2020-10-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2020-10-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items (notes are mixed in the columns)

Product Council Update

No PC meeting this week

Other updates/announcements
  • The Vision/Strategy Working Group had their 4th and final meeting. Results will be shared later this week.
  • Bound-withs/in-analytics working group met with developers. Questions from developers is leading the group to meet with the RA SIG next week to get some questions answered.

Results display improvements – continued from last week

WIP: Inventory. Refine result list (UXPROD-1634 and more) - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kDumWwhNfP7Mq9hZ5q4O1cnbg_BY4ILgKbjBWOO4Xso/edit#slide=id.g9c99639b81_0_0

Spreadsheet to illustrate the enhanced Inventory Result list - see:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XLtdhnaHJz4Vb3G8FcHjso_LAUFdEzETo_50f8SYDrY/edit#gid=0

The listed examples in the spreadsheet is from Bugfest-Goldenrod - search:https://bugfest-goldenrod.folio.ebsco.com/inventory/view/50d09dd3-8586-4279-9883-24fbe6b6a407?qindex=title&query=vanity%20fair&sort=title

List of features:

UXPROD-1634 (index title/title)

UXPROD-2667 (sort on contributor, when more than one contributor is listed)

UXPROD-2668 (Adding instance HRID)

UXPROD-2669 (Adding resource type)

  • summary of the past:
    • displaying the title including initial articles sorting on index title
    • limiting contributors to 3 at most (for those titles that include a lot of contributors)
    • there were lots of good examples to support the adding instance HRID)
  • based on 336 field (required in instances)
    • related to content - not media or carrier
    • does not distinguish print from electronic
    • CW says it is not hard for the developers to add that column
    • how to deal with the mapping?
    • Christie suggests testing 
    • Folio takes the first 336?
    • Do other 336s display?
    • Ann K in chat ("I think it’s just the first one, but it needs to be tested
      Sometimes they are out of order
      It is supposed to be the “primary” one first, but that’s not always the case
      Particularly in older records")
    • CW out of scope for the result list right now
    • Affects filtering
    • LW suggests commenting on the slides above

UXPROD-2670 (Adding format)

  • not required
  • useful - but would be useful
  • LW concern is: 
    • might be blank
    • will take up real estate
    • the GMDs were formerly useful - but that is old standard
    • CT: format type is highly ranked for UChicago
    • harmonizing e and print inventory (CW) / new data element to be stored in the records
    • mode issuance also relevant
    • long term effort
    • should not add columns if they are not really needed
    • ref to Philip's solution using icons (deprecated according to CW)
      • UX390 or 391?
      • about granular data if it is NOT necessary to have that granularity
      • Format type OR resource Type (is one preferred)
      • Action item for this week: think about that above question: Format type OR resource Type (is one preferred)
      • what should be used as a separator (space ; space as it is in 'contributor') +1 from LW

UXPROD-2671(Adding edition)

UXPROD-2703(Adding publication date)

  • From Magda, via chat, "Data export will also add the checkbox column to the inventory search screen as described in UXPROD-2332 - Getting issue details... STATUS "

Charlotte said that since last week's meeting, Filip will write a UX design with the possibility of selecting the order of columns at an tenant level. UX-403 (story). This would be a FOLIO wide improvement. It may be available at an individual user level as well. 

Resource Type and Format Columns

Format type or Resource Type. Format type is more granular than resource type. Resource type is required, but format type is not in FOLIO.  Since 337 is not required, Jacquie suggested it won't be as useful, but others feel that since the 337 is more useful, libraries may apply them. We can have both columns, however, the more elements, the more info the user has to wad through. Resource Type  is not repeatable in the instance and is mandatory, it will be easier to develop that. 

Jessica via chat - "Are we going to have options for hiding or collapsing columns? Can we resize columns? - Answer: Charlotte will add these ideas into UX-403. 

Conclusion - Group will request Resource Type and Format Type.


Laura check Cornell's db - 15% of their records have an edition statement. Chalmers would like this edition statement showing. Charlotte observed that this could be more important for public libraries. Shanghai Libraries: 

Marmot Library Network: Lloyd - would like this to be an option. 

Jennifer Eustis (via chat) - "Would it be helpful for a/v materials? For things like Director's cut, theatrical edition. For music there are various editions of music scores"

The group advocated for having this column as well. 


Since very few and instance to instance relations is used not often, so group decided to eliminate this column. Rita advocated for keeping this column. She would like to think it over. Rita brought up relations concerning periodicals and the usefulness of this in this display. Types of relations? Preceding/succeeding titles, or analytics? Felix said he took this back to a group who decided that the information is important, but not needed in that initial display.


Split publication date (numeric only) out from publisher column. This would allow a publisher date sort in the result list. Value of getting date mapped from the 008 as opposed to the 264$c was discussed. Laura suggested this may be a discussion that we need to have more fully at another meeting. Action: Naming this element? Where would we want it to appear? Suggestions: "Sort Date" , placed with the "Administrative data", or "Identifiers"  ??? Later discussion. Charlotte advocated for the administrative data.   

Future MM meetings (ongoing)

Add ideas here





Aaron TrehubAuburn

Ann-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst


Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Christie ThomasChicago
   Christin Seegerthbz

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesStacks

Dennis ChristmanDuke University
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme


Filip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason KovariCornell

Jenn ColtCornell

Jennifer EustisUMass Amherst

Jessica JaneckiDuke University

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura WrightCornell

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M

Lisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lynn Whittenberger

Magda ZacharskaEBSCO

Martina Schildt


Nancy Lorimer


Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty WanningerEBSCO
xRita AlbrechtHeBIS-Verbundzentrale

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Tiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy


Wayne Schneider

Index Data