2021-04-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes
please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!
Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7G8S7WF6N20YUM4My1oRTIxSHM
Discussion items
PC update | Reminder that feature prioritization process is due April 30 Dashboard development from ERM team.
Issue Resolution - Time to resolve? Prioritization. Will be discussing further. Juniper Release Schedule - 1 month for development. Considered a foundation release to stabilize features. Wolfcon - FOLIO's conference planning
Please claim some Data Import test cases! | |
Other updates, announcements | MM Documentation Needs page (reminder) Information and User Guides – if you haven't looked at this lately, check it out, especially the "tips for community members" Mike Gorrell will be joining us next week to talk about the Single Record Import | |
Bulk Edit Use Cases | Laura E Daniels | Reminder to Review Use Cases Kelly Drake is the PO for Bulk Edit and is looking at this page. Please check - Laura made updates, please review to confirm it is accurate. |
"Pointing" for Kiwi | Pointing Features for Kiwi Release Features to review: MM Copy of Feature Pointing Worksheet (created by Charlotte - copy of Holly's complete spreadsheet and turned it into an MM copy) Scaled down copy of feature pointing worksheet (created by Laura - copied Holly's - removed basic elements, tried to keep ones related to MM) Also note the "Inventory Only" tab on this sheet Christie: At Chicago - Inventory, Data Import, quickMARC and associated apps are where they are focusing. These apps are comparatively underdeveloped. Are there strategic ways we need to think about this. +1 from Lehigh, Duke, 5C via chat to Christie's comment. Despite Charlotte's continuing efforts, these are behind. Can this be ratified by this point process? Jason: Noted the interaction of Inventory with many other apps. It may be more productive to talk about specific points within Inventory Jacquie: Agreed. Most of Duke's issues are MM related. "Baseline" functionality is not there. We must have the tools we have right now: import data, export, update - Jessica (via chat): "Collision detection/prevention is the thing I care about the most. Otherwise we are accidentally wiping out changes, creating new errors, etc." Ann-Marie (via chat) - "We do have another dev team for Data Import/quickMARC starting now - Khalilah's Spitfire devs. I totally agree with everything that Christie said. A couple key parts that are even more under-developed are hooking up with acquisitions - we don't have importing of MARC data for orders and invoices yet, and that seems like really basic functionality that we still need to get the overall scope of Data Import's data taken care of, and then we keep refining on the rest - logs, error handling, field protection, etc." Also voiced the difficulties with MARCcat situation. Last 3 releases of data import testing have seen large architectural changes behind the scenes, which has taken development time. Ann-Marie also noted the Order Import deficit (unless using Michelle Suranofsky's from Lehigh U's Order Import tool) Christie (via chat): "Right. And then we all have different local capabilities to address these needs. So how do we weigh what we can achieve locally right now for implementation vs what the product needs to be able to do to mature. (Thinking of global edits, for example.)" Jacquie: Frustrating to have to vote for Industry Standard features and having to convince Capacity Planning. How can we move forward so we can implement? Charlotte: A few years ago we set up the MVP ("minimal viable project") to be ready by summer 2021. That MVP got slimmer as we ran out of time and resources. Acknowledged that FOLIO does not meet industry standards yet. Feels we have an opportunity with new Community Council and new Roadmap group to have a new plan so we do have a fully functional product. Search issues are being solved efficiently perhaps by Elasticsearch. There are some things to be optimistic about. Ann-Marie (via chat): "Optimistic locking (collision detection) is another great example, Jessica. I think we're in agreement that it should be developed across many FOLIO apps and record types, but at the moment, most of the POs for the affected apps are waiting to see the proof of concept (for Inventory I think) before we outline the required work for our apps" Christie: Chicago's identified features for points. Ability to transfer holdings and items when they are associated with other records. Their workaround is to not do it. This is very important to Chicago. From Charlotte (via chat) - "Here a document capture the follow up work on Transfer of holdings and item" Ann-Marie: Important to note that right now the PO Line is connected to the appropriate Instance and Item, but not the Holdings record. Without link to the appropriate holding this is not possible. The HOLDINGS needs to understand the PO relationship. This is a critical piece of infrastructure. From Charlotte: See UX-PROD 1647. This is an umbrella UX-PROD - this is a theme, that needs to turn into at least 4 or 5 individual features for different apps and different product owners. Unfortunately this was closed by accident at one point. Charlotte revitalized it and identified it as an umbrella. Is there a way to use point for this "umbrella" type. Charlotte - Possible use this: UX-PROD 2373? (Needs to be a feature to get points) Ann-Marie - Optimistic locking is another example of an umbrella type Jira that does not have features. Crosses POs and development teams. Charlotte: Maybe MM SIG can arrange some working meetings that include other POs and app interaction SIG, to define what themes do we see across 2,000-3,000 features. Jacquie (via chat): "Who is responsible for identifying umbrellas and developing those POCs? Ann-Marie? Charlotte?" Laura: We cannot change the current pointing exercise. Umbrella vs. Epic:
Jessica: "Should we throw out points to "Elasticsearch" or towards individual Inventory Search issues. "Elastic search seems to work better than regular inventory search for the things I have played with." Charlotte: Hopes proof of concept for Elasticsearch. Hoping the Inventory Search tickets will move to the Elasticsearch realm for quicker resolution. Magda is working on this. Jackie Gottlieb (via chat): "I get that 1647 is an umbrella but it was changed to that after everyone ranked it. And since we ranked it R1, we identified it to be included in the voting and then realized it was not on the pointing sheet. So, what do we do? If it doesn't get voted on, then what is the next step for progressing on 1647?" Jacquie: (via chat) "Thanks so much for that, Charlotte. I think our local team decided to "vote for" ES rather than the individual features, as you suggested." Charlotte (via chat): "Umbrella — does not change the libraries ranking." Charlotte will ask Holly to add it back to the sheet for pointing. Ann-Marie - Maybe POs should create a feature that relates to UX-1647. See also FOLIO-1273 - te |