2023-06-08 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2023-06-08 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Future PC liaison will beCharlotte Whitt 

PC update

2023-06-08 Product Council Meeting notes

Announcements: Kristin reminded everybody about FOLIO Code of Conduct

Tod reported back that the TC, was asked to weigh in on the question about FOLIO's browser support. Link to the statement.

The PC support the extended Poppy Release (R2 2023), now planned for November 2023. All current features for Quesnelia, will be relabeled to Poppy. The Quesnelia Release will be launched in 2024 (R1 2024).

List app: EBSCO by Christopher Spalding and Kathleen Moore (product owner) presented a new app called the Lists app (insert link to slidedeck when shared by Kathleen). The list app aims to provide actionable lists in FOLIO at the point of need. In the corsair-frm.int.aws.folio.org site the data set is about 8 M bib records, and 15,000 loans.. These lists are static, but the updates are generated on near real time data. Updates will be reflected when the screen is updated. The PC asked how this app were overlapping/connection with UI-LDP app and the Dash Board app. These lists can be downloaded as CSV, but the output is not costumizable. The goal is to roll out the List app from all FOLIO adopters at the P & Q release (11/20/2023). At this point data from Item and Loans is implemented. The intension is to be able to do MARC searching. Searching on PO and POL is undecided at this point. The app will be available in FOLIO Snapshot 9 (but when is TBD). The Query builder is a query builder component, which already exist in the code base.