2023-02-02 Metadata Management Meeting notes
Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/
Discussion items
Notetaker | Christie | |
Announcements | ||
PC update | No PC meeting today - Kristin asked the working groups to use the time to continue their work on Functional Requirements, Onboarding (still accepting comments on slides), Roadmap/Prioritization group (meeting on Wed. 9:00 am ET if interested in joining this group let me know) and waiting for review of Browser support document. Next week, Feb. 9th is the SIG updates for the PC | |
UAT for Single-Record Import | Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) | UAT form: https://forms.gle/YDvCZDo6rPW6146u5 Environment and testing details: https://folio-dev-folijet-diku.ci.folio.org/ (start with diku_admin/admin, but set up your own user) How to create a user in a FOLIO environment for testing Testing for adding custom import profiles to single record import. Functionality will be available in Orchid. Complete testing by 2/8/2023. |
Review of the parking lot | Continued from last week MM SIG Parking Lot (restructured) The previous MM SIG Parking Lot (Old) has been renamed and moved under the new parking lot. Discussion about whether the topics are still relevant and need to be added to a future agenda. Possibly create an archive for the topics that are retired from the list Acquisitions data in Inventory - Instance, Holdings, and Items. Implemented. MM SIG should take a look at what is being populated and what is not. Should we get rid of the properties that are not being populated or is that still work that needs to be done? Customization of Inventory UI - Falls under umbrella of tenant and user settings. Still needs to be discussed. Release cycle devoted to customization was suggested. Authority control - Authorities app and entity management group. Need updates from entity management, authorities app in QuickMarc, roadmap regarding the intersection of this work. Inventory relationships with other apps - maintaining these when holdings and items are moved in Inventory. App interaction SIG and Tech Council were working on this. Should be updates soon as an approach has been decided and there is one group that will be working on implementing the solution. Can we get an update from App Interaction SIG in where this work stands? Reporting - The question may no longer be relevant, but maybe we need to have a larger discussion of the reporting ecosystem in FOLIO, especially for institutions that are not using the LDP or metadb. In app reports may still be required. LDP Lite may be an option because it can be self-hosted, but still a challenge to implement and manage. Printing - specific to label printing. Need to open it up to wider printing issues. App Interaction SIG had a discussion about printing issues across apps. Follow up with App Interaction to make sure MM SIG printing needs are aligned with App Interaction requirements. FOLIO implementers will have a session on label printing on 2/14/2023. Training - the reporting SIG has trainings available on many of these topics and they are available in the wiki space. Change tracker development - versioning of the records is in place in the data for all Inventory and associated records. No UI for displaying the information in app. Dennis demo'd the orders change tracker elsewhere. Maybe we can see a demonstration of the orders change tracker app and have a discussion about how change tracker should be implemented for Inventory. (Information about the change tracker for orders: Display a history of edits for the order record) |
10:42:43 From Laura Daniels (she/they) To Everyone:
Huge YES to Charlotte's suggestion of a release cycle focused on customization
10:44:06 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Raegan Wiechert(Privately):
Apologies for being very late. Raegan - if you want me to talk about ISRI UAT, let me know. Just give me about 10 minutes to get refocused. Would be good to have ca. 30 mins if we discuss today. Maybe the last 30 mins of the mtg?
10:44:31 From Raegan Wiechert To Ann-Marie Breaux(Privately):
That is fine. We are going fast through the list.
10:45:07 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Raegan Wiechert(Privately):
Sounds good - thank you!
10:51:30 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
We also get weird items sometimes generated by invoices too at one point, I’ll have to see if that is still happening
10:54:56 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
10:55:15 From Laura Daniels (she/they) To Everyone:
Reacted to "MARCCat!" with 🙀
10:56:27 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
LDLite is an alternative for those folks
10:56:46 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
EBSCO people, is that EBSCO customers?
10:56:51 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
10:57:13 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
10:57:13 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Some may not have the capabilities to self-host LDlite
10:57:44 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
10:58:41 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
Do EBSCO hosted customers have the app? LDlite, or NO LDP related options?
10:59:02 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Replying to "Do EBSCO hosted cust..."
No options related to LDP
10:59:15 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
Replying to "Do EBSCO hosted cust..."
11:00:01 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
Replying to "Do EBSCO hosted cust..."
Yep. We have been told to rely on the APIs...and having to stitch together data from multiple APIs
11:01:35 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
Printing what? Inventory records? View source?
11:02:50 From Alissa Hafele To Everyone:
2-14 FOLIO Implementers meeting, they are going to talk about label printing integration https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COHORT2019/2023-02-14+FOLIO+Implementers+Meeting+Notes
11:02:57 From Laura Daniels (she/they) To Everyone:
As the MM App Interaction rep, I'll make sure to follow up on printing
11:03:21 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Thanks Laura
11:04:25 From Jacquie Samples -- Duke To Everyone:
Reacted to "As the MM App Intera..." with 👏🏼
11:06:59 From Alissa Hafele To Everyone:
I have to run early but re: the next topic - the Reporting SIG has been doing a bunch of training on some of these topics. They have a space in their wiki for the recordings.
11:09:50 From Ann-Marie Breaux To Everyone:
It would great to do some evaluation of the order change tracker and whether it could be adapted for Inventory records
11:10:52 From Lynne For