2023-06-01 Product Council Meeting notes
Background documents:
ARLEF Data Import Report, 2023-04-12
EBSCO's Report to the ARLEF Report, 2023-04-24
Report on Data Import, by Corrie Hutchison, 2023-05-05
EBSCO's Update on Data Import Troubleshooting, 2023-05-23
Data Import (notes written up by Felix Hemme )
Goal: Make DI a reliable and stable tool for libraries.

- Product management slide:

- P1+P2 defects will be backported to Nolana and Orchid. Folijet is working on them right now.
- Currently no Jira Dashboard to follow the development, but there should be one. Once it has been created, Khalilah will share the board.
- Processing of large jobs still in design phase. Idea:
- Split large jobs into smaller jobs
- Run each small job
- After a completed job run, check for the smallest job in the queue and run this one next
- What is the definition of a large job/load? Testing is done with record sets of 50k and 100k. 100k seems realistic, but 5,000 is not large by MM definition.
- Tod Olson: So "large" is a function of both record set size and complexity of import profile?
- Need a way to schedule large loads for off hours
- Question around how non-EBSCO hosted libraries are supported
- How are bugs prioritized? This should be transparent and Khalilah mentions this page: /wiki/spaces/DQA/pages/2657909
- Chicago mentions that they can't wait for this work, as they are live for 1.5 years and need a working system. How is the process let people know when to expect what type of functionality?

- Complete work that's listed on the previous slide