2020-01-30 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2020-01-30 Metadata Management Meeting notes


please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!

Discussion items

Product Council Update

"Round 2" (Summer 2020) Implementers was discussed. They met to prioritize a list of features that are needed - i.e. ability to edit MARC records, record export etc. Summer 2020 implementers are further identifying critical needs for "go-live"

Tech Council reported on their planning around the architectural blueprint, ongoing tech discussion, clarifying multi-tenancy and its definition. 

SIG conveners succession planning. There have not been parameters around terms of service.  Possibly SIG convener calls can be used to discuss a process or plan for succession.

WOLFCON 2021 will be in Hamburg, Germany in March of 2021. Please fill out a survey about WOLFCON 2020 that will be sent around.

WolfCon debrief

Some recordings are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SLwacRdQv9MpMXVkdBfZjoprdY0AxoZb

Reporting sessions recordings: http://bit.ly/wolfcon2020reporting

A group of SIG Conveners met at WOLFCON. They spoke about having consistency about the role of the convener, communication, succession planning. Please share thoughts with Laura. If anyone who was not able to make the conference would like notes for any of the sessions, please let Laura know.


  • Many conversations were started that need to continue. 
  • Role of Inventory, how Inventory reacts with other areas
  • App Interaction Group: Codex Search for pre-order searching needs.
  • Short, but productive session with the Reporting SIG.
  • Metadata management "View Source" -  Example: Chalmers would like to link from Inventory back to their Ex Libris catalog in which they work. Deletions add a layer of complication in this scenario. External sources of information and links from Inventory to that source.
  • Required vs. optional : What is architecturally required, what is required for other reasons? Tech Council discussion? Some business logic is built into the UI and not the API, making some API communication risky for data corruption. More documentation is needed in these areas. 
    • Complications beyond UI exist. 
    • Example: Global Updates is not available in FOLIO. Chicago wanted to make a Global Updates app via API, but could not because of restrictions. Changing Loaned to Available business logic is built in UI, but not in API. This makes Chicago nervous that the API will be too allowing and too open to corruption. How do we enable APIs responsibly? 
    • Some of these are easier to fix then others, depends on feature.
Reports: Data IntegrityLaura E Daniels

REP-100 - Getting issue details... STATUS need to provide example queries to Reporting SIG (QA for data without underlying source records)

Come up with and describe several concrete examples


Instance status = cataloged AND item status = in process

Instance, Holdings, Item are not suppressed AND item barcode = blank

The Reporting SIG has been recording clusters of needed reports in JIRA. They are asking us for example queries. 

  • Need reports for data integrity and consistency. Example: Looking for Instance where status says, "cataloged" but item status is "In Process"
  • They would like somebody to help write a prototype of reports.
  • Some of these can be done using CQL in the Inventory UI. If CQL results are good enough, maybe our CQL searches could be added in the Tips and Tricks page
  • CQL does not accommodate some reporting needs - data points needed in a results report.
  • Metadata export group is building functionality to save CQL queries. Also, direct export from Inventory is being planned.
  • If reports are needed across app, then CQL Inventory query will not be enough, but at times it will. 
  • Performance issues need to be considered when querying the live data. A variety of places from which to report is optimal, because needs vary.
  • Consider CQL Inventory searches when looking at reporting needs for MVP. 
  • Working group for metadata management reports. Please let Laura know if you are interested. Laura will look for times to meet. Let Laura know before next week's meeting, February 5, end of day.
  • Working with reports is an opportunity to work with the LDP and give important feedback, challenges assumptions that were made when building the LDP. Part of the results will inform what is included in the LDP.
  • Example of a prototype: MM-Collection Analysis Report Prototype - Which elements will be the parameters and what elements wanted for return? Good opportunity to familiarize yourself with API documentation as well as FOLIO structure. Process of creating a prototype is collaborative. 

Reports in General

Each report needs a prototype written & reviewed, then needs a query written (SQL)

Volunteers for writing prototypes?

Unfinished business?

Alternate Graphical Representations - Close to completion. Will work to finish in January

Developer MappingMagda Zacharska

MDEXP-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Why are we using 264 field instead of 260 field? 260 is no longer valid. Choice was made to use 264 for most current standard. Export should be flexible. Magda wondered if we should use the list of required elements listed on MARC standards. 

What are the use cases for export? Do they need to be valid MARC? Requirement to export Inventory Instance record to MARC format. MARC records will be created on the fly from Inventory. Use cases to submit to OCLC from export? Group didn't think OCLC would be a true use case.

Feature ranking/new features?

Future meeting topics

REP-100 - Getting issue details... STATUS need to provide example queries to Reporting SIG (QA for data without underlying source records)

REP-234 - Getting issue details... STATUS (overlap analysis) need to collaborate with RM – Chalmers is interested as well (incorporates Inventory & e-Holdings plus ???) see also REP-92 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Statistical codes: type = "Action" – create list of recommended values

Refine the result list - work planned for development Q3 2020

UXPROD-1634 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and slide deck about hierarchical display of result list

Relinking (transferring) items

Filip Jakobsen suggests to use Message banner (a new component) to display if an instance record is marked as: Suppressed from discovery, Staff suppress, or Previous held, or holdings/item is marked Suppressed for discovery. This use is intended as a MVP solution: https://ux.folio.org/docs/guidelines/components/message-banner/ Post-MVP we aim for ux consitency with MARCcat.

STCOM-592 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Source of truth (SRS). Review the FOLIO metadata flow based on test of the newly implementation of edit freeze of records in Inventory when having only SRS and Inventory installed.

Inventory, MARCcat, Data Import Permissions interaction review

Search enhancements - possible also look at more general requirements for defining search, e.g. when to use: Phrase search, Truncating (left and/or right), Stemming, Nested search, Boolean search, etc. (TC and MM task)

Discovery – need to clarify sources of data for discovery vs. data needed for operations; this needs to be documented for the entire FOLIO community and direction should come from Product Council

Item statuses and the apps that affect them

Music / Maps / Media cataloging review of data elements in Inventory

UIIN-864 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Texas A&M may have a music cataloger that can help.

Christie offered to load cartographic and music data from other libraries into their test FOLIO instance.

Jennifer (via chat): We should also look at video as well. Videos have other standard numbers EAN for instance and fields that people like to search and discovery them by






Aaron TrehubAuburn
      Alice Krim

Ann-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst


Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Christie ThomasChicago

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi

Dennis BridgesStacks

Dennis ChristmanDuke University
     Douglas ChorpitaGoethe Uni Frankfurt

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme


Filip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason KovariCornell

Jenn ColtCornell
xJennifer EustisUMass Amherst

Jessica JaneckiDuke University

Kristen WilsonIndex Data
xLaura WrightCornell

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa SjögrenChalmers

Lynn Whittenberger

Magda ZacharskaEBSCO

Martina Schildt


      xChristin Seegerthbz

Mary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama

Nancy Lorimer


Natascha OwensChicago

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty WanningerEBSCO

Rita AlbrechtHeBIS-Verbundzentrale

Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Tiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy


Wayne Schneider

Index Data

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