2023-06-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2023-06-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


PC update

2023-06-15 Product Council Meeting notes

Announcements: Duke has decided to fully implement Alma in 2024. This decision has been hard on staff, who has been involved in Open Source projects the past decade. Will continue financial contracts. Duke POs will work with the Lead PO to find replacements. Owen Stephens will take over Karen Newberry's seat in the PC. 

Duke also funding serials management which is still in development. Duke will also continue to use the apps they implement until June 2024. Jacquie will continue on Entity Management WG until some time in September.

We will miss you Jacquie!!!

A follow up conversation about the Data Import Subgroup will be happening today at the MM-SIG.

The PC will elect new chair and co-chair. Kristin Martin would like to transit out of the role as chair for PC. 

Browser support: statement. The TC had received a proposal to extend the browser support beyond Chrome to include Firefox and Safari. TC decided to continue to use Chrome as our reference browser. The PC endorse the statement.

WOLFCon updates: Link to the WOLFcon website. 64 sessions are proposed. The WOLFcon group will meet later today. A draft schedule will be send out next week, in Sched. The PC will meet on 8/25, and will do follow up on SIG review; e.g. the MM-SIG feedback. Also circle back to 'The wicked questions' - see article. Preliminary program next week.

Workflow SIG: Slidedeck and Workflow SIG charge . Development is happening at TAMU. Looking for members of the new Workflow SIG: PO Jeremy Huff, Convener (Ian Walls) and members TBD. There will be a kick off session at WOLFcon.

Update on the Data Import Subgroup

group being put on hold

--what does this mean for data import work?

intent of message not to exclude; need use cases, scenarios & will continue to leverage smees

hiatus is temporary; need time to understand data import, chunking large files, to create some sort of plan to poke holes into. Will engage SMEs on an ad hoc basis as they have things to show & test. Will also be updating this group regularly

second reason is that the subgroup needs a reset; need to talk about how product managers and smes work together


hard to come in in the middle of a project; appreciation for Ann-Marie who put her heart & soul into data import; perhaps it was really too much for one and happy there is more support; suggestion to bring in people from other vendors as well to help generate ideas

--there will be reps from various implementations; created page surrounding expectations of data import FOLIOtips:Market intelligence ; hope for additional development resources from around the community; SMEs will certainly be involved

Inventory default expectation

Laura E Daniels and the group

App Interaction SIG is going over this page: UI Enhancement list - status of 2023 (Nolana); have had 3 meetings about it

What are our expectations for Inventory behavior?

  •  opening directly in edit mode & save/close (where do we return to)
    • there are multiple possibilities–save & keep editing, return to view of just-edited view; back to instance
    • there is a ticket for save & keep editing
    • what could be the default mode? Is this a spot for the smaller discussion group? Is this mainly an issue for Inventory or other apps as well?
    • a cataloger might want to go directly to edit screen but what about non-catalogers? Do they want to go directly into edit?
      • should have a choice to go directly into edit or to go into view
    • are we thinking of get rid of view part entirely? No!!!
      • good it just be the edit view without edit permissions?
      • there is more going on in edit; cleaner to look at
    • need to be able to see a lot but not to edit
    • always in edit mode would be hard for optimistic locking
    • in courses app, don't want students to edit course reserves, but if they don't have permissions, can't see results
    • how would we accommodate more buttons in the UI? Does it require something different? Buttons? Drop downs?
    • tenant view will have view for local holdings & an added one for consortial libraries
      • thinking of changing default behavior that if you are viewing or editing a holdings when you return to instance view accordions would stay open
      • nothing but agreement for this at a discussion last week and not only for consortia!
      • if you are interested in joining a small group to go through scenarios, please see notice on slack list about this (so far: Felix, Natascha)
    • App Interaction is looking at whether this goes beyond Inventory
    • need to get very clear on what the requirements are–want to do something or go somewhere with one keystroke
Data Import lab sessionsJennifer Eustis 


  • Can we create a wiki page for the lab sessions?
  • Would it be possible to get an official folio zoom link?

  • many don't know about these sessions; used to meet Thursdays 3-4 (Eastern time)
    • always has been very unstructured & wondering whether it should be more structured for new people & to work through JIRA issues
    • why a wiki suggested & zoom link which would put it on zoom calendar
      • Laura would be happy to make official link happen
  • Jenn will set up wiki page; will post to data import slack

MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit
