2023-09-14 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2023-09-14 Metadata Management Meeting notes



Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items



Survey on the layout of Save buttons. This survey is open to everyone. https://forms.gle/uvpA6VjZ1yENTyvm7 Deadline 9/19 1 per institution

New Jira issues on expanding access to the Electronic Access (856 url relationship and subfields):

UIIN-2577 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-4467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIIN-2579 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Please add comments to above JIRA tickets.
  • Additional JIRAs will be created for updating mapping and Data Import etc.

Data Import working group is starting back up: Details from slack

Next meeting: 1PM EST on Wednesday, September 20th

As we prepare work for the FOLIO Quesnelia release, we would love to pick your brains around which Data Import projects you would most like to see us take on. To gather your thoughts on Data Import Features and Bugs that are up for consideration, we’ve put together a quick asynchronous prioritization exercise in Google Drive for you to complete as you have time over the next week. Please see below for details. Potential Features

  • In the 1st tab of the spreadsheet, we’ve listed potential Data Import features for Quesnelia. Please pick a column and add your institution’s name to the top row (one column per institution), then follow the instructions in the spreadsheet to apply points to each listed feature based on how you would prioritize them with a budget of 100 points (the higher the points, the more important it is to your institution).


  • In the 2nd tab of the spreadsheet, we’re asking you to review a list of current bugs in Jira and pick a Top Five from the list that you would like to see looked into. Just as with the first tab, please pick a column, add your institution’s name to the top row (again, one column per institution), then follow the instructions to list out the bugs you would like to see prioritized.

For a walkthrough on how we envision this exercise being completed, please see here for a quick demo recording that Ann-Marie and I made.
If possible, we would love to have your entries by Sunday, September 17th as we would like to review your feedback as a group at the next Data Import Subgroup meeting scheduled for 1PM EST on Wednesday, September 20th. Please let me know if you have any question. I look forward to hearing from you all and I appreciate your input! List of resources:

PC update

Vince presented a condensed version of his WolfCon presentation on the re-architecture of FOLIO. Details and link to the presentation can be found in the meeting notes.

  • Tri-council Working Group working on this topic and discussing next steps
Copying call number/General copying in Inventory

UXPROD-3473 - Getting issue details... STATUS

One of the original problems is that in the Five Colleges when we copy a call number from the Instance preview of the Classification accordion and paste this in the holdings record call number field, there is either a space and/or a carriage return before the call number. Here's a recording of how this happens.

The problem is that this carriage return and/or space interrupts the z39.50 process and printing labels.

On MM Slack channel, many agreed that having a button to copy the call number would be useful.

  • Topic was discussed at wolfcon
  • Agreement that copy button is a good solution (lots of folks seeing same problem)
    • Other copy buttons needed? We don't want to put copy buttons on all fields
    • Next step: create JIRA ticket for this interim solution. Jennifer Eustis will create: UIIN-2580 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • PO/team - folijet and Anne-Marie to start
  • JIRA ticket for long term solution should be reviewed for implementation
    • Currently only 1 library ranked but seems obvious that we need to fix (industry standard)
    • Seems to be Inventory specific
    • Can comment on ticket

MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit


08:33:09 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    I can take notes
08:33:36 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    If we go over, I can take over
08:34:03 From Alissa Hafele To Everyone:
    Reacted to "If we go over, I can..." with 👍
08:37:27 From Ros, Amanda L To Everyone:
    sorry 9-19 deadline for survey
08:41:56 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    My apologies for the delay - I was slayed by never-ending meetings. TestRails next week
08:44:15 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    OLF's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@OpenLibraryFoundation
08:44:55 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
    WOLFcon 2023 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMocoPoiGkwe9bmaKqDl1uA_S4myQb49M
08:46:16 From Lisa F. (TAMU Cat) To Everyone:
    Yes! copy button, Yea!
08:46:41 From Linda Turney To Everyone:
    Yes, good idea. We also see the issue of carriage returns and extra spaces.
08:48:40 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    We experience the carriage returns and extra spaces issues as well
08:50:56 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    I was not able to attend that meeting at WolfCon