2020-12-10 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2020-12-10 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items

PC update


Kelly Drake appealed for documentation. Laura will call for volunteers from MM SIG to write out simple documentation. Documentation helps with bugs - guiding users to what should happen vs. what is actually happening. 

Recommendation: Set "low bar" - don't feel like it needs to be great writing or exhaustive. Some documentation is better than none. Helpful for libraries considering FOLIO.

Reminder: update calendar to extend/renew recurring meetings for 2021

Can download .ics file from main meetings page

Also: no meetings December 24 & 31.

Other updates, announcements

The data import development team has been working on supporting the OCLC/FOLIO api that Index Data has been developing.

Extend meeting time to include more demos in the New Year? Laura will set up a Slack poll asking if the group would prefer the added 1/2 hour to begin prior to the current meeting time, or after the current meeting ending time.

(from Jesse in the chat) If folks have a chance, please feel free to add your comments to our marcedit w/ folio efforts in this form: https://forms.gle/LmVvQVGq73QPXZum7

Documentation – another hackathon?

The new FOLIO User documentation website (WIP): docs.folio.org - Do NOT try to update this page. What we put into "Tips and Tricks" will inform docs.folio.org.

Tips and Tricks page can be used.

Suggestion to make a list of what documentation is most needed. Some prefer text, some video. Laura offered her workflow: create written instructions, then adapt that to become a script for a video.

MARC data in FOLIO

Scratch environment for MARCcat?

Weigh in on requirements (add to tables, add comments, or just add text to the document). 

  • "Average" library - can we define several types of libraries on this document? 

Laura asked that people go beyond adding comments, but add to the document instead. 

The Technical Council is performing a code review to evaluate how far along MarcCat is.

Reasons for MarcCat delay:

  • Repurposing pre-existing tool
  • Small number of developers at "at Cult" who were not as in sync with other FOLIO developers, so possible lack of understanding as a result
  • They never worked with MARC Holdings
  • The main atCult shareholder sold share to Cassilini
  • From Charlotte: "The Technical Council in collaboration with the PC Executive is already doing a code review of MARCcat. To get a better understanding off how much more work there is left in wrapping up the work on MARCcat Right now the project has too many Front End developers - and lack of Back end developers, So we could be in a good position handing over the UI development to another team"

See today's TC notes: 2020-12-9 Meeting notes "Conclusion, TC would not be in favor of using the current code base toward a future Cataloging App."

Please fill in by next week. 

UI only updateCharlotte Whitt

Only if time permits it. Feed back on UIIN-372

Future MM meetings (ongoing)

Add ideas here





Aaron TrehubAuburn

Ann-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst


Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Christie ThomasChicago
      xChristin Seegerthbz

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesStacks

Dennis ChristmanDuke University
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme


Filip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason KovariCornell

Jenn ColtCornell

Jennifer EustisUMass Amherst

Jessica JaneckiDuke University

Joshua BartonMichigan State

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura Daniels (Wright)Cornell

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lynn Whittenberger
xMagda ZacharskaEBSCO

Martina Schildt


Molly DriscollEBSCO

Nancy Lorimer


Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty WanningerEBSCO
xRita AlbrechtHeBIS-Verbundzentrale

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C
xTiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy


Wayne Schneider

Index Data

       xJesse LambertonUniversity of Chicago

Raegan WiechertMissouri States University