS in the 70's; so a lot of data that could not be migrated
  • recatalogued a lot of material, if they cared about it
  • Jacquie in chat: We are in the midst of an OCLC Reclamation Data Sync to help us make sure that our data is as clean as posslibe.  We have unexpectedly found LOTS of invalidly structured MARC data. We had 216,000 vendor records without LDR 05-07.  Fixing that via the data sync.
  • Laura in chat: we had lots of language code errors also
  • Felix: one of the few mandatory fields is the title; had some records without a title

MM related use cases for data sync

(warning) postponed to next meeting. Intermediate discussion will take place on Slack #metadata-management channel



17:32:47 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Just dreary rain down south here.
17:33:46 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    thank you, Martina
17:35:59 Von  Martina Schildt  an  Alle:
    Thanks Laura :)
17:36:10 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Don’t tell them about the weather
17:36:30 Von  Jackie Magagnosc  an  Alle:
    It's nice here in the summer!
17:39:13 Von  Martina Schildt  an  Alle:
    Link to presntation by Khalilah: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1npmW7OZFTffNWDeL2a7jrLCTueofbKNB/edit#slide=id.p1
17:40:43 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    I'm on the quick marc working group, so I can talk about it a little
17:41:59 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    I recommend to listen to the recording of the PC meeting.
17:42:12 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I will do that Charlotte.
17:43:25 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    I second that, Charlotte. Maybe invite Khalilah to continue the discussion at MM SIG?
17:43:59 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    +1 to everything that Jessica said. This is not some plan to mess with Entity Management. And the abstraction layer is just to make them searchable in the UI. Not a big deal, and not closing off much more future work by the EM folks.
17:44:20 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    But if the abstraction layer was created for marc authorities without consultation, then what is the plan for making sure that the data model for the abstraction layer works for something other than marc authorities?
17:45:25 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    No worries, Laura, there is a lot of functionality wrt locally stored authority records that we don't actually need right now like fine tuning searching and display
17:46:42 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    +1 Felix and Charlotte -- it would be great to have Khalilah join MM again to talk about this
17:47:05 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    So there will be no interaction between marc authorities and marc bibliographic records in sos?
17:47:14 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    srs, sorry.
17:47:19 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    No, there is no interaction
17:47:31 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    Thanks, Jessica.
17:47:31 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    But there is planned interaction
17:47:31 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    The current work is just to store and search/display MARC authority records
17:48:30 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    mod-inventory-storage JSON schema: https://github.com/folio-org/mod-inventory-storage/blob/master/ramls/authorities/authority.json
17:50:39 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    But instead of developing a new abstraction layer, it would have been more impactful to develop a search on SRS data, which was my point in using the dev. time to create something we (SMEs) did not ask for.
17:51:31 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    It is a matter of the prioritization of dev work that was not approved by this group is what concerns me.
17:52:13 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    And Jackie, yes, there can be searches of SMS, but there cannot be a UI search or display without the abstraction
17:52:51 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    In the dev process, it was investigated whether the SRS api search that was developed should be expanded to authorities and it did not seem like it was going to be an efficient way to do it, doing it via elastic seemed better. Not to weight in one way or the other, just to say it was thought of.
17:53:07 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Thanks Jenn
17:54:54 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I would also like to better understand the scope of the QuickMarc group as regards the further development of authorities and the planned integrations of the authority app with marc bibliographic records in srs. Does the membership and charge need to be updated?
17:55:16 Von  Jennifer Eustis (she/her)  an  Alle:
    Thanks Charlotte
17:55:41 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Thanks Jen!
17:57:23 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Data Import also reviewed the Authority work that was discussed in the QM group, since a significant portion of it has to do with importing the records.
17:58:42 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    I wouldn’t mind revisiting that if we time, now that we have folks trying to use it. I was helping a little this morning but I think I need to understand the mapping better.
17:59:00 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Because we have folks who never used DI before now trying to import authorities
18:00:14 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    Nothing is more permanent than a workaround.
18:00:39 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    😁 Felix
18:03:58 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    +1 Felix!  😀
18:08:08 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Can you talk more about MacroExpress 3 with FOLIO? We currently use that at Duke and depend on it highly.
18:08:24 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    local customization would also help reduce scrolling
18:11:42 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    That would be super awesome with a demo of MacroExpress
18:11:49 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
18:13:21 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Catching up on chat. If we want to talk about the Authorities import in a future meeting, I'm happy to spend a few minutes showing it. Key thing to understand is that there's no custom mappings - just import the whole MARC authority record, so just a system-default import job profile.
18:13:44 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Macro Express 3 is incompatible with the current version )ME5), just so we are all aware.
18:14:02 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    That's good to know, Jacquie
18:14:19 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    The community using ME can likely export and share the macros, but they have to be version-specific.
18:14:55 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    Thanks Jacquie!
18:14:59 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
18:15:18 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Macro Express and MarcEdit - how could we live without them!
18:15:56 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Yeah Cammie is def the best source
18:16:00 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    Macro Express Version 3.9a build 1
18:17:50 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    re: when the issue occurs re: ME has to do if we try to use it to type in a standardize text or phrase we use over and over ... and then
18:19:27 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    But we are seeing in the Instance that it keeps indicating that the Source is FOLIO etc even though it now has a MRCSRC record ... has anyone else seen this?
18:20:42 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    We aren’t seeing that, that sounds like a bug.
18:20:50 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Or data problem
18:22:35 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    We are adding the vendor reference number in the other system identifier of the instance at the point of creation and using it as a match point: (GOBI)999xxxxxxx
18:23:00 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    Yes, that sounds like a bug in the local environment, Jenn Colt
18:24:10 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    We decided not the GOBI API integration at launch, primarily because of the matching issues.
18:24:10 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    Sorry, I had it wrong, the Source does become MARC, but the Instance status term, code, source remains Temporary, temp, folio ... which surprised/confused me, I guess
18:24:44 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    GoBi integration. Would that be a topic for a tips and trick page?
18:24:46 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    that makes sense, Sara -- the instance status is locally defined
18:25:35 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    Thanks, Laura. Good point
18:26:44 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Hi Charlotte, I think the Gobi Integration is a good topic for the tips and tricks page.  Thanks for suggesting it!
18:26:50 Von  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  an  Alle:
    I would really like to hear in more detail about GOBI Integration and Inventory interaction--also related to Receiving!
18:27:52 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    I can start a page, and then you can all add content
18:28:26 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    time truly has no meaning!
18:28:27 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Charlotte - you might want to check in the Orders section of tips and tricks - I thought we had some basics someplace
18:30:07 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    Will do that too
18:30:13 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Was it Raegan who was talking about the subscriptions and not leaving them to the end? One thing we discovered with Michigan State was the need to ensure the POLs/VRNs for subscriptions are reviewed between the library and their major subn vendors - to make sure there would be a working invoice matchpoint.
18:30:13 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    Here the link: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/GOBI+interaction+-+DRAFT
18:30:21 Von  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  an  Alle:
    That is such a good takeaway!
18:30:40 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    +1 on the deleting tags
18:31:23 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    +1 on deleting tags and protecting others!
18:31:36 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    Yes -- we are having to delete 856s also.
18:32:23 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Are you kiwi or juniper Christie?
18:32:47 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    so VuFind is getting a MARC record generated on the fly from the instance record?
18:33:31 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Thanks for asking that, Jessica!
18:33:53 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    Do you now why we were told that we couldn't point it to a new profile????
18:34:32 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    These custom single record profiles are part of our integrations with the Lehigh App and also with our ArchivesSpace integration
18:40:05 Von  Jessica Janecki  an  Alle:
    @Jenn that is good to know
18:42:27 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Christie can you show the deletes in lab today?
18:42:34 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    I can.
18:42:38 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
18:44:05 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    I can't make it to the lab - are those mtgs recorded?
18:44:19 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    We haven’t but we can record that segment today
18:45:01 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    What is the topic at today’s Lab meeting?
18:45:17 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    That would be awesome, Jenn - thank you!
18:45:22 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    Christie said she would talk in more detail about her custom single record import profiles
18:45:36 Von  Index Data  an  Alle:
    Cool. Thanks
18:45:54 Von  Lynne Fors  an  Alle:
    Where is the info for joining/viewing the lab?
18:46:51 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/232783383 (Thursdays 3-4 EST)
18:47:17 Von  Lynne Fors  an  Alle:
    Thank you!
18:47:18 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    The info is pinned in the metadata record export slack channel because the lab took over that group’s meeting time
18:47:24 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    standard FOLIO password
18:47:51 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Zoom details for Data Import Subgroup (Weds) and the lab (Thurs) is pinned in the Data Import Slack channel too.
18:49:28 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Really good to hear some of the VuFind details - thanks, Christie and Natascha
18:49:41 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    Yay for simplifying!
18:50:44 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    We are also working on removing unneeded, historical location codes to simplified the migration.
18:51:24 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    Cornell did a lot of clean-up on records for equipment (making them more consistent across locations and, we hope, easier to maintain)
18:51:41 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    (these records do not display to the public)
18:52:03 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    That was on our list, but we did not get to it.
18:53:57 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    That is cool - a Do not migrate state and location!
18:54:06 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    status, not state
18:54:15 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    We are in the midst of an OCLC Reclamation Data Sync to help us make sure that our data is as clean as posslibe.  We have unexpectedly found LOTS of invalidly structured MARC data.
18:56:52 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    We had 216,000 vendor records without LDR 05-07.  Fixing that via the data sync.
18:57:32 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    we had lots of language code errors also
18:58:52 Von  Christie Thomas (she/her)  an  Alle:
    Jacquie - cleaning those up is a good idea!
18:58:57 Von  Ann-Marie Breaux  an  Alle:
    That makes sense, Laura - SRS doesn't validate details of the MARC record, just the basic structure, so I think it would be caught when trying to build the Instance
18:59:13 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Yes, we are "in-process" on that clean-up.
18:59:15 Von  Jenn Colt  an  Alle:
    We have to give some props to Theo at EBSCO for helping us work through these errors
18:59:49 Von  Raegan Wiechert  an  Alle:
    Lots of props to Theo
19:00:14 Von  Jacquie Samples  an  Alle:
    Validation for source MaRC should happen in SRS.

Regular Attendees

(alphabetical by first name)




Aaron TrehubAuburn

Adam CottleSkidmore College

Amelia SuttonU Mass-Amherst

Amanda RosTexas A&M
xAmanda ScottMiddle Tennessee State University
xAnn-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst

Annalisa Di Sabato@Cult

Brian ClarkUniversity of Alabama
xIndex Data
xChristie ThomasChicago
xChristin Seegerthbz
xColin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian BiagiWestern New England Univ

Dennis BridgesEBSCO

Dennis ChristmanDuke University

Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dwayne SwigertMissouri State

Felicia PiscitelliTexas A&M

Felix Hemme

xGreg EdwardsLehigh University
xJackie MagagnoscCornell Law
xJacquie SamplesDuke University
        xJanet EwingMount Holyoke College

Jason KovariCornell

Jeanette KalchikStanford University
xJenn ColtCornell
xJennifer EustisUMass Amherst

Jesse LambertsonUniversity of Chicago
xJessica JaneckiDuke University
xJoshua BartonMichigan State

Joshua LambertMissouri State
xKara Hart
xKathleen NortonMount Holyoke

Khalilah GambrellEBSCO

Kristin MartinUniversity of Chicago

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura DanielsCornell
xLaura EvansAmherst College
xLinda TurneyMiddle Tennessee State University

Linh ChangStanford

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M

Lisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lucas MakMichigan State

Lloyd ChittendenMarmot Library Network
xLynne ForsWellesley


Magda ZacharskaEBSCO

Mark ArnoldMissouri State
xMartina Schildt


Meghan BerginU Mass-Amherst
xMatthew HarringtonDuke University

Molly DriscollEBSCO

Nancy BurfordTexas A&M
xNancy Lorimer


xNatalie SommervilleDuke University

Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik NielsenIndex Data

Patricia RatkovichUniversity of Alabama

Patty WanningerEBSCO

Philip SchreurStanford

Raegan Wiechert

Missouri State University

xRita Albrechthebis-Verbundzentrale

Rita LunnonStanford

Robert (Bob) ScheierHoly Cross
XRyan TamaresStanford
xSara ColglazierMHC/5C

Susan PonischilGrand Valley State Univ

Theodor Tolstoy

xTim WattersLibrary of Michigan

Tiziana Possemato@Cult

Wayne Schneider

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