2021-01-28 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2021-01-28 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM

Discussion items

thank you Jesse!
Cancelling next week's meeting

Some of us will be attending this instead:

The Competencies & Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group invites you to register for its session during the 2021 Virtual Interest Group Week.

February 4, 2021

10:00 AM CST

Register here: https://ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qcuuuqDooG9RH3PJ-oNdQ4ghRTe0VTKJs

The Competencies & Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group’s session for CORE Interest Group Week features the Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee, who will present on and take questions about the final version of the Cataloguing Code of Ethics document, completed in January 2021. 

The session will be presented online Thursday, February 4 at 10am CST. The final version of the Cataloguing Code of Ethics is located on the Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee website: https://sites.google.com/view/cataloging-ethics/home

This is a free event. To receive the Zoom link/event password to access the virtual meeting, please register using the link above.

PC update


'nothing shocking' presented, take a look at the minutes. (smile) 

General FOLIO announcement

This went out via e-mail and Slack. Posting it here also:

In preparation for the FOLIO Community Council election we need to identify which organizations will be members, which will determine which individuals are eligible to be elected to this council. There will be 15 seats on the Community Council. Only individuals who are employees of member organizations may be elected to the council. We are seeking a diverse membership and no more than one person from any organization can be elected.

As you know FOLIO has many needs, both financial and human resources in order to operate. There are hard costs for a project of this scale: collaboration tools, cloud infrastructure, other commercial licenses - these are required in order to enable a global team to create and deploy a world-class LSP. We also need people. Member organizations will be relied upon to provide the resources that make FOLIO viable and sustainable. The hard costs are (FY21) estimated to be roughly $135,000 per year. The project has a core team of 10-20 contributed individuals, who are creating and maintaining the FOLIO platform, independent from teams building new features. This brings the overall need to over $1,200,000. These are the resources that the membership program is intended to provide.

These needs require commitment from member organizations. We are asking you to declare your intention to commit resources, considering the membership levels referenced below in the Governance Model. Any organization that has declared their intent by February 5 should be eligible to nominate candidates to the initial Community Council election.

Here is a link to the new Governance Model: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/FOLIO+Governance+Model

In the event that your organization is interested and able to commit resources to FOLIO, you can find a template MoU that we would use to formally document the commitment here: https://wiki.folio.org/download/attachments/54887366/FOLIO%20MOU%20Template.pdf?api=v2

Please let me or any member of the Task Force know if we can answer any questions for you.

Thanks for considering!

Thank you,

Jesse, on behalf of the Task ForceFOLIO Community Governance Task Force:

Mike Gorrell, chair
Scott Anderson
Harry Kaplanian
Kirstin Kemner-Heek
Jesse Koennecke

Effective location when no item exists(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

See UXPROD-2321

Effective location does not exist if no item exists – creates problems with OAI-PMH

MM volunteers needed

Other updates, announcements

Thanks to Jacquie Samples, our google doc for tracking and suggesting future meeting topics has been merged into the MM SIG Parking Lot. Please continue to add to this and/or reach out to Laura E Daniels with topics for discussion at future meetings.


PPT deck 


  • SRS Query API
    • UXPROD-2791 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • we would need editing MARC holdings functionality at go-live
    • Lack of robust editing will be a holdup for a few places
    • authorities are important and are used as a reference, useful for the user
    • Holdings will be required to tell people what a institution has
    • Question from chat (How can the discussion around linking MARC authorities to bibs be done in the context of the vision of the entity management WG? Who are the stakeholders for that discussion?)
    • Question from chat (Im a newbie. If anyone has time what is the need for MARC holdings if you can edit in FOLIO holdings? )
    • Jason K (inventory holdings can do what is necessary for holdings, if MARC holdings are not developed for editing, etc)
    • Advocacy for Entity Management APP for authorities, etc
    • Duke comments that there is some loss to Inventory holdings since all data does not migrate to MARC holdings with current mapping. MFHD to FOLIO holdings is lossy due to format differences. So, exporting MFHD from FOLIO holdings is not possible without significant edits.
    • From chat (Yes, we should maybe try to avoid doing throw away work. First developing an Authority Control app, which later would be deprecated when we develop the Entity app.)
    • from chat (Maybe the MARC authority work could be the first stab at the work on the Entity app )
    • How would you push inventory holdings data to MARC?
    • Question from chat (Do we lose any momentum or progress if we pivot to MARC holdings)
    • Question from Chat (Thanks Charlotte, I think that making MARC authority work a first use-case for the Entity app is a sound plan. )
    • This conversation is still underway as these priorities and concerns are shared and organize
    • Want to work in a sustainable way with an eye towards the eventual development of the Entity Management App (without needing to refactor everything)
    • QuickMARC subgroup? (y or n)
      • Do need to re-engage with QuickMARC SME
      • Question of whether the QuickMARC group should be under MM SIG, which it is not currently.
      • MARC-in-FOLIO group?
        • gathered requirements (but is currently archived)
        • Will let Laura know if that group should come back or if we need a new group?
    • Option to duplicate MARC record in QuickMARC
      • some stuff will not carry over
      • saves as a new MARC bib
      • Authorities search results
      • opens in that pane, replacing the search with the result, as opposed to opening in a third pane like much of FOLIO does
      • Charlotte suggests using the standard UX
      • But the idea is that it would display as the MARC displays 
      • there might b more comments coming later from marc-in-folio group (or whatever that new group may be)
      • from chat (We've gotten feedback recently that the full pane view of cataloging type records are better for staff with visual impairments)

