2023-11-30 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2023-11-30 Metadata Management Meeting notes



Note taker: Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors (11/30), Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


  • WOLFCon 24 has been announced (Sept. 24-26, 2024) in London: Senate House!
Retrospective of EMWG discussion at Product Council
  • Product Council 2023-11-30 Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Entity Management belongs with MM SIG
  • MM needs engagement with the work that is going on in regards to the Marva Editor being developed for the LoC; see the prototypes of what is being planned
  • Dec 11 thin-thread of Marva editor is going to be made available to a few testing libraries: Grand Valley State University and Universidad de Concepción (Chile)
  • MM SIG structure is very big with many subgroups (usually led by a PO). The apps MM oversees all touch each other and changes in one app has potential impacts on others.
  • We need more formal subgroup and working group updates given in MM meeting (~5 minutes) reporting on the latest meeting and directing MM SIG members to more specific meeting notes for more details to give MM SIG member the big picture of what's going on in the apps that rely on Inventory.
    • Many MM SIG member are not able to attend subgroup/working group meetings and rely on the main MM SIG meeting.
  • It seems a Linked Data group is needed, but uncertain where it should live or what kind of group it should be given the definitions of what SIGs, working groups, subgroups are.
    • Start a Linked Data Subgroup (under MM SIG temporarily?)
      • See where the subgroup goes as it becomes more mature
      • There is an existing Slack channel: #linked_data
      • Membership needs to be broader than MM members
      • Laura E Daniels is willing to help coordinate/organize a group, but not lead the group
      • Need to advertise the formation of the group in other channels
  • Idea floated about an Inventory Oversight Committee that MM belongs to as well as the subgroups/working groups. Could also work for other FOLIO areas, like RA and Acquisitions. Bring idea to the PC?
Question from Slack around cataloging resources with non-Roman characters or diacritic heavy textMonica Arnold 

Multiple graphical representations

Table to a future meeting?

Answer Mark's question in Slack!

PC update

The Product Council discussed where does entity management fit. Should there be a new SIG, working group, part of MM SIG? For details see 2023-11-30 Agenda and Meeting notes from PC. There seemed to be a consensus that entity management shouldn't be separated from MM SIG and that it should be part of MM SIG's scope. With that in mind, there was also a consensus on how to restructure MM SIG to make this happen. There was also talk of the linked data group and getting this going again.

For the MM SIG to discuss:

  • Does entity management belongs to MM SIG as part of its scope of responsibilities?
  • Does the MM SIG need to be restructure? If yes, what would this look like?
  • What do you think of a linked data working group? There is a linked data interest group, https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LD/.
