Delay of Poppy Release until 12/18/23: Testing is still going on for ECS (extended consortia support) and RTR (refresh token rotation). The RTR will be rolled out as turned off so that institutions can decide to test and enable it if they want. See the Release Management Stakeholder's meeting minutes for 2023-11-13 Release Management Stakeholder group.
Application Formalization Group update: This is a new tri-council group that doesn't yet have a name. The group is working on a charter. See details: This group is to work in parallel with the RFC process. This re-architectural work changing how apps are bundled, will not prevent apps to interact with each other. The next meeting is the week after US Thanksgiving.
Nov. 30: Meeting on the Entity Management work and what is next.
Quarterly meetings with SIG convenors: There are the written updates. To help maintain the connection to SIG to PC and SIG to SIG, the idea of quarterly reports is being considered. The first one can be mid December (the 14th). For this meeting, there would be prompts to hear what is working well, what are things that could be better, do you have outstanding questions, etc.
PC Hygiene working group is proposing scheduling meetings at times more reasonable for those in certain time zones.
08:29:59 From Alissa Hafele To Everyone:
Hi! Natascha had a conflict, so I’ll be taking notes today.
08:30:51 From Felix Hemme To Everyone:
Replying to "Hi! Natascha had a c..."
Thank you Alissa!
08:30:55 From Alissa Hafele To Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you Alissa!" with π
08:36:35 From Felix Hemme To Everyone:
Wow Magda, I did not know that until now,
08:36:45 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
Reacted to "Wow Magda, I did not..." with β
08:36:53 From Ros, Amanda L To Everyone:
Reacted to "Wow Magda, I did not..." with β
08:37:34 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
not seeing Magda's screen?
08:37:40 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Reacted to "not seeing Magda's s..." with π
08:37:43 From Marmot User Services To Everyone:
Reacted to "not seeing Magda's s..." with π
08:37:46 From Ros, Amanda L To Everyone:
Reacted to "not seeing Magda's s..." with π
08:37:48 From Jacek Gajkiewicz MOL To Everyone:
Reacted to "not seeing Magda's s..." with π
08:43:38 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Reading Room feature (UXPROD-1835)
08:44:06 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Reacted to "Reading Room feature..." with ππ»
08:47:45 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
That’s good to hear, that the note types are fetched dynamically from Settings > Inventory
08:48:51 From Jacek Gajkiewicz MOL To Everyone:
Reacted to "Wow Magda, I did not..." with β
08:57:21 From Felix Hemme To Everyone:
I see a potential use case for presenting the OAI logs in the Dashboard app. The user could define a widget that displays a list of jobs that have run with errors. Is this something you consider for a future release?
08:57:38 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Reacted to "I see a potential us..." with β
08:57:41 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
Reacted to "I see a potential us..." with β
08:57:48 From Jennifer Eustis To Everyone:
Reacted to "I see a potential us..." with β
08:58:14 From Ros, Amanda L To Everyone:
Reacted to "I see a potential us..." with β
08:59:15 From Felix Hemme To Everyone:
Replying to "I see a potential us..."
I do this kind of widget for GOKb harvest jobs that have ended != success