UI Enhancement list - status of 2023 (Nolana)

App / Module

Record type


Date entered

Requested by

Decision (Jira)

Tenant level setting configuration

InventoryHoldingsUnder Receiving History, it is only apparent which issues display to the public when user is on the edit holdings screen--it would be good to know which issues are marked for public display when on the view holdings screen as well (similar to how it is displays with Holdings notes)1/21/2022uChicago


InventoryHoldingsWhile in edit mode, we should be able to reorder Holdings statements as well as Holdings notes (similar to how MARC fields can be moved around in quickMARC)1/21/2022



UXPROD-3270 (Sorting in "detailed view", perhaps different than sorting in "edit mode"?)

Would like the option to save record without closing it (at the moment we can only "Save and Close".1/24/2022



UIQM-272 (DONE, with Nolana)

InventoryHoldings and ItemsIt would be nice to have the option to go directly into edit mode for holdings and items instead of having to go into "view" mode first1/24/2022




(discussed in App Interaction 05 June 2023 meeting)
InventoryHoldingsWhen viewing a record with multiple eHoldings it is not easy to determine which URL/Platform is associated with each holdings record without have to open up each holdings record individually--it would be nice to be able to see this information in the list of eHoldings.1/26/2022uChicago

UXPROD-1732 deals with UI customization 

(discussed in App Interaction 05 June 2023 meeting)

InventoryInstance/Holdings/ItemsDrop down menu for statistical codes should be searchable (or jump to codes based on whatever characters user types into the box–type ahead?); This works in the search & filter pane in Inventory but not when trying to look up a statistical code when adding to Instance/Item/Holding.1/26/2022



UIIN-2466 - Getting issue details... STATUS

InventoryHoldingsIn edit mode, user should not be able to save a Receiving History entry if it is completely null (both enum and chron empty)1/26/2022


As discussed at 14 June 2023 App Interaction meeting: this is a bug, tickets need to be created for the different fields where this is happening,Natascha Owens will create tickets

InventoryHoldingsWould be preferable for Holdings notes to default to staff only (and we only have to uncheck the box when we want the note to display to the public, since most holdings notes are generally for staff only)1/27/2022uChicagosee notes from 14 June 2023 App Interaction meeting
InventoryInstanceAbility to customize column data (and order of columns) included in item list2/24/2022




see notes from 14 June 2023 App Interaction meeting
Because trash cans are to the right of fields, they are far enough away from the field data to make it too easy to delete the wrong row--move trash cans to the left or add checkboxes instead?2/24/2022


UIQM-256 (DONE, with Nolana)

Inventory/quickMARCView sourceDelimiters in "View source" should display as $ as they do in quickMARC to make it easier to copy and paste data from View source into quickMARC2/25/2022uChicago

UISMRCCOMP-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Done - "Q" release0

InventoryHoldingsThe URI box in the holdings record is really small. It does expand, but I can imagine someone not noticing a URL was really long and only editing part of it and mangling it all up.3/4/2022


Discussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting
If the field and tags and indicators are empty, it would be nice if the line gets deleted automatically instead of having to go back and delete after error message3/14/2022uChicago

 KG - I think this is supported

Discussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting

InventoryInstanceAbility to copy call number from Holdings accordion in Instance record4/22/2022





Discussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting

UIIN-2580 - Getting issue details... STATUS

InventoryHoldingsWhen viewing a Holdings or Item record, the Instance HRID should display at top of record where Instance info is being displayed (both in view mode and in edit mode)5/2/2022uChicagoDiscussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting
InventoryHoldingsAfter editing a holdings record the current option is to "save and close"-- It seems that some people would like to save and close the record without having to see the Holdings record in "view" mode (and just be sent directly back to the Instance record) and some people would like to be able to save the Holdings record and still see it in view mode. Perhaps there is a way to accommodate both scenarios?5/3/2022



Discussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting
InventoryItemsAbility to reorder (and save the order of) item records6/6/2022Cornell


InventoryHoldingsAbility to reorder (and save the order of) Holdings records6/6/2022Library of Michigan


InventoryInstance/Holdings/ItemsCustomization: the ability to choose, at the tenant level, not to display any elements the institution has decided not to use.6/6/2022Cornell


InventoryHoldings/ItemsAbility to change color scheme to distinguish Holdings from Items (or some other way to make it clearer on first glance which type of record one is in, in edit mode in particular)6/6/2022CornellDiscussed at 12 July 2023 App Interaction meeting
InventoryInstance/Holdings/ItemsAbility to create sets or containers of records. In particular, having the ability to create sets for eResources where the proxy and information such as coverage dates can be governed at the set level.6/6/2022UMassPostponed – need to discuss when Owen is available
InventoryInstance/Holdings/ItemsAbility to filter by campus and library. This will help with consortia on a single tenant.6/6/2022UMass/5C

Invite Jennifer/Sara/others to discuss this further--

appears to apply to orders as well?

Within Instance notes, it is not easy to quickly see which are for staff only or public.  The information is presented in a counterintuitive manner... 

It would make more sense to rename the column from Staff only to something like Access and then make the values “Staff only” or “Public” rather than “Yes” and “No”.

This was brought up for instances, but should be consistent across all record types.

There is also now discrepancy with the edit and display of receiving history, where the checkbox is used to make the history display (rather than make it staff only) and whether it displays to the public or not is not indicated in view mode.


Discussed at 31 July 2023 App Interaction meeting – Laura will reach out in UX slack

ask Kimie / Gill for better solution & then share with MM for feedback

InventorySearch & filter

In the search & filter pane, after returning from a search or hitting "reset all" the cursor does not default to being in the search box (When Inventory is initially opened, the cursor is in the search box) – accessibility implications?

Felix 2023-06-06:  Agree with Cornell, and this is happening in other apps like Agreements as well.




Discussed at 31 2023 July App Interaction meeting –  default behavior for all apps should be: reset all returns cursor to search box

UIIN-2514 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIMARCAUTH-301 - Getting issue details... STATUS

InventorySearch results

When you have a long list of search results, when you click on a record then click out of the record, the search results lose focus--you are not brought back to the part of the list where you found the last record you selected. Not sure if this is a bug or enhancement?


? KG - I thought this was fixed?  NCO - As of Nolana I am still having this issue (7/26/23)

Discussed at 31 July 2023 AI SIG meeting

In Orchid Bugfest, if you click in and out of the record the results list keeps focus; but if the record is opening in edit mode and closed (whether saved or cancelled), the focus returns to the very beginning of the list --

this appears to be consistent across FOLIO; desired behavior for most apps is that we return to the same location in the results list we had scrolled to: may be an exception for Users – Maura will bring to User Management SIG

InventorySearch resultsWhen you have a long list of search results, the "next" and "prev" arrow buttons should also appear at the top of the page (not just the bottom).8/11/2022uChicago

KG - John Coburn is working on updated component that keeps pagination pinned just like Orders app implementation. 

1/31/2024: Resolved: Addressed in Poppy by keeping pagination pinned


Search & filter


The Effective Location (items) filter lists Location in the order of prevalence in the database (pre-search) or search results (post-search). Prior to the Kiwi release, the listing was in alphabetical order. We would like either a) that this be restored to an alphabetical listing, or b) that systems have the the ability to to change the listing to alphabetical, perhaps as an Inventory Setting.  6/15/2023MOBIUS