2020-04-23 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2020-04-23 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items

New Zoom PolicyLaura E Daniels

FOLIO Zoom meetings now require a password to join.  Unless otherwise specified for a particular meeting, the password is "folio-lsp".  If this password needs to be changed, come to this page to see the new meeting password.  All FOLIO Special Interest Groups remain open to all—whether or not you are associated with an institution that is implementing FOLIO.

FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Product Council Update

no PC meeting this week

Subgroup & other updates?

FOLIO Forum 5/20: Inventory update and QuickMARC demo. Stephanie will do the QuickMARC demo and Charlotte will give an Inventory update.

(Link to the YouTube channel with recording with previous FOLIO Forums and Sprint Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Vs5mb1qgOXPZgso1LESUw/videos)

Data Import:

  • Working on Fameflower hotfixes for a couple more days
  • Small group met and finalized plans for MARC modifications during import (adding constant data, removing fields)
  • Later todayAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)will post a question in the Slack #data-import channel on whether we need Combine/Overlay or just Update. See more details and discuss there.

Usability working group at Cornell met. Some things were confusing, but for the most part found FOLIO to be intuitive. 

quickMARCStephanie Buck

Noted to start that this is a cataloging editing tool meant to edit MARC records already in existence in SRS. Written to fill a need until MARCCat is ready.

QuickMARC will only appear as an option for records whose metadata source is MARC.

Edit in QuickMARC

  • Can edit 008 by byte (In chat: "We would also want to break out the LDR and 007 and 006.") 008 cannot be collapsed for purposes of screen space. 006 and 007 can be considered for byte breakout in future. 
  • Cannot change record type - too complex for scope of quickMARC. Type and BibLvl are not editable in LDR. 
  • quickMARC will validate basic MARC structure
  • Changes on folio-snapshot are not saving to SRS at the moment. In next two weeks this will be fixed and changes will also be pushed to related Instance Record.
  • Should we be able to edit type in the leader, or not edit the leader at all with quickMARC.
  • 245 is mandatory and quickMARC will demand its presence
  • Deletion happens one field at a time
  • Paired vernacular fields? - often there can be more than one 245 in some systems
  • MARC fields display in the order from the record itself.
  • Comment that screen real estate could perhaps be used better - margins are too big, too much scrolling, indicators and tags too large. Can wrapping be implemented so field does not get cut off?
  • Can the 008 be turned into an accordion that is closed by default? Stephanie will talk to the dev team to see.

Feature ranking/gap analysis redux
Begin discussion
Future MM meetings (ongoing)

Add ideas here





Aaron TrehubAuburn
xAnn-Marie BreauxEBSCO
xAnn KardosUMass Amherst


Charlotte WhittIndex Data
xChristie ThomasChicago
       xChristin Seegerthbz

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesStacks
xDennis ChristmanDuke University
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme


Filip Jakobsen
xJacquie SamplesDuke University
xJason KovariCornell
xJenn ColtCornell
xJennifer EustisUMass Amherst
xJessica JaneckiDuke University

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura WrightCornell
xLisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lynn Whittenberger
xMagda ZacharskaEBSCO
xMartina Schildt


Nancy Lorimer


xNatascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty WanningerEBSCO
xRita AlbrechtHeBIS-Verbundzentrale

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Tiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy


Wayne Schneider

Index Data