2023-04-06 Metadata Management Meeting notes


~ 34

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Raegan Wiechert


PC update

2023-04-06 Meeting notes

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

The Orchid release notes are still being populated. Remember to check our MM Dashboard for open Jira issues.

Data Import Production Import Statistics: If you are using Data Import, we need to gather statistics on how long imports take for different job profiles in your production environment. We've noticed that production times don't match the performance numbers like for instance Data Import with R/W split [Nolana].

Data Import is where you can find this in the Tips and Tricks section. Please consider adding your profiles. Data Import Log Error Messages that need to be better Please add error messages as you encounter them.
Orchid PO updateMagda Zacharska 

Orchid update

UXPROD-3842 Bulk edit (architectural improvements): number of records that can be edited has been increased to 100,000. New tab for a log, permissions added for query tab.

Running start time of the log begins when the file is uploaded and includes time setting up the bulk edit. Actions column on the log allows you to choose different files/reports that can be downloaded. See UXPROD-3469 - Getting issue details... STATUS for list of statuses that can be changed using Bulk Edit. This list will be added to Bulk Edit tips and tricks. Some bugs in sorting log will be fixed in Poppy. Error messages will be more user friendly in future releases.

UXPROD-2404 OAH_PMH: harvesting inventory records without underlying SRS records. In Orchid, you can harvest SRS or SRS and Inventory. Inventory only harvesting will be in Poppy.

UXPROD-3783 Bugfixes/Tech Debt: 24 tickets closed. In Search screen, there is now a top checkbox so all of the records on a page can be selected at one time. Only selects viewable page, not entire search results.

Coming in Poppy: Bulk edit query tool ( UXPROD-3785 - Getting issue details... STATUS ), Bulk edit-suppress item records from discovery ( UXPROD-3989 - Getting issue details... STATUS ), OAI-PMH harvesting of Inventory records only ( UXPROD-4165 - Getting issue details... STATUS ), Harvesting bad data ( UXPROD-4006 - Getting issue details... STATUS ), NFRs- investigate performance improvements for Data Export and OAI_PMH, testing, releasing, updating technology.

Leader for MARC Holdings

MDEXP-595 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Leader for holdings records created on-the-fly was first implemented with values for bibliographic leader. These are being changed to the values for holdings leader. What should the default values be? Tabling discussion for now. Magda will create a new JIRA for customizing the export and return to defaults at a later meeting.  Please add use cases: UXPROD-4173 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 

MODDICONV-163 - Getting issue details... STATUS Default Create instance and SRS MARC Bib was deleted from Bugfest. The profile can be edited, duplicated, or deleted. Other default jobs cannot be deleted, and some can't be edited (only duplicated). Do we want to change so they can't be deleted? General consensus is to keep default profiles editable and deletable. But maybe be able to mark inactive or have a way to lock them.

Chat: 10:33:20 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
10:33:26 From  Gregory Edwards  to  Everyone:
    yes, she's out this week
10:33:26 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Last week and this week
10:34:15 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
10:35:24 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Also consider sharing your import profiles as part of the docs overhaul https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Data+Import+Profile+Sharing
10:37:17 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Also consider sharin..." with 💯
10:38:25 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    here's the link to that wiki section: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Data+Import
10:38:31 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    I've also added this to the minutes
10:38:38 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    I'll advocate in the formal docs space for more links to the wiki
10:38:44 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I'll advocate in the..." with ➕
10:38:51 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "I'll advocate in the..."
    It’s confusing for new people
10:40:04 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone:
    Here's that log error messages page - please add to it when you come across something that would benefit from a clearer error message: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Data+Import+Log+Error+Messages+that+need+to+be+better
10:41:21 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I'll advocate in the..." with ➕
10:54:29 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    I have a question: Are the error numbers translated to textual language anywhere?  Or, do we need to remember what error 409 means? for example
10:58:40 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    409 should be an optimistic locking error
10:59:11 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
11:02:53 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "409 should be an opt..." with 👍🏼
11:04:40 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    Thank you for the select all button!
11:05:58 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Is there an enhancement to be able to edit data export profiles that have been used in export jobs?
11:06:16 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Is there an enhancem..." with ➕
11:06:49 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Is there an enhancem..." with ➕
11:14:33 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone:
    Ooh - glad Magda is asking an expected behavior question! I came across an import one by accident yesterday. Felix, if we have a few minutes at the end, could I show? If not, I'll post on Slack
11:14:48 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Ooh - glad Magda is ..." with 👍
11:17:22 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Using mode of issuance, right?
11:17:38 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Using mode of issuan..." with 👍🏼
11:17:47 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Using mode of issuan..." with 👍
11:18:21 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Would this make the holdings type field required to get the correct MARC Holdings coding?
11:18:28 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    At least serial/single-item, but not sure how to distinguish single-item and multipart item by mode of issuance -- both would be single unit
11:19:56 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Or if a library is using the holdings type = serial on the holdings record?
11:20:05 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Or if a library is u..." with 👍
11:20:10 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Or if a library is u..." with 👍
11:20:35 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Does everyone use mode of issuance? We just started using it here and it's not working as expected
11:21:43 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    +1 Sara to creating custom profiles for holdings exports
11:21:45 From  Raegan Wiechert  to  Everyone:
    I have never been able to use the mode of issuance filter at Missouri State.
11:22:46 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "+1 Sara to creating ..." with ➕
11:24:28 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Our MOI doesn’t seem to understand multi vol but I assumed that was a data problem of ours
11:25:11 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Holdings LDR position 07 is undefined, so should only ever have # (fill character)
11:25:24 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    Ann-Marie shared that recent updated list of the MOIs: single unit, integrated resource, serial, or unspecified -- right?
11:25:55 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    It’s customizable
11:26:32 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone:
    The holdings types can be customized in Inventory settings: https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/settings/inventory/holdingsTypes
11:26:38 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    MARC does not yet include a coded value for integrating(ed) resources as they were previously identified as a type of continuing resource (serial)
11:26:51 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    I think some libraries have holdings types available.
11:27:01 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "I think some librari..."
11:27:08 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    At migration they might have been set as something, after that…
11:27:17 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "I think some librari..."
    Yes, the holdings types are customizable.
11:27:19 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    So, even when RDA has added a holidngs type, the export needs to conform to MARC, which could take some institutional mapping.
11:27:31 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    Sadly all our HOL records migrated as Monograph. ;-(
11:27:42 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "Sadly all our HOL re..."
11:27:42 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Those are custom settings.
11:29:16 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone:
    Oh - good point - not required means (I think) that we would need to always have a default/fallback, even if trying to interpret some value from MOI
11:29:57 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Oh - good point - no..." with 👍🏼
11:30:48 From  Felix Hemme (ZBW)  to  Everyone:
    Sounds like there is no way around Sara's idea about creating custom profiles for holdings expo
11:30:59 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    mode of issuance = bib level and values are Monographic component part
    b - Serial component part
    c - Collection
    d - Subunit
11:31:18 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    i - Integrating resource
    m - Monograph/Item
    s - Serial,
11:31:34 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    which don't correspond exactly to holdings type values.
11:31:52 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    I'd prefer to more generic
11:31:58 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Sounds like there is..." with 👍🏼
11:32:08 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    That can be a catch all for a variety of scenarios
11:32:25 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "which don't correspo..."
    That is why we need a UI to map those values to preferred MARC coding
11:33:00 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone:
    I think this is the current default mapping for MARC Holdings-to-Inventory Holdings: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIJET/MARC+Holdings+-+Default+Mapping+profile
11:34:24 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    You can tell from mode of issuance whether you have serial or monograph, but you would have to code in holdings the multiparts as monographs
11:34:52 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Yes, because multipart monograph is still a type of monograph.
11:35:10 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    Advice: default for holdings level = 4
11:35:27 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    And they aren't going to update MaRC at this point :)
11:35:42 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Our brains are melted by the previous conversation
11:36:18 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Our brains are melte..." with 😃
11:37:08 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "Advice: default for ..."
    that would be inaccurate for monographic holdings though
11:37:21 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "that would be inaccu..." with 👍
11:38:34 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    I think you can also delete the default edifact job profiles
11:39:41 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    I would vote for Duplicate only for the Defaults!
11:40:00 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Can we set a different profile as "default" for our institution?
11:40:25 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    it should be consistent, whatever we choose
11:40:50 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "it should be consist..." with 👍🏼
11:43:18 From  Raegan Wiechert  to  Everyone:
    I've tried to change the name of some of ours so they will sort at the bottom, but because they are missing required information, they can't be renamed without filling in all of the missing information.
11:43:23 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Yeah default implies a lot of stuff
11:43:32 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    can you restrict the editing to certain people?
11:45:30 From  Lisa F. (TAMU Cat)  to  Everyone:
    Rename it to 'do not use' {joking]
11:46:59 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    Make inactive?
11:47:09 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    If not able to delete.
11:47:35 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Make inactive?" with ➕
11:50:11 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    how do special characters file?
11:50:20 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    It would be nice to group them together in accordions that can be expanded
11:50:22 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    e.g., *Template would file at beginning or end?
11:51:20 From  Magda Zacharska  to  Everyone:
    I started a drat Jira for defining LDR values as a part of data export mapping profile. I would appreciate if you add the use cases to it: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4173
11:51:39 From  Lynne Fors  to  Everyone:
    Active vs in-active like Z39.50 targets?