2023-05-04 Metadata Management Meeting notes
Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/
Discussion items
Notetaker | Jennifer Eustis | |
Announcements | Please add use cases for Audit history | |
PC update |
What is PC doing about the lack of functionality in regards to metadata functionality? PC would like to have fruitful meetings with the SIG groups. Are there critical needs from MM that need to be discussed with PC? Critical needs should be aware of critical needs. In the cross-app group, there was mention that FOLIO is like working in a siloed LSP. This is an important comment that should be communicated. Having representatives of this SIG talk to PC makes sense. We need to put the critical needs in contact with each other and create a picture of what are needs at the high level. There are performance issues, product being developed in a way we didn't envision, authority control, etc. These have roots in how the product was developed. Several have noted that this isn't the first time we've raised concerns on issues and critical needs. We need to know how these are being addressed and the steps being taken. Some of the needs are not just critical, they are not allowing us to do our jobs. FOLIO is failing in certain aspects. Many are not able to do aspects of our job. We continue to develop and fix bugs in a broken system. If some of the bugs are fixed, it doesn't resolve the core issues. So much time is spent on finding workarounds around functionality that isn't working. We can't tell our institutions that we won't do certain amount of work. We can't tell people that we won't do this in a couple of years. We need to find solutions now. These issues that are being raised aren't new. The process isn't changing. We are concerned about the project and issues being resolved. We also continue to develop new features. Recommending FOLIO & role of PC: Many feel this tension and desire to recommend FOLIO. We want to recommend FOLIO. But we need PC to be advocates for the community and the goal to solving the problems instead of silencing them in order to market FOLIO. PC has a voice that it can use to advocate for the community. FOLIO is sometimes inconsistent. For example, the truncation character is different between apps which causes confusion. In cross apps, this was put back on the SIGs to discuss searching. We need some ground rules that all Apps conform to and follow. Maybe this is Technical Council's role to ensure that there is consistency with FOLIO. Or is this PC's role? Who is in charge of the development? Why don't we have pooled money to pay for developers? It is confusing how FOLIO is developed and who pays for what. Sharon will relate this to the PC and get feedback. We will post the meeting recording in slack asking people to watch. Should we also have part of the meeting that relates impacts of bugs or lack of functionality? Some people understand. But if we don't contextualize it, then it would make sense to others. Would it be helpful to have a wiki page outlining impact on libraries because of lack of functionality or bugs? Yes, this would be helpful to PC. | |
Proposal to make the call number a repeatable element | https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/qg0b Different German libraries have a request to change the call number element to be repeatable. This applies to both holdings and item call number. There are some use cases for German libraries where multiple call numbers are necessary. For example, a resource is moved from open to closed stacks and one call number is primary (current closed stacks) and the secondary one is for the open one. Another example is with serials wher |