2022-08-25 Metadata Management Meeting notes


around 28


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items

Felix Hemme 

Reminder: Meeting September 1st is cancelled! Enjoy the free time or see you at Wolfcon!

PC update

2022-08-25 Product Council Meeting notes

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

  • Mode of issuance table is going to be editable in the future
  • Various bug fixes

User feedback on field label: "Effective call number string"

 Notes from 2022-08-18 (shelving order field)

Hello Metadata Management! Here with a question: can relabeling this field be reconsidered - from "Effective call number string" to "Effective call number"? I think it would flow a bit better in terms of teaching/training people on what to look for. Thanks for considering!

Shelving order field move:

Link to slide deck

Q1: Display of shelving order. Can it be moved to a different location in the item record?

EN would like to move it to another location on the item record. It's very confusing as to what it is and means. Possibly move to top of screen by effective location and effective call number string? Location accordion? Administrative data accordion?

Also very confusing to catalogers, it looks like a call number but isn't one. 

Shelving order is system generated. Can be helpful for troubleshooting shelving order and call number browse. Used to sort LC call numbers in spreadsheets. Used in LDP reporting (excludes a lot of libraries that don't have access to LDP from their hosting provider).

Do we need to see the system generated shelving order at all?

Could shelving order be exportable?  Not now, but maybe in the future

LD: prefers to be at bottom not near any other data

RS: Could there be a toggle in settings to display or not?

LD: Action > view shelving order? Maybe a permission to hide to most of Cornell's users, only needed for a select few?

Add a information "i" to shelving order to explain what it is would be highly welcome.

Decision: to move the display on the "Item record screen with the effective location for item" and "effective call number string"

What do we do about Holdings records?

  • Shelving order not functional yet
    • MODINVSTOR-274: Add shelving ordering to holding records
    • need to be consistent between holdings and items
  • Shelving title?

UX mockups are needed to make a final decision.  Hope to see in Nolana.  Revisit next week, 25 Aug. 2022


Continued Q1: Display of shelving order

  • The alignment of the element in the holdings and the item should be identical
  • Field "Shelving title" (free text field) is only present in the holdings record and could be needed in the item as well. This has to be investigated.
  • Proposal:
    • a) Put shelving order element at the end in the location accordion of the item record. Pro: Then the element is not as present for the user.
    • b) create "effective" area in the holdings as existing in the item, with effective location for holdings, shelving order and move shelving order in the item record in the summary section at the top
  • Holdings records have effective location as well, system calculated, but it's not displayed in the UI yet. 

Final Decision: Implement option B with prioritization:

  • First, move shelving order in the item record in the summary section at the top
  • Second, create summary area in the holdings as existing in the item, with effective location for holdings, shelving order

Q2: "Effective call number string" vs. "Effective call number"

Decision: Change element label from Effective call number string to Effective call number

Consensus about relabel of the Effective call number string, and deprecate the term: string.

UIIN-2165 Item record. Relabel Effective call number string to be labelled Effective call number

Bib and Authority Record LinkingKhalilah Gambrell 

Notes from yesterday's meeting, with links for wiki pages that lay out cases for changes in Bib records and changes in Authority records: 2022-08-24 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Proposed workflow re. linking authorities to bibs:

  • First iteration delivered with Nolana, continued with Orchid
  • Edit MARC record > link icon next to MARC fields (e.g. 1XX, 6XX, 7XX)
  • Clicking this link opens a modal to search&filter for a MARC authority record
  • A search result can be selected, that then establishes a link from the bib to the authority
  • After that, some subfields are locked, because they are controlled by the authority record. Some subfields are still editable, e.g. $e
  • If a base URL of the namespace is available, a URI is created. If not, only the authority ID is saved.
  • Data Import workflow (Matchpoint would be value of $0)
    • If incoming $0 is identical to the existing $0, the relationship is retained
    • If incoming record does not contain $0, but the existing record has a $0, the relationship is removed
    • If incoming $0 is different from the existing $0, the relationship is updated
    • The MM SIG agreed on this behavior.
  • Link/unlink will be its own system permission

Updates in authorities and the consequences for linked bibs:

  • Change Authority 1XX value will change all linked bib fields. 
  • Change 010 $a value will change all linked bib fields $0 values 
  • Updating linked bib fields WILL NOT be a part of the update Authority records DI job
  • Will conduct performance/scalability tests to
    • ensure no degradation of DI 
    • determine expected turnaround timeframe based on # of bib fields updated 
  • Will generate a report/log to inform users
    • Status for processing linked bib field updates
    • Any errors/failures
  • Will allow for authority record deletion via UI. Formerly linked bib fields will retain all values... just uncontrolled. 
  • Will honor data field protection settings 

What should happen in cases where an authority that is used in a bib has been deleted?

  • Delete the whole field in the bib – No
  • Retain the field in the bib and only remove the $0 – Yes 
    • include information about those types of change in an report

Where is the link stored?

  • The authority UUID is stored in the MARC bib record in $9. It won't display in the UI which is fine for the group.
