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More routine (monthly?) scheduled PO updates for MM?
We do get updates, but are hoping for something more routine for these
How might we get SMEs and POs into getting scheduled updates (just at least to officially touch base)
even if nothing is new
deemed a good idea (CW)
there may be some update issues from information sharing about which version of the platform (due to release differences) [honeysuckle, iris, juniper, etc]
even if repetitive, good to keep the ideas continually shared in the pipeline publicly shared
from chat, AM (Sounds fine to me. And I think it's good to have end of dev cycle/beginning of dev cycle updates, e,g, what is available in Iris and what is planned for Juniper )
ON the flip side, one might need to push from OCLC to FOLIO (using OCLC export gateway, or whatever), instead of pulling the whole record from FOLIO)
Created Edge connection, that listens to OCLC to see if anything is new or updated, that needs to get into FOLIO
OCLC Worldcat as a Z39.50 target, but this allowed the creation of multiple Z39.50 targets
from chat, AM (edge-connexion is similar to edge-orders, which listens for new orders that may be transmitted from a vendor to FOLIO )
single permission controls single FOLIO pull
from chat (I want to be able to edit those profiles. )
data import is the support for this work, not the owner
updates if there is SRS, or creates SRS if not, and updates Instance
This will come out of the box with one profile
from chat, CW (You can duplicate the profile. That will then be editable, Lloyd )
In data-import, one can build as many profiles as an institution may wnt
this is about controlling scope
the UI needed to be able to support the import
Anything else wanted was deemed too large at this point, due to scoping
from chat (Editing the default profile is more important to me that selecting different ones. ) - also important to UChicago
from chat (We really need PUSH to overlay, so I had hoped that if we could edit the profile, or create a new profile just for OCLC PUSH would allow us to have matching logic where if there was a match it would overlay and if no match it would create a new record. ) - also important to UChicago
push just got added in the last few weeks or so
CT: asking about the future of this development and local needs
FROM CHAT (Agreed—we are having trouble conveying the importance of this functionality because there is nothing we can rank or now repoint )
from chat (Exactly CHristie, lacking that functionality you really need PUSH to overlay. )
demo of overlay functionality when needing to bring in a new record, but the overlay did not work
from chat (Is this a disconnect between inventory and SRS? )
What about a bug fix for this issue, having troubles replicating
from chat (If it is a bug, I think this is "hotfix-worthy" - just need to figure out which dev team needs to work on it. Sounds like Mike has it covered )
from chat (Would the Overlay work if you had a record with Instance status FOLIO and then you overlay with the OCLC record? / / That use case we have tested and verified in FOLIO Bugfest environment )
from chat. AM (Yes - there's 2 branches to the overlay. If Instance source = FOLIO, the overlay will create an SRS, change the instance source to MARC, and create an SRS record (not exactly in that order) )
from chat. AM (If Instance source = MARC, the overlay will update the SRS MARC, and update the Instance, with no change to the Source field )
export demo from OCLC connexion
Question about unicode in export, because of messy language displays
Related JIRA:
Getting issue details...STATUS
elasticSearch works in parallel with current search funcationality
from chat (What does "on the back end" mean for searching? / / I believe it means the functionality exists but there is no UI for it (someone correct me if I'm wrong) )
there were 8 participants in testing
searches in latin characters worked, but special characters caused an issue
added 'exact match'
from chat (New feature: UXPROD-3046 Inventory. Swap from search tool PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch )
from chat (Would it be relevant with a workshop (hands on session) testing/trying search of the back end functionality using Postman )
next steps?
from chat (I would expect "water in Africa" to search for that phrase, including the word "in")
from chat (Laura, just to clarify, did you say that you cannot do an exact match for a contributor in the query search? // Or was it in the defined contributor search? ) Answer:
@christie, cannot do an exact match for contributor in query search
Testing feedback?
basically positive
move in the right direction (lots of +1s from the chat)