2018-10-25 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-10-25 Metadata Management Meeting Notes



  • please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Discussion items

Product Council UpdateFormer user (Deleted)
  • New listservs for Product Owners and SIG Conveners being created
  • Camunda Proof of Concept (Workflow engine) update: looks like it is off to a good start
  • Discussion of sourcing additional DevOps capacity to alleviate development constraints
  • RM SIG spinning up an Acquisitions Small Group for intensive, focused engagement
  • Tentative date in early May for WOLFCon 2019
Subgroup updates

ReShare project

Presentation of the ReShare project.

A Community-owned technology infrastructure to support resource sharing. An app-based solution building upon the FOLIO core platform

Sneak preview here:


Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GNt0NJClgPurVA5B3kel7jxTnsyPDXfXAlA5JPOz9SU/edit#slide=id.p

  • ReShare is a conversation, but has not been officially announced, but may be soon (Project ReShare Launches: Community-owned Library Resource Sharing Platform Attracts Significant Contributions - Announced: 11/5/2018: http://www.palci.org/projectreshare)
  • "Applying open source as a methodology for collaboration across organizations...."
  • Facilitate sharing across consortia
  • Release ("Inevitable Narwhal")
  • Hope to have 1st version available by Fall 2019
  • 5 core resource sharing apps:
    • Library - Set up your own profile in a resource sharing contact, circ rules, etc.
    • Holdings - Upload information from institution's catalog. If FOLIO, this could be aligned with the Inventory app.
    • Requesting
    • Supplying - App to look at incoming requests.
    • Shipping
  • How does resource sharing fold into FOLIO? This app starts to address that.
  • This would be hosted by consortium. It could be used by any ILS, but more deeply integration possibilities would be available for FOLIO libraries.
  • Shared index - Function is to support discovery and identification of a loan-able copy. Should FOLIO develop a consortia inventory app? What it would it have to do that local library inventory doesn't do.
  • What role might inventory play? How could this stay in sync? What does a community inventory have to do that a local inventory doesn't have to do? OAI-PMH is in development to help with this? Shared catalog dynamically in sync. De-duplication is a concern.
  • Synchronization with local discovery tools.
  • ReShare is about creating technology to support resource sharing. How can we manage metadata across organizations?
  • Interest in shared catalog is present. This is a common need.


  • Bibframe? IFLA LRM - https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11412 - Jacquie recommended this model for identifying a work.  IFLA LRM supersedes FRBR and related models
  • Getting from MARC to FRBR is difficult. MARC to BIBFRAME is more mechanical.




      Alice Krim
xAnn-Marie Breaux
xAnn KardosUMass Amherst
xCharlotte WhittIndex Data

Christie Thomas

Damian Biagi

Dennis ChristmanDuke University

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Filip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason Kovari

Jessica JaneckiDuke University
xLaura Wright
xLisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa Sjögren
xLynn Whittenberger

Mary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama
xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty Wanninger
xSarah SchmidtDuke University

Tiziana Possemato

Jenn Colt
xSarah Ross
xMartina Schildt


Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

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