Elastic Search

Presentation link

  • ElasticSearch will be a parallel to inventory search (october 2020 meeting)
  • searches SRS
  • MARC search was moved to UXPROD-2791 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • much in progress (see presentation link above)
  • A new Search API app will be developed
    • time constraints and legacy code restraints (leaving only 2 or 3 weeks for this development and to review requirements)
    • Intentory App was one of the first apps delivered 
    • Question from chat (Can I clarify? There will be elastic search, inventory search and Marc api for searching Marc? )
      • from chat (yes, the elastic search UI is not for marc. The marc search will be only an api.)
    • cloned an existing app and have some flexibility and are not causing any breaks with existing inventory functionality
    • from chat (Is there a place to get more information on what the marc search API will do? )
    • from chat (And how the marc search API is different from elastic search? )
    • question from chat (we are going to have an internal demo of the marc search api next week. maybe we can give an update on marc search in the second half of february? )
    • MARC API is only on the back-end, no UI for this part
    • This work is about machine searching, not for the UI search
    • in IRIS, there will be no UI search for MARC
    • Question from chat (If there is no UI, then how are we supposed to use it? )
    • option will be coming for Boolean searching
    • replace existing filtering with facets
    • look to the presentation link above to track the next step plans and criteria to judge success or failure?
    • What about judging precision of searching? 
    • from chat (Are you considering the implications with the ES license change from Apache to SSPL? )
    • from chat (Can we use the Jiras for search enhancements in Inventory to begin? These issues have been postponed until elastic search is available, but are still search requirements for inventory. )
    • UXPROD-2712 referenced  UXPROD-2712 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    • from chat (Will elastic search have the same export features as the other Inventory search? )
      • hoping so
      • Question from chat (When folks refer to export, do they mean integration with the data export app? )
      • from chat (I was think if we could download the UUIDs like what is possible in existing inventory, then we could use that file of UUIDs in data export )
    • CQL is parsing in the background
    • want to separate proof-of-concept from existing functionality
    • Question about training staff in inventory search and inventory elastic search (ES)
      •  though, this is a separate app and may not be installed, also tethered to permissions (who even sees it)
    • Will want some feedback on the ES 
Documentation/Training resources planningLaura E Danielsbrief update on SIG conveners' meeting, plans (if time allows)




Aaron TrehubAuburn

Ann-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst

Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Christie ThomasChicago
     Christin Seegerthbz

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesStacks

Dennis ChristmanDuke University
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme


Filip Jakobsen
xJacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason KovariCornell

Jenn ColtCornell

Jennifer EustisUMass Amherst
xJessica JaneckiDuke University

Joshua BartonMichigan State

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura DanielsCornell

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M

Lisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lynn Whittenberger

Magda ZacharskaEBSCO
xMartina Schildt


Molly DriscollEBSCO

Nancy Lorimer


Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty WanningerEBSCO

Rita Albrechthebis-Verbundzentrale

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Tiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy


Wayne Schneider

Index Data

    xJesse LambertsonUniversity of Chicago

Raegan Wiechert

Missouri States University

XPatricia RatkovichUniversity of Alabama
XKhalilah GambrellEBSCO

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