2023-06-29 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Laura E Daniels Will need to step down from Documentation WG; with Duke gone, Dennis has been responsible for Data Import documentation so will need at least 2 people, hopefully 3–Data Import, Inventory, quickMARC & Authorities

please reach out to Laura on Slack or e-mail if you or someone else might be interested in working on documentation (this is critical to FOLIO's success)

Charlotte–would another area be Search in Inventory? Absolutely! Laura & Molly Driscoll have been talking a lot and hope to have at least a framework before Laura steps back

PC update

2023-06-29 Product Council Meeting notes

Announcement: University Colorado Boulder (IndexData) Douglas University, Barry University and Biola University (EBSCO) all went live on FOLIO last week. 

Report from FOLIO Summit, Pt 2 in Chicago. Kristin Martin gave a summary of last weeks 2 days meeting. This meeting was a  follow up on the meeting held in Stanford earlier this year. From PC attended Kristin Martin and Alexis Manheim. Lot of discussion on the Road map prioritization. Important to get information on what is being worked on, and also for the community to provide clear information on, what the community can see is not being addressed, and would like to have bumped up in prioritization. Also a clearer picture on, when feature development is being planned for, and update if the feature is being parked or pulled out of the prioritized work at a later point. 

Issues of EBSCO & IndexData prioritizing what their clients need for development and other things get left, and lack of knowledge of what is happening. 

Will work more on improving the communication in the FOLIO project. 

Day 2 of the summit, there was also a talk about how the FOLIO project could better achieve to get developers which are funded by the libraries,  quickly looped in to the FOLIO project.  

Developer Advocate proposal by the Community Council. The Developer Advocate position is to be funded by the community, and expected to report back weekly/monthly to the TC. The proposal needs a bit more work, before it can be implemented. The budget/reimbursement is not decided yet. Deadline for comments to the document is 7/10/2023 (and maybe 7/24/2023 will be more realistic?). 

Election and PC roles: 

1) Co-chair replacing Kristin Martin. No one had come forward, so Kristin will continue a little longer. Alexis will continue as co-chair 

2) Secretary for the PC, writing up the meeting minutes. Will be a rotating responsibility by Charlotte, Owen, Martina, and Jennifer 

3) The TC liaison is TBD. CC liaison here Jesse K. will continue. 

FOLIO SIG updates and Liaisons spreadsheet. In process of being updated. Deadline 7/13.

WOLFcon update - 72 time slots for the three days. At this point 90 sessions being proposed. Will look into merge some of these sessions. 80% of the sessions are about FOLIO, and then also topics like VuFind, Reshare, Open Source in general etc.  About 100 attendees has registered by now. Last year in Hamburg it was 170 on site  attendees, and about 200 attendees participating online. 

FOLIO holdings record compatibility to Z39.71 

Question from Slack (Kristy Darby, LoC):

does anyone know of (or has anyone done) an analysis of FOLIO holdings (non-MFHD) to determine whether or not those records conform to ANSI/NISO Z39.71? https://www.niso.org/publications/z3971-2006-r2011

--Lisa (TAMU) yes, it is compatible and it was designed that way; it was deliberately checked against the standard when developed. However, 2 pieces of information that are in the standard that are not in FOLIO holdings: 1. level of specificity–most of us are using level 4, but some also use level 3; 2. Completeness designator is also missing, though we don't know how many people really use it. But that those are intended for queries and don't seem as important as other info.

Inventory/quickMARC/MARC Authority work preview

Slides: Enhanced Consortial Support (ECS) and Metadata Management (powerpoint)
consortial manager completed; several teams working on changes to other apps to support consortia. Talking about changes coming to Inventory, Data Import, quickMARC, Authorities; other changes to Export, OAI-PMH perhaps Magda will talk about in another meeting

FOLIO tenant types–will have no impact on single-tenant implementations!!! Every library currently on FOLIO is a non-consortial tenant and unless they implement consortial manager and create structure, none of this work will affect them

Consortial environment–Central tenant + Member tenants–central is organizing and permission-giving piece

In consortial environment there are shared instances, MARC bibs, MARC authorities with shadow instances in member environments when across all libraries; also local instances, local MARC bibs, local MARC authorities. A library consortium may have most or a minority of their instances, etc. in central tenant depending on amount of sharing. Holdings and items are in the member tenant environments. They are attached either to local instances or to the shadow instances taken from the shared instance in the central tenant; these are "clones" of central tenant. If someone makes a change to central shared instance, all changes will flow to shadow instances. 

Inventory & MARC Authority Search/Browse. Main goal is to search & retrieve both local and shared records. There will be an icon for shared vs local instances in Inventory search and will be able to filter; "held by" facet. MARC authority app also will have a shared vs local facet

Instance Detail Record. (again only as a tenant!). Local instance indicated at top of record; no consortial accordion. Different permissions are available depending on need and can have one or more affiliations. A shared instance will show up as "shared" at the type and will be able to see local holding and consortial holdings in a separate accordion. A user may have varying affiliate permissions on what can be done in shared instance. (Initally an instance can only be shared to all members or local to one member (chat from EBSCO)). For editing local instance, it will be the same as non-consortial but must have local edit permissions. When editing a shared instance can start from member or central tenant but must have permission to edit instance in central tenant; this allows triggering of edit from tenant they are already in rather than having to change tenants. Any changes are fed out to shadow instances for all members. For creating new instances, can be new local or new shared. For duplicating in the member tenant it will always create local instances; in the central tenant will create shared instances with source=FOLIO.

Sharing local instances (changing local instance to shared). The master instance will move to central tenant inventory; if there is a MARC bib in SRS, it moves to central tenant SRS; the instance HRID changes; SRS MARC 001 changes; instance/SRS UUIDs do not change; shadow instance in member tenant now controlled by the central instances and has source MARC-shared or FOLIO-shared. 

Editing MARC records via quickMARC. Most changes identifying whether record is local or shared. Deriving a new record will always create a local record. For MARC authorities will follow same pattern. 
MARC authority sharing & linking. Can also be local or shared depending where they are importing. Initially no option to promote a local authority record shared

Importing. Minority of work in Poppy; majority on Inventory. But a few places some logic change. 

  • Data Import & Consortia: Phase 1
    • inventory settings the same across central & member tenants
    • no UI changes
    • most imports will happen in member tenants
    • matching will check across central & member tenant
    • user modifying or updating shared SRS MARC & instances will need edit permissions in both central and member
    • to create an instance as shared, it must be imported to Central
    • can only create/edit holdings/items for one member tenant at a time
    • data import logs will display in whichever tenant used for import
    • if creating instance in a member tenant, will create as local and then user can promote to shared
  • Folijet and Spitfire ECS work in Poppy
    • Folijet
      • instance UI changes 
      • inventory flow and logic changes
      • data import flow and logic changes
      • SRS changes
    • Spitfire
      • inventory search, filter, search result changes
      • quickMARC changes
      • MARC authority changes


  • Authority records. If you want to do shared authority work for whole consortium you would need to work only in central tenant? 
    Yes, this is correct. You do have the ability to create local authority records, but those cannot be promoted to central.
    We would probably keep all records in the central database so all have the authorities. But if getting records from vendors; can't create items if loaded centrally and need those locally. 
    Simplest flow to import through member library tenant. If you have permission to create & edit in central it would also look for MARC & instance matches in central tenant to update/add. Holdings & items would be added in local inventory. This is for updates only in Phase 1. If they would be new records in central, would have to import locally and promote. In Phase 2, the choice will be there for local or shared.
  • What is the timeframe for Phase 2? Need to get pieces & logic for Phase 1 rolled out. Once there, will have a better idea on timeline for Phase 2
  • Will shadowed record structure have impact on Data Import performance? Haven't tested yet and need to do so. 
  • Records promoted to be shared from single-record import —these records can be authority controlled from the central tenant, right? Answer: yes
  • Where records are initially created will vary according to consortium. Central loads are mostly so far large loads for e-resources and updated records after sent for authority work or bib updates
  • If you are in member tenant and you import, it will just import. If you then promote and someone else does as well, there will be duplicates in central. Will need in later phase to find a way to resolve and merge.
  • timeline: Phase 1 by end of Poppy. September/October will be feature-freeze & getting ready for BugFest. November is the Poppy release; testing will be a bit tricky because of consortial environment–need to test as consortial & non-consortial

Discuss new MARC fields (and their inclusion into the default MARC2Instance mapping)

will talk about on July 13

good to talk about as a group–where to put and if we need to add fields to the schema; also begs the question about how we handle MARC updates in an ongoing fashion–is there a basic process we should follow to monitor and think about?

MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit
