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Orders UI: For ongoing orders we usually have to scroll down while viewing the PO Details screen to see the title information since there is an additional accordion section for ongoing orders. Could we discuss whether the layout could accommodate seeing the PO line titles further up since titles are such a critical data element when looking at orders? Maybe this is more challenging for institutions that have multiple PO lines, but for those with one PO line per order this could be a valuable user experience improvement.
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:13 AM It would be great to have the status up front and center. That's often the most critical piece!
Dennis: What I am hearing is the title info is more often referenced then some of the stuff above it?
From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone 08:15 AM I have flipped one of my monitor on its side, to try to scroll less in FOLIO orders. (although in other apps, I move FOLIO to my other monitor)
From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:16 AM I can see the same issue with Agreements+Agreement lines so I think looking at whether there are some common patterns across apps would be interesting.
It seems to me that if your order ALWAYS represents a single order line then this is going to be a different experience
From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:18 AM +1 to Owen - we'd love to see an entirely different order UI for institutions that use 1 POL
Dennis: When adding notes, are many of you adding multiple notes? Or just one note feild and adding alot of information to it?
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:18 AM Most of the time our notes are at the POL level.
From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:19 AM I’m obviously not using the system live but I use shortcut keys to collapse all accordions in an agreement and then just open the Agreement Line accordion when I’m faced with this kind of challenge in agreements
From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:19 AM Often one note field, but multiple when we want to separate out historical information or important information.
From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:19 AM This is slightly less painful for me than scrolling. But I could see being able to jump straight to the information I want being much better (on the assumption we can’t keep everyone happy with a single display layout). I’ve used some UIs where you have a filter for the UI at the top that filters displayed fields as you start to enter a label.
Dennis: Is anyone using the Template High fields?
From Molly Driscoll to Everyone 08:21 AM Lotus, I believe.
From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:21 AM Does that affect the view as well as Edit?
Dennis: It just means when you click on the po, it will not display all the fields. You can edit it to hide certain fields, or click on the 'show all' in action menu.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:21 AM and would you be able to retro apply it?
Dennis: Should ongoing order information appear above or below the po lines?
Dennis captured the main ideas here and will take them to the UI group.
From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:39 AM We frequently reference the renewal date as well.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:42 AM Order type in the top accordion could sub reference that it is a subscription
Receiving: Receiving title are not removed when package POL instance links are changed
The only way to remove Receiving titles is to delete the POL. With Package POLs you may need to clean up the receiving titles but not want to remove the POL.
From Lisa Smith, Mich State to Everyone 08:55 AM We do the same, Sara, and note the "redirect" in the POL.