Inventory Elastic Search (Lotus): Timebox for Priority Inventory Search and Filter Enhancements
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hideTestRail: Results
Holly Mistlebauer January 25, 2021 at 3:05 PM
Timeline from Capacity Planning meeting on 25 January...
1. We are currently working on a proof-of-concept (we did see some results in latest sprint demo).
2. The proof-of-concept will wind down in February.
3. At that point we will look at what worked well, what didn't, etc.
4. Then we will need to figure out how to implement this in inventory, and actually implement it.
5. After that we can start adding search features—this will most likely be sometime in April (subject to change).
6. We will have a basic package of ElasticSearch that can be used in other apps--doesn't need to be used for all searching, but would be nice to standardize.
In summary, this feature will be ready to be worked on in April at the earliest...
Holly Mistlebauer January 21, 2021 at 8:55 PMEdited
MODINVSTOR-627 is the only 'showstopper' for R1 2021. That user story has been removed as defining this feature.
Holly Mistlebauer January 15, 2021 at 6:01 PMEdited
: Will there be any user stories added to R1 2021 for this feature? If so, please Slack me and let me know which ones are 'showstoppers' and in what order. Thanks...
Holly Mistlebauer December 18, 2020 at 3:46 PM
: Good news about Chicago! We just need to know which stories are 'showstoppers' for 5 Colleges and Michigan State, then the Capacity Planning Team will take a look and see if we can fit them in. Thanks...

Dennis Bridges December 17, 2020 at 4:18 PM
I was just working on a dashboard with Holly and this label provided a means of filtering for issues that are of high importance to the R1 implementers without needing to use the at-risk label.
Charlotte WhittCharlotte WhittPO Rank
140Analysis Estimator
Charlotte WhittCharlotte WhittFront End Estimate
Medium < 5 daysBack End Estimate
Medium < 5 daysRank: FLO (MVP Sum 2020)
R1Rank: 5Colleges (Full Jul 2021)
R1Rank: Cornell (Full Sum 2021)
R1Rank: Chalmers (Impl Aut 2019)
R2Rank: GBV (MVP Sum 2020)
R1Rank: hbz (TBD)
R1Rank: Hungary (MVP End 2020)
R1Rank: Grand Valley (Full Sum 2021)
R1Rank: TAMU (MVP Jan 2021)
R1Rank: Chicago (MVP Sum 2020)
R1Rank: MO State (MVP June 2020)
R1Rank: U of AL (MVP Oct 2020)
R1Rank: Leipzig (Full TBD)
R1Rank: Lehigh (MVP Summer 2020)
R1TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs

PO Rank
Analysis Estimator

CW: Work continued from UXPROD-140, UXPROD-2180 and UXPROD-2443.
UXPROD-2712 was planed work for R1 2021 (Iris), but enhancements to inventory search, filter and results are set on hold as we will be beginning Elastic search development.
Please note: the libraries ranking is transferred to this feature, while no need to do a new round of ranking
Ability to search any element in instance metadata record, holding and item records. Need to search by record keys and standard identifiers.
Notes and comments:
2019-10-09 CW:
Slide deck on Inventory Search and sort requirements - RA-SIG 10/07/19 and MM SIG 10/10/19 -
Overview diagram:
Umbrella stories:
Planned work on filters:
UIIN-759 (Instance)
UIIN-760 (Holdings)
UIIN-761 (Item)
Planned work on search options:
UIIN-850 (Instance)
UIIN-851 (Holdings)
UIIN-852 (Item)