2022-01-27 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2022-01-27 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items

  • Madga is looking for volunteers for subject browse UAT. If you are interested, contact Magda Zacharska via Slack
  • Lotus development work is reaching its end. Bugfest planning has started. Morning Glory development planning is under way.
  • Topic for one of the next meetings: Recap: How did the rollout go for UChicago, TAMU, and other implementing libraries?
PC update

No PC meeting today
Release Notes/ChangesJennifer Eustis 

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

  • Tickets starting with "ARCH" are architectual tickets that do not cover the technical development work. The can result in dev tickets.
  • MODINVSTOR-829 - Getting issue details... STATUS is now a story and no longer a bug. The ticket was linked to UXPROD-1889 - Getting issue details... STATUS to group it with similar issues in Inventory.
  • How are certain values being normalized with ElasticSearch (ES), if they went through normalization when we had Postgresql? E.g. identifiers like OCLC and the prefixes are no longer normalized with ES. Charlotte suggests to use wild cards and truncation as workaround.
Holdings record exportMagda Zacharska 
  • UXPROD-1396 Generating simple MARC Holdings from Inventory holdings record
    • this ticket is about generating MFHD on the fly if there are no underlying MARC holdings in SRS
    • MARC mapping was discussed with the MARC mapping working group
  • UXPROD-142 Export Holdings from SRS MARC holdings
    • this ticket is about fetching the MARC holdings if they are present in SRS
  • A new default holdings mapping and export job profile has been created in Settings > Data Export. The default maps are availaible with the default installation of FOLIO.
  • Users can try it on https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/
  • Export pipeline:
    • Search in Inventory
    • Actions > Save holdings UUIDs
    • Open Data Export > drop the file with holdings UUIDs
    • Select holdings export job profile and click run
    • Binary MARC file (.mrc) is created and can be downloaded
  • Field 999 without $s is a hint that the records were created on the fly and had no underlying MARC Holdings in SRS
  • Holdings HRID is mapped to field 001
  • Field 004 holds the Inventory instance HRID
Review thin thread implementation of filtering on statistical codesCharlotte Whitt 

The UI tickets the Prokopovych team is working on are:

  • UIIN-792 Filter instance records by Statistical code
  • UIIN-793 Filter holdings records by Statistical code
  • UIIN-794 Filter item records by Statistical code

Search and filter improvements:

  • With the solution worked on right now, only "statistical code name" would be searchable; "type" and "source" would not be included.
  • Shall we continue with the current work and only support "name" for Lotus, or hold back and implement all three fields for Morning Glory?

Feedback from SIG: Continue and include "name" for Lotus

Current status of multiple graphical representations in Inventory recordsLaura E Daniels 
  • open Jira: UXPROD-1646 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Laura will show Cornell's solution on managing those records
  • Display in Discovery:
  • Resource title is only including the transliterated title
  • The original title is stored in MARC 880 and mapped to alternative titles > other title to make them searchable


Regular Attendees

(alphabetical by first name)




Aaron TrehubAuburn
xAdam CottleSkidmore College

Amelia SuttonU Mass-Amherst

Amanda RosTexas A&M
xAmanda ScottMiddle Tennessee State University
xAnn-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst

Annalisa Di Sabato@Cult

Brian ClarkUniversity of Alabama
xIndex Data

Christie ThomasChicago
xChristin Seegerthbz

Colin Van