Filter instance records by Statistical code

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CSP Approved



Purpose: Statistical code is an element in all three record types in Inventory. This story is about the Statistical code in the Instance record. Statistical codes are concatenated data: Statistical code type: Statistical code - Statistical code names.

The filter for Statistical code is one of the collapsed filters in the Filter & Search pane in the Instance segment. The implementation here is quite similar to what has been implemented in the Orders app, segment for Order lines.


  1. Scenario

    • Login to FOLIO Snapshot, go to Inventory

    • When the Instance segment is selected

    • Then filter for Statistical code is listed in the order according to (after: Date updated, and before Instance status). The Statistical code filter is displayed collapsed by default

  2. Scenario

    • When click on the little caret the filter will be unfold

    • Then Statistical code filter displays a search box

  3. Scenario

    • Reference values for Statistical code is defined in Settings > Inventory > Instance, holdings, item > Statistical codes

  4. Scenario

    • When start enter search term for a Statistical code by having the cursor in the search box

    • Then a drop down menu with the first six values from the drop down menu in the edit view is displayed:

  5. Scenario

    • When search on Statistical codes which holds the word music following is to be displayed:
      ||Statistical code types||Statistical codes||Statistical code names||
      |ARL (Collection stats)|emusic|Music scores, electronic|
      |ARL (Collection stats) |music|Music scores, print (music)|
      |ARL (Collection stats) |rmusic|Music sound recordings|
      |ARL (Collection stats) |rnonmusic|Non-music sound recordings (rnonmusic)|
      The way to concatenate the values are to be similar with the way the drop down menu in the edit form displays. See screen dump in 4 Scenario

  6. Scenario

    • The search is performed as type ahead. So when start enter, e.g.:

    • "re" following options is displayed:

      • ARL (Collection stats): emusic - Music scores, electronic

      • ARL (Collection stats): music - Music scores, print (music)

      • ARL (Collection stats): rmusic - Music sound recordings

      • ARL (Collection stats): rnonmusic - Non-music sound recordings (rnonmusic)

      • RECM (Record management): arch - Archives (arch)

      • RECM (Record management): its -Information Technology Services (its)

      • RECM (Record management): mss - Manuscripts (mss)

      • RECM (Record management): polsky - Polsky TECHB@R (polsky)

      • RECM (Record management): XOCLC - Do not share with OCLC
        the list is actually longer, but the example here illustrate how to have the Statistical codes listed in alphabetic order

  7. Scenario

    • The search is performed as keyword. So when entered:

    • "music" following options is displayed

      • ARL (Collection stats): emusic - Music scores, electronic

      • ARL (Collection stats): music - Music scores, print (music)

      • ARL (Collection stats): rmusic - Music sound recordings

      • ARL (Collection stats): rnonmusic - Non-music sound recordings (rnonmusic)|

  8. Scenario

    • When selecting "emusic" in the drop down menu

    • Then the search result is narrowed down to only return instance records, where the Statistical code is "emusic"



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Charlotte Whitt February 16, 2022 at 11:12 AM

Manual test in FOLIO Snapshot, version @folio/inventory 9.0.100000831, using Chrome.

Looks all good. Thank you so much . I'll close the ticket.

Michal Kuklis February 14, 2022 at 2:08 PM

 this is still in code review. It should be merged today and available in snapshot tomorrow.

Charlotte Whitt February 14, 2022 at 12:06 PM

Manual test in FOLIO Snapshot, version @folio/inventory 9.0.100000809 and Search Module (mod-search-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.202), using Chrome.

Hi - I tested filtering on Statistical codes in Inventory in the Instance segment:
And here I get results also from the holdings record:


Friday we thought it had something to do with delayed update of mod-search, or the FOLIO Snapshot environment being broken.

This work is In code review, so maybe I'm testing it a bit too early?

Charlotte Whitt February 10, 2022 at 5:17 PM

Hi - I have unblocked the ticket based on:

's comment:
Facets have been implemented in , so you can retrieve facets separately for instance, items and holding-records using the following names:


Facet name







Magda Zacharska February 2, 2022 at 5:26 PM

- added for separating the facets by each record type.





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TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs

Created October 10, 2019 at 8:41 AM
Updated August 16, 2024 at 3:25 PM
Resolved February 16, 2022 at 11:13 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